Sunday, May 19, 2019

they talk politics…………………………………………

I am stressed they talk bout it………………………………………… I don’t understand………………………………………… they talk in detail………………………………………… as if they know all………………………………………… as if they truly grasp all the occasion………………………………………… they are great………………………………………… they understand it………………………………………… I am not………………………………………… I ignore it………………………………………… I just manage my life………………………………………… maybe this is why I get annoyed………………………………………… maybe I am jealous………………………………………… they have vast knowledge………………………………………… but sometimes they talk too much………………………………………… they seem fanatic………………………………………… spreading the fear………………………………………… making the fear………………………………………… provoking to hate the center………………………………………… let it be………………………………………… just read them trough………………………………………… don’t put it into your heart …………………………………………

if there are bad people in workplace…………………………………………

lord it is scary………………………………………… then I lost the election………………………………………… not I got rejected for study………………………………………… I think some have bad intention………………………………………… I think this is human error………………………………………… I think this is man made………………………………………… I think it is not natural………………………………………… lord help me please………………………………………… protect me from bad people………………………………………… put them far away from me………………………………………… put me close to the good ones………………………………………… make me the good one………………………………………… I will disperse all the good you give me………………………………………… everywhere………………………………………… everytime………………………………………… everyway …………………………………………

don’t want to go home for long…………………………………………

there is error………………………………………… no activities………………………………………… the thought is negative………………………………………… lord help me please………………………………………… I hope you give me assistance………………………………………… give me program………………………………………… till it is close to the d day………………………………………… thus I have reason………………………………………… truly stressful thinking bout going home………………………………………… dear lord………………………………………… send positive into me………………………………………… bout being there………………………………………… bout being here………………………………………… bout me………………………………………… bout them………………………………………… bout all …………………………………………

the award is not for me…………………………………………

it is for the workplace………………………………………… it is for the children………………………………………… it is for this land………………………………………… being rejected is suck………………………………………… it hurts a lot………………………………………… it hurts like hell………………………………………… the pain is excruciating in the beginning………………………………………… now try to be patient………………………………………… calming myself………………………………………… looking for the positives behind all this………………………………………… hoping he show the reason………………………………………… as now I have a lot of negatives ………………………………………… I hope what I think is wrong………………………………………… I hope they are nice to me………………………………………… I hope they don’t have bad intention for me …………………………………………


no network………………………………………… signal is gone………………………………………… hot air………………………………………… thx lord………………………………………… I survive………………………………………… I can enjoy the moment………………………………………… you are great………………………………………… I hope I can be like this in the future………………………………………… can control my own mind………………………………………… can erase the negatives in me………………………………………… can create the positives in me………………………………………… and can spread all the positive around …………………………………………

everybody keeps silent all this time………………………………………

holding the grudge, the anger, the annoyed, the else……………………………………… lately there are some who pour their feeling into the group……………………………………… about mrj and mrsm……………………………………… so I or we know that all this time……………………………………… they are not good leaders……………………………………… I hope they don’t share their feeling to me……………………………………… don’t badmouth the new leaders in front of me……………………………………… as I must give bad comment too……………………………………… if they do badmouth them before me……………………………………… I hope they realize bout their mistakes……………………………………… I hope they do introspect themselves……………………………………… and now there are mrk and mrse……………………………………… at first I hold grudge for them as I lost in the election……………………………………… now I try to calm myself……………………………………… try not to care about it anymore……………………………………… and there are colleagues……………………………………… then when it were mrj and mrsm……………………………………… they keep silent……………………………………… but they hold grudges apparently……………………………………… now they say frankly bout their feeling in group……………………………………… as an outsider I read them bad……………………………………… it is different from the comments for mrk and mrse……………………………………… I read them nice……………………………………… as for me……………………………………… I will be nice to the previous leaders……………………………………… I will be good to the new leaders……………………………………… I will be great to colleagues ……………………………………… may lord bless us always …………………………………………