Sunday, January 28, 2018

26 jan 18 jumat…………..

Kampus………….. Batu beli apel………….. Kampus………….. Dijemput travel………….. Otw smg………….. Allhuakbar…………..

25 jan 18 kamis…………..

Kampus………….. Karaoke w yudit arin arwan andi natas………….. Kampus ambil motor………….. Allhuakbar…………..

24 jan 18 rabu…………..

Kamis………….. Karaoke w andi arwan natas………….. Kampus ambil motor………….. Allahuakbar…………..

23 jan 18 selasa…………..

Kampus ………….. Allahuakbar…………..

22 jan 18 senen…………..

Kampus………….. Nganter andi k atm………….. Mlm k balai bahasa meet leli………….. Depans………….. Apotek………….. Depans………….. Allahuakbar…………..

21 jan 18 minggu…………..

Pujon………….. Senam………….. Seminar………….. Oleh2………….. Um………….. Gojek………….. Allahuakbar…………..

20 jan 18 sabtu ……………….

Kampus………….. Otw batu………….. Grand pujon view………….. Excursion………….. Indoor………….. Gunung banyak………….. Indoor………….. Alun2 batu………….. Allahuakbar…………..

Friday, January 26, 2018


Amazed………………… Shocked………………… I don’t believe it………………… Thx u lord………………… Thx u mom………………… I believe all of this happen because of your pray………………… Although I am bad all this time to you………………… Sorry I cant be good in front of you yet………………… But god knows………………… There is always your name in every pray I send to him ………………… Thx u al so for my friends………………… And for my bosses………………… And all people in high places of my institution………………… Because all of this will not happen without you guys………………… Everyone of you has a part in this thing………………… Thx u so much………………… From the deepest of my heart …………………

Very sad…………………

Got dumped………………… Confused………………… What did I do wrong………………… Did he blame me for being sick………………… Or maybe this is karma………………… Because I dumped the one there………………… I got dumped here ………………… What comes up must go down………………… But…………………… Still………………… It hurts a lot like hell …………………

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Please come……………………

My soulmate…………………… Come here…………………… I wait for you…………………… To the wind…………………… I say hello…………………… To the night…………………… I whisper my want…………………… To the silence…………………… I say my hope…………………… To You…………………… I send my pray…………………… I will never stop…………………… Until you give me…………………… I will never be tired…………………… Until you meet me ……………………

Monday, January 22, 2018

The mall is packed……………..

Very annoying…………….. Want to shop…………….. Many needs…………….. The solution…………….. Shop tomorrow…………….. There will be times…………….. Hope tomorrow is the time…………….. I am afraid…………….. It is different now…………….. It feels different now…………….. Something is wrong…………….. Like it getting away…………….. I don’t like it…………….. I want it back…………….. Like it used to be…………….. Like before…………….. Full of happiness…………….. Full of love…………….. Hope god bless it ……………..

They left me behind……………..

Very sad…………….. No words…………….. The solution…………….. Go there by myself…………….. With the new one…………….. Hope got bless us…………….. Wish the ne one will be on my side always…………….. As long as I am in malang…………….. Before the new one I got very stressed…………….. I have no one…………….. I cant depend on my classmates…………….. Now I have that figure…………….. I am happy…………….. I am not alone anymore…………….. Hope the figure take me to places…………….. Hope god bless us ……………..

Bad experience……………..

The examiner is awful…………….. Ruining my speaking…………….. It gets really terrible…………….. Really annoyed…………….. Cursing in my head…………….. My blood pressure got higher…………….. The solution…………….. Let it go…………….. There will be another chance…………….. Or maybe there is a miracle…………….. That there will be a good result…………….. Really awesome…………….. Who knows ……………..

Friday, January 19, 2018

19 jan 18 jumat……………….

Wrg………………. Kampus………………. Weg………………. Jumatan………………. Kampus………………. Allahuakbar……………….

18 jan 18 kamis……………….

Kampus………………. Allahuakbar……………….

17 jan 18 rabu……………….

Kampus………………. W andi pasar oroorodowo………………. Matos………………. Bakso………………. Took training………………. Took helm………………. Ngantar andi………………. Allahuakbar……………….

16 jan 18 selasa……………….

Kampus………………. Bank………………. Pom………………. Kampus………………. Bakso bakar w andi………………. Ngantar andi………………. Pul………………. Dijemput gusti………………. Diner at matos………………. Belanja………………. Alfmrt………………. Allahuakbar……………….

15 jan 18 senen……………….

Kampus………………. Sore dijemput gusti………………. Nonton at cybermall………………. At malang plaza………………. At alun2………………. Gusti k kos………………. Allahuakbar……………….

14 jan 18 minggu……………….

Kampus eror………………. Wrg………………. Kampus ujian………………. Pul………………. Sore mall eror………………. Ws………………. Meet gusti………………. Pul naruh motor………………. Kampong tridi………………. Pul………………. Mlm travel mie w lely………………. Apotik………………. Allahuakbar……………….

13 jan 18 sabtu……………….

Kampus………………. Ujian………………. Wrg………………. Kampus nemeni andi………………. Travel mie………………. Ngantar andi………………. Allahuakbar……………….

12 jan 18 jumat……………….

Dijemput gusti………………. K pantai goa cina………………. Allahuakbar……………….

11 jan 18 kamis……………….

Kampus………………. Matos………………. Meet gusti………………. Alfmrt gusti………………. Alfamrt shop………………. Allahuakbatr……………….

10 jan 18 rabu……………….

Kampus………………. Allahuakbar……………….

9 jan 18 selasa……………….

Kampus………………. Ngantar andi………………. Pul………………. Mlm pom………………. Jemput andi………………. Café………………. Ngantar andi………………. Alfmrt………………. Allahuakbar……………….

8 jan 18 senen ……………….

Kesiangan………………. Kampus………………. Telat ujian………………. Matos w lely………………. Lunch………………. Shop………………. Allahuakbar……………….

Thursday, January 11, 2018

After the motor comes……………….

Everything is not normal………………. The time I sleep………………. The time I wake up………………. The time I go to campus………………. It is disturbing………………. I hope it wont happen again………………. I hope it will go back to normal………………. I feel safe………………. Too safe………………. Coz the motor is here………………. So I think I don’t need to wake up early………………. I think I don’t need to come on time………………. Stupid mind ……………….

It happens again……………….

After campus I slept on afternoon………………. Then I cant sleep at all at night………………. Then the nature forced me to sleep in the morning………………. Then I overslept………………. Then I came late to class………………. It happened like Monday………………. I am afraid………………. I hope it will not happen again………………. In Saturday………………. Coz Saturday is very important………………. It is official test………………. And I need it badly ……………….

When will it be my turn god……………….

Will you allow me to be on stage………………. On the world stage………………. Will it make me happy………………. Will you allow me on your stage………………. On your stage on your realm………………. Which one is better………………. I think it is the one that is on your realm………………. But it will be very hard to get there now………………. I must be patient………………. Wait for my turn………………. Which is unknown by me………………. It is a secret………………. I wish I can understand you ……………….

Monday, January 8, 2018

7 jan 18 minggu……………….

Seharian d kos………………. Sore matos………………. Makan………………. Nonton………………. Allahuakbar……………….

6 jan 18 sabtu……………….

Kampus………………. W leli ambil motor d stasiun………………. K mog lunch………………. Belanja………………. Mlm alfmrt………………. Wrg………………. Allahuakbar……………….

5 jan 18 jumat……………….

Kampus………………. Allahuakbar……………….

4 jan 18 kamis……………….

Mpe malang………………. Terminal………………. Gojek………………. Kos………………. Gojek………………. Kampus………………. Allahuakbar……………….

3 jan 18 rabu ……………………

Alfamrt………………. Atm………………. Wrg………………. Pom………………. Tawang maket motor………………. Gojek………………. Mlm k bus nusantara by gojek………………. Otw malang………………. Allahuakbar……………….

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Deal…………………… Break up…………………… You always think negatively about me…………………… Only impulse? …………………… No communication…………………… This is always my weak spot…………………… I don’t know what you talked about with my friends…………………… You badmouth me in front of my friends…………………… I use you…………………… As public transportation…………………… My sacrifice…………………… I should rest…………………… But for you…………………… I sacrifice myself…………………… Tired accompany you the whole day…………………… Three days…………………… I sacrifice my brain to search for the ideas…………………… To be with you…………………… All is vacant’…………………… No result…………………… Goodbye……………………

It is late……………………

Isn’t it…………………… It should be before…………………… At that moment…………………… When he approached…………………… I give the code…………………… Respond…………………… Signal…………………… Or something…………………… So he will come closer…………………… Stupid me…………………… Very stupid…………………… Maybe this is the way he protects me…………………… Maybe there is something wrong with him…………………… And it happens again…………………… This morning…………………… And I am stupid again…………………… Oh my god……………………

So the goal must be very high……………………

Very big…………………… The highest…………………… The biggest…………………… So that is my dream…………………… To have the one…………………… From that class…………………… Good-looking…………………… Sexy…………………… Big…………………… Tall…………………… Perfect in every way…………………… Physically…………………… Mentally…………………… Psychologically…………………… Rich…………………… Wealthy…………………… European royalty…………………… We will adopt a lot of kids…………………… From around the world…………………… Then we will travel places…………………… Around the world…………………… Then we will live in the elephant sanctuary…………………… In Africa…………………… Working there…………………… Till the end…………………… That is the highest goal ……………………

He doesn’t like me back……………………

My posts I mean…………………… I like his…………………… A lot…………………… Bad thoughts…………………… Sorry…………………… But he did follow me back…………………… That is good…………………… Isn’t…………………… Of course…………………… I don’t know why…………………… But the devils strike hard…………………… These moments…………………… Damn…………………… So afraid ……………………

The thought comes……………………

Very bad…………………… They had party…………………… Three parties…………………… Three group parties…………………… They excluded me…………………… That hurts a lot…………………… Put that thought away…………………… Please…………………… Make it like before…………………… When I have a beautiful thought about them…………………… Being my friends…………………… Being nice to me…………………… Being good to me…………………… Dear lord ……………………

The news hits me so hard……………………

I think about what they did…………………… Their story…………………… Making my imagination goes wild…………………… Oh my god…………………… Help me…………………… What will happen if I join them…………………… Will the story be repeated again…………………… Will I be included in it…………………… Thx u god…………………… But if it wont…………………… And the story goes on without me…………………… I hope you will protect my heart…………………… I don’t want to be sad again and again ……………………

The news hits me so hard……………………

Makes me very sad…………………… The one who loves me…………………… Doesn’t love me that much…………………… Ii just realize now that I am jealous coz he can travel around the world…………………… With his new one…………………… For free…………………… I think…………………… Not because he doesn’t love me…………………… At first I had bad pray for him…………………… But now…………………… I have good one for him…………………… I hope for his happiness…………………… With his new one…………………… The question is…………………… He can do that…………………… Why can i…………………… Why cant god give me that kind of happiness…………………… Why god…………………… Why??????? ……………………

2 jan 18 selasa……………………

Sore ke klinik…………………… Apotek…………………… Safari dharma raya…………………… Nusantara…………………… Simpanglima…………………… Parker at baiturahman…………………… Atm…………………… Kaos robinson…………………… Solat…………………… Meet amin…………………… Pazzo pancake…………………… Eiger…………………… Soprt station…………………… Assesoris hp…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

1 jan 18 senen……………………

Turun gunung…………………… W amin…………………… Ambil motor at banyumanik…………………… Pul…………………… Sore pijet…………………… Superindo belanja…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

31 des 17 minggu……………………

At alfamart meet amin brian ibash…………………… Pasar jimbaran…………………… Meet udin1 udin2 kris desta bayu didit…………………… At camp mawar…………………… Meet rezky…………………… Naik gunung…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

30 des 17 sabtu……………………

Bank…………………… Dvd kosong…………………… Wrg…………………… Alfmrt…………………… Mlm alfmidi…………………… Sk…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

29 des 17 jumat……………………

Pg kencan eror…………………… Wrg…………………… Siang jumatan…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

28 des 17 kamis ………………

Seharian d rmh…………………… Siang wrg…………………… Cimb…………………… Took listrik’…………………… Indomrt…………………… Pedurungan nunut net…………………… Allahuakbar……………………