Thursday, October 28, 2010

film glee season 1

film glee season 1

pertarungan antara grup paduan suara dg grup cheerleader. pelatih paduan suara, will bermusuhan dg pelatih cherrleader sue. sue membenci will dan ingin menghancurkan glee. teri, istri will pura2 hamil. ketika will mengetahuinya dia pergi meninggalkan istrinya. emma jatuh cinta pd will. namun krn will sudah beristri maka dia menerima lamaran ken.
glee adl kelompok paduan suara yg beranggotakan anak2 yg dianggap aneh di sekolah.
rachel mempunyai dua ayah gay dan ingin mjd bintang.
kurt adl pemuda gay.
mercedes adl gadis berkulit hitam dg postur besar.
tina adl gadis asia yg pura2 gagap.
arty adl pemuda cacat dg kursi rodanya.
fin adl bintang football yg dijebak will utk mjd angg glee.
quinn adl pacar finn yg hamil.
puck adl bintang football yg menghamili quinn.

mp: i wish i can go back to my senior high and my college and joining the choir group....

kamis 28 10 10

kamis 28 10 10

pg k boja
thx u lord

sore ambil marker
thx u lord

ngajar d ikip
thx u lord

mlm aan pinjam uang
help me lord

rabu 27 10 10

rabu 27 10 10

pg k udinus
thx u lord

siang k boja
thx u lord

sore k udinus
thx u lord

mlm k wrg
thx u lord


lihat poto temen d fb....ngiri ABIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ......dia bisa jalan2 keliling dunia....aku penasaran...apa sih kerjanya.....
tuhan......kapan giliranku?.......aku juga ingin seperti dia.....bahkan aku ingin lebih dari dia....aku ingin kaya, terkenal, dan bisa keliling dunia.....
semoga tulisan ini nyampe kepadamu....dan kau kabulkan permintaanku.......aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

hot pupil

he is so hot. i wish the lord show me the way to make him mine. i would like to give anything to be with him for a night. i want to chew him. i want to taste all of him. but i am afraid it will be just like the other crushes. they only last for a few moments. i got bored easily. how can i keep up the heat in a relation? i dont know how to make a relation lasts in a very long time. my previous relations got ended real quick.
i dont know his name though. i should find a way. to know the hot boys in every single classes. i have a lot of classes. in every class i have, there is a hot boy, at least one, i think. i am not sure. i dont care to stare at them to search a pretty face among them.

hope for ALL of my students

i hope this writing really happen in my life....hoping that all my students paid attention to me, nice to me, having good behavior......and all of them will make me comfortable in the class.......and i hope i am able to be a good interesting teacher....hope the lord show me how to be a charming person....


aku benci guru2 boja. mrk memberiku mapel listening tp ketika aku minta bantuan mengajari mengoperasikan lab mrk tdk mau. minta bantuan b linda, dia byk alasan. minta bantuan b titin, dia jg byk alasan.....lord help me pls''

bell system

i got very confused with the bell system. it doesnt suit with the schedule i made. i had already calculate carefully when the class start and end. i am afraid i make a mistake. i am lazy to ask the other teacher. now i just dont care as long as i come and teach and got paid. that is all i cara bout.

bad students

i wish i can make my lesson be more interesting. it is difficult to get attention from the students. i want everything to be easy. i wish all the students pay attention to me. wish the lord gives me mercy and makes a miracle.





ikip pgri smg

ikip pgri smg

