Tuesday, July 31, 2018

In group……………………

Mrsm talks about mrse…………………… How bad she gives guidance to students…………………… I feel bad…………………… I feel that she talks to me…………………… I feel that she takes me as bad as that…………………… And I am afraid…………………… That she talks bad behind my back…………………… It hurts…………………… The solution is…………………… Take it as critics…………………… Something to build you up…………………… Make you better……………………

Broken again……………………

What should I do…………………… Repair it…………………… But I did that…………………… And it broken again directly after the service…………………… Or should I buy a new one…………………… I don’t have money…………………… If I use this fund…………………… Will he replace it with another…………………… I am afraid…………………… My fund is limited…………………… The solution is don’t be afraid…………………… Use money for this…………………… This is good…………………… This is not bad…………………… This is not against his will…………………… I think he will help me ……………………

Wish can talk with my sis freely……………………

Wish had a lot of topics…………………… Stupid me…………………… The solution is…………………… Speak up…………………… Say anything that comes to your head…………………… Your mind…………………… Your brain…………………… It will be fine…………………… It will be alright…………………… It will be nice…………………… God will help…………………… Coz this is a good thing …

31 juli 18 selasa……………………

Kampus…………………… Pulgsk…………………… Wrg…………………… Pul…………………… Kursus stir…………………… Pul…………………… Sore ped…………………… Net…………………… Ngaji…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

30 juli 18 senen……………………

Kampus…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

29 juli 18 minggu……………………

Satri ke rumah…………………… Paragon nonton…………………… Maksi at ss…………………… Diantar satrio…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

28 juli 18 sabtu……………………

Kursus stir…………………… Belanja at superindo…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

27 juli 18 jumat……………………

Kampus…………………… Bank…………………… Pul…………………… Treadmill…………………… Ped…………………… Net…………………… Ngaji…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

26 juli 18 kamis……………………

Kampus…………………… Pulgsk…………………… Treadmill…………………… Klinik eror…………………… Wrg…………………… Klinik…………………… Apotik…………………… Atm…………………… Kursus stir…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

25 juli 18 rabu ……………..

…………………… Kmpus…………………… Pulgsk…………………… Sore kurus stir…………………… Ped…………………… Net…………………… Ngaji…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

Driving instructors………………..

Sharing their problems……………….. Bad boss……………….. Bad salary……………….. Bad management……………….. Cant help……………….. Just pray for them……………….. Hope boss is good……………….. Management will be good……………….. They will be happy……………….. Their family will be happy……………….. They will get bright future ………………..

Is it a feiend zone………………..

I think it is worse than that……………….. Cry inside……………….. Hope for more……………….. Gold digger……………….. He wants money in exchange for love service……………….. What the hell……………….. He disappear for a while……………….. New news……………….. He gets a new one……………….. I think he is richer than me……………….. He ignores me for days……………….. Now he contacts me just to tell me that……………….. That he gets a new one……………….. Hope he is happy……………….. Lets move on……………….. Lets not get heart broken……………….. Lets be happy……………….. Lets not think about him anymore ………………..


Long story short……………………. When I was nearly 35……………………. In hurry coz they say the deadline is 35……………………. Apply everywhere……………………. All failed……………………. Then I know that the deadline is 40……………………. Calm……………………. Now I am almost 40……………………. Confused……………………. Afraid……………………. Hurry times two……………………. Try to apply again everywhere……………………. Hunting supervisor here and there……………………. All failed……………………. Now I change strategy……………………. Apply directly to campus……………………. I thought it was easy……………………. Open the web……………………. Fill the form……………………. Upload documents……………………. But it is not……………………. Difficult……………………. A lot of things……………………. Bismillah……………………. God……………………. Help me……………………. Please…………………….


A lot of people come and come again……………………. Disturbing my peace……………………. Disturbing my concentration……………………. Disturbing my work……………………. They want to take the certificate……………………. But they aren’t finished yet……………………. All because of the paper and design part……………………. Which is taken care of by mrw……………………. Snd I blsme mrw……………………. And I blame the person who assign mrw……………………. Mrj……………………. He chooses mrw coz he is cheap……………………. But it turns out to be troublemaker like this……………………. As such……………………. And I blame them both……………………. And I blame the registration part……………………. They got all the names wrong……………………. It become burden for me……………………. For my group……………………. Want to curse……………………. Want to scream……………………. Arghhhhhhhh…………………….

They change it again…………………….

Originally it was a two way……………………. Then they changed it into one way……………………. That caused troubles……………………. The pandanaran street become jammedv……………………. Then they change it back into two way……………………. Everything runs smoothly……………………. But suddenly there is an announcement……………………. They will change it again……………………. Into one way……………………. Oh my god……………………. It makes people confused……………………. Then I got negative thoughts……………………. They do it on purpose……………………. They want to make people confused……………………. If people confused……………………. They will break the law……………………. And the authority will take advantage of it……………………. There you go …………………….

She asked me to eat…………………….

But I refuse……………………. I hope she is okay……………………. coz I did see sis cooked……………………. and I am afraid……………………. being disturbance……………………. taking a lot of part of their meal……………………. and don’t do the chores……………………. so……………………. let it be……………………. don’t think about it too much……………………. just play the lappy……………………. the cell……………………. and wait for the praying teacher…………………….

Error lappy…………………….

Today it happens……………………. That day it happened……………………. I hate it……………………. But don’t be stressed……………………. I did bring my own cable……………………. So it is solved……………………. And thankfully……………………. The error stops……………………. Love it……………………. Thx u lord…………………….

Bad move…………………….

Broken broom……………………. My mistake……………………. I did see it……………………. But I didn’t move it……………………. And I step on it……………………. With my motorbike……………………. And it broke……………………. I thought it was a tough thing……………………. But it wasn’t……………………. Damn……………………. Got stressed……………………. Don’t be……………………. If they ask for replacement……………………. Then buy a new one……………………. If they don’t ask for it……………………. Then leave it be……………………. That is all……………………. Stop being stressed …………………….

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Feel sad………………………….

Got small portion…………………………. Jealous of others…………………………. Who got big portions…………………………. And remember the other thing…………………………. When he didn’t give me that part…………………………. Feel alienated…………………………. Oh my god…………………………. Help me…………………………. Make me sincere…………………………. Genuine…………………………. And accept all of this…………………………. As your blessing…………………………. For better or worse…………………………. I will always love you…………………………. And you will always be on my side ………………………….

Blue uniform………………………….

Riding motorbike…………………………. Smoking…………………………. Looks bad…………………………. And they say naughty is delicious…………………………. Damn…………………………. Want to see it…………………………. Keep it…………………………. And taste it…………………………. For myself…………………………. Holyfuck…………………………. I forget my own thoughts…………………………. It isn’t like this before…………………………. Then again…………………………. I am crazy as always ………………………….

At the beginning I admire mzm………………………….

Coz she was so good…………………………. On her presentation…………………………. Then…………………………. Meeting the gang…………………………. A lot of negative input about her…………………………. I am afraid…………………………. I am easily influenced…………………………. I don’t want to have negative thoughts…………………………. I hope I can stand on my positive side…………………………. If it is true…………………………. What they say…………………………. Then I hope lord help her…………………………. And make her true…………………………. Kind and nice…………………………. No more harm…………………………. For people around her ………………………….

24 juli 18 selasa……………..

Kampus…………….. Sekolahan…………….. Kesasar…………….. Sdn tlogomulyo…………….. Penerjunan magang…………….. Pul…………….. Jowo deles…………….. With gang barokah…………….. Kampus ambil surat senat…………….. Pul…………….. Mlm ped…………….. Net…………….. Allahuakbar……………..

23 juli 18 senen……………..

Kampus…………….. Mouse…………….. Potong…………….. Daftar kursus…………….. Mlm wrg…………….. Allahuakbar……………..

22 juli 18 minggu……………..

Ped eror…………….. Dpmall…………….. Atm cc…………….. Superindo…………….. Wrg…………….. Allahuakbar……………..

21 juli 18 sabtu……………..

At ahas by gojek…………….. Meet freakears…………….. Otw pwd with 3 cars…………….. At soybean café…………….. At aris…………….. Otw smg…………….. At arteri…………….. Gojek…………….. Allahuakbar……………..

20 juli 18 jumat ……………..

Kampus…………….. Tilik bayi bu Diana w coworkers…………….. Jumatan…………….. Wrg…………….. Kampus…………….. Pul…………….. Ped…………….. Net…………….. Ngajo…………….. Allahuakbar……………..

19 juli 18 kamis ………………………..

Kampus…………….. What…………….. Imigrasi…………….. Kampus…………….. Pul…………….. Nizar…………….. Citra…………….. Nonton…………….. Yosinoya…………….. Nizar nginep…………….. Allahuakbar……………..

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dream about the boss……………….

Yesterday I see his true identity………………. Scary………………. Hunger for title………………. Lust for power………………. He is the head of this faculty………………. But he is a member in senate………………. He should not be like that………………. In the faculty level he can be above mrj………………. But in the senate level he should place himself under mrj………………. And I am shocked meeting him………………. I don’t want to meet him again………………. Yesterday I ask assistant for help………………. To get his signature………………. I hope something bad will not happen………………. I surrender………………. If I get it thx to lord………………. If I don’t, I will try again………………. If I have to meet him, then I will………………. In the name of lord ……………….

Disgusting dream……………….

That is something negative………………. Something dirty………………. Something nasty………………. And I take it out of my body………………. So it means………………. I take something negative out of my body………………. Something evil will be kicked out of my life………………. Something cruel will be casted away from my life………………. That is nice………………. That is good………………. That is what I want………………. Live positively………………. Live happily………………. With him……………….………………. With his blessings……………….


Go home………………. Go to the office………………. Meet boss………………. Say goodbye………………. Go home meet family………………. Tell them the truth………………. Go picnic to pematang siantar………………. Make yourself happy………………. Return home………………. Apply rembang as you want it………………. Apply semarang as you want it………………. Apply Jakarta as you want it………………. Apply gojek as I want it………………. Take the first that accept you………………. That is the sign from him………………. That that place is good for you ……………….


Think them as clever persons………………. They are intelligent………………. If it is doesn’t appear that way………………. Then it is my fault………………. Coz I see them negatively………………. Coz I look at them not from their positive traits………………. This is my responsibility to make them clever and intelligent………………. To do that………………. I need to mingle with them positively………………. They need to mingle with me………………. Thus I can spread my virus to them………………. To make them as good as me………………. Or even better………………. The proud will be mine………………. And god will love that kind of stuff ……………….

Positive thinking……………….

For freak members………………. As I said before………………. I got very annoyed then………………. When they talk highly………………. And that kind of knowledge………………. As if they are the experts………………. But not anymore now………………. I will consider them as sources………………. I will assume their talk as a new knowledge for me………………. I think it is interference from him………………. I think this is his way to make me learn about him………………. Study him ……………….


It appears suddenly………………. Out of the blue………………. If they did that………………. Disconnect others………………. Think others as beneath them………………. Assume others as below them………………. Is it a sign of cockiness………………. So………………. It is better for me to disconnect them………………. Than they disconnect me………………. I prevent myself from heartache………………. I love my heart………………. I don’t want my heart to get sick………………. I want it to be happy………………. Am I wrong ……………….

He speaks in a very low volume…………………..

And his mouth is behind the wall………………….. We cant hear him clearly………………….. Be patient………………….. He is like that………………….. So the knowledge is not to get carried away………………….. Is it………………….. I think it is the right time………………….. As I did get carried away yesterday………………….. Got very annoyed………………….. When he treated me badly………………….. Now I am calm………………….. I hope the storm will not come …………………..

It takes a while…………………..

I hope I can be patient………………….. I don’t want to get angry………………….. I know they have a lot of jobs………………….. Like me………………….. So let them work………………….. Do their jobs………………….. Just wait………………….. And it will happen………………….. You will get what you want………………….. You will receive what you deserve………………….. You will accept what you wait for………………….. And he gets closer………………….. Uneasy feeling………………….. Want more of him………………….. Hush …………………..

The group talk about religion thing…………………..

Now it is not like it used to be………………….. I got angry so easily then………………….. When they talk about it………………….. Now not anymore………………….. I don’t care………………….. In a way………………….. I am confused about what happen to me then………………….. Why did it make me that way………………….. Boiled inside………………….. Now………………….. I just read………………….. Feel nothing………………….. Maybe………………….. I will get something from this………………….. Something new………………….. A new knowledge for me………………….. I think I am stupid………………….. I don’t know a lot of things………………….. Maybe it is his way to make me learn………………….. About him………………….. To make me close to him …………………..

The call…………………..

Mrk ask for favor………………….. Then I remember mra………………….. How bad he was………………….. How he treated me………………….. It is inappropriate………………….. He is having responsibilities………………….. But he abused it………………….. In a way he is a dean………………….. But in senate he is a member………………….. So he should obey the head………………….. Which is mrj………………….. But he is not………………….. He doesn’t do what mrj want him to do………………….. That is bad………………….. Hope he realizes his mistakes………………….. Hope he gets his mind right …………………..


It is hot………………….. Beautiful scenery………………….. Then comes the naughty thought………………….. Want it for myself………………….. Keep it by myself………………….. Take it home………………….. Then………………….. Got stressed………………….. Thinking about the jobs………………….. Making article………………….. The one that mrsm want………………….. The one that I should compose it soon………………….. Coz it is based on the novel………………….. Which I borrowed from my friend………………….. So………………….. I should return it soon………………….. But before that………………….. I want to make an article based on it …………………..

Mrj doesn’t want to sign if mra doesn’t sign first…………………..

Mra doesn’t want to sign if mrj doesn’t sign first………………….. What the hell………………….. I don’t know what happen between them………………….. But it should not be like this………………….. If they had a thing………………….. They should keep it by themselves………………….. Don’t sacrifice the juniors like me………………….. What should I do………………….. Just pray………………….. Ask help to him………………….. Make them to be nice………………….. Don’t make everything complicated………………….. Make everything smooth………………….. Make everybody happy………………….. Nobody should be treated like this …………………..

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

18 juli 18 rabu………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Mlm wrg……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

17 juli 18 selasa………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Mlm ped ngaji……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

16 juli 18 senen………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Mlm wrg……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

15 juli 18 mingguv………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Ambil uang……………………….. Ped net……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

14 juli 18 sabtu………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Panitia seminar……………………….. Jaga ujian magang3……………………….. Panitia seminar……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

13 juli 18 jumat………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Mpe mlm……………………….. Almfrt……………………….. Pulsa……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

12 juli 18 kamis………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Dpmall atm……………………….. Bank bni……………………….. Kampus pak pur……………………….. Alfmrt1……………………….. Alfmrt2……………………….. Ngaliyan……………………….. Selamatan kay sunat……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

11 juli 18 rabu………………………..

Kampus……………………….. Imigrasi……………………….. Wrg……………………….. Pul……………………….. Mlm alfmrt……………………….. Ped ngaji……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

11 juli 18 rabu………………………..

11 juli 18 rabu……………………….. Kampus……………………….. Imigrasi……………………….. Wrg……………………….. Pul……………………….. Mlm alfmrt……………………….. Ped ngaji……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

10 juli 18 selasa………………………..

Kamous……………………….. Ped ngaji……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

9 juli 18 senen ……………………………….

Kampus……………………….. Sk……………………….. Bhslps……………………….. Allahuakbar………………………..

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

I dream of elephant………………..

That is weird……………….. It is for the first time……………….. I guess……………….. Is it a sign……………….. That I should buy more elephant……………….. Or maybe……………….. It is that thing……………….. The dream of the future……………….. Will have rich partner……………….. Will buy land in Africa……………….. A lot of them……………….. Then will buy all elephant in the world……………….. From zoos……………….. From circuses……………….. From nature……………….. Put them all in Africa land……………….. For free……………….. Want to free them all……………….. It is sickening how human treat elephant ………………..