Sunday, July 26, 2020


even we have to do gathering with friends via online... in this situation everything is difficult.... may this friendship last till the end....

berusaha berbisnis

tapi sejak pertama buka till now i never get profit yet. it is always deficit... making me sad.. i pray nonstop asking for help to Him..... may He help my business....


community service with four coworkers... they are weird,... maybe the weird one is me... as i cant get along with them... lets ask for helo to lord.... may he help us all... may he makes us get along well....

dapet masker dari ipah..

syukuran bayi baru.. smg anaknya menjadi anak yang salehah, sayang ortu, berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa.. aamiin...

ditinggal mudik

belanja sendiri. masak sendiri. bad experience with this places. hope this new one will always be fine here onward... bismillah.....

rajin ngantor, biar gajinya barokah, dan doa terus. agar dapat mahasiswa yang buanyakkkkkkkkk

cute elephants... cute arts

ikut workshop puisi. untuk pengembangan diri. agar jadi lebih baik

belajar masak. bikin kol goreng

rajin ikut yoga agar sehat

beli kartu tarot. belajar tarot. agar bisa meramal diri sendiri

jalan2 ke candi with ciprut


kehujanan... gatel dan bentol... tapi tangan tok... yang lain enggak... aneh....

being healthy is difficult
