Tuesday, May 14, 2019

and it is not yet................................

and i forget to bring my ear pieces................................ i hate myself for that................................ lets not do that again................................ keep calm................................ keep writing................................ anything goes on your miind................................ but it is hard to put away the anger................................ as they late................................ as the ear pieces left on the table................................ as the times run non stop................................ the anger build up................................ it is necking................................ stranglng the air on your throat................................ thx lord the presentations are short................................ making me happy a little bit................................ suddenly i put a smile on my face ................................

i did want to work................................

making article................................ a lot of disturbances................................ dear lord................................ i am crazy................................ now teaching them and they are late................................ must be patient................................ collecting reward................................ thx lord i bring blank paper................................ i can write all................................ the heartache................................ the anger................................ the consultation speech................................ from me by me for me................................ i should consult myself................................ on how to be calm................................ and erase all the anger in me................................ and everything should make me happy................................ that was that about me failing to process my paper................................ and this is this about them being late for class................................ lets laugh on them................................ lets smile on the situation................................ lets dance on the heart................................ being tranparent is all hard to hide the fake................................ damn for them who can easily fake the mood ....................................