Friday, October 26, 2018


it is not like usual……………………………….. the wifi is error……………………………….. meanwhile it is usually superfast……………………………….. I cant do my things……………………………….. and I will lose everything……………………………….. it is expensive here……………………………….. it will be okay if it is plus it……………………………….. but today is strange……………………………….. is it you……………………………….. lord……………………………….. help me please ………………………………..


thx u……………………………….. I can make it……………………………….. I can finish three classes……………………………….. that is amazing……………………………….. I cant do that without you……………………………….. lord……………………………….. thx u……………………………….. finally I can force myself to do it……………………………….. it has been there for a long time……………………………….. I need to do it……………………………….. but I cant do it……………………………….. as my heart not into it ………………………………..


my visa……………………………….. lord……………………………….. make it happen……………………………….. lord……………………………….. make it pass……………………………….. lord……………………………….. allow me……………………………….. lord……………………………….. help me……………………………….. lord……………………………….. everything happens because of you……………………………….. if you do this please give me explanation……………………………….. thus my heart will settled……………………………….. not like this……………………………….. I love you dearly……………………………….. please love me dearly ………………………………..


there is satan……………………………….. lord……………………………….. help me……………………………….. lord……………………………….. protect me……………………………….. lord……………………………….. I am afraid……………………………….. lord……………………………….. save me……………………………….. lord……………………………….. I should not be afraid……………………………….. there is always you……………………………….. around me……………………………….. never leave me……………………………….. as long as I don’t leave you ………………………………..

remember that time…………………….

it seems you did protect me……………………. by blocking my ears……………………. so I don’t listen to a thing……………………. don’t know they come……………………. don’t know what they say……………………. lord……………………. I thank you……………………. lord……………………. I love you……………………. lord……………………. you are great …………………….

I think her call is a sign…………………….

that it is related to satan……………………. and you take me home……………………. before that happens……………………. you protect me……………………. you save me……………………. you love me……………………. I love you……………………. lord……………………. I thank you……………………. lord …………………….


thx u……………………. you distract my mind……………………. although it is a short time……………………. lord……………………. sorry……………………. I ask for more……………………. lord……………………. grant this one……………………. lord……………………. I love you……………………. lord……………………. I beg you …………………….

on one part…………………….

I wait for important call and or message……………………. on the other part……………………. I avoid satanic call and or message……………………. and both of them are strangers……………………. I am confused……………………. lord……………………. I hope you help me……………………. show me the one……………………. which one is good……………………. which one is satan……………………. just like today …………………….


now is different……………………. see their chat……………………. I don’t get boiled anymore……………………. like before……………………. do I care……………………. I think I do care……………………. but I have another……………………. two heavy problems on my shoulder……………………. thus that part feels nothing……………………. lord ……………………. help me please …………………….


I am afraid……………………. not for me……………………. for my family……………………. lord……………………. protect them……………………. from bad people……………………. lord……………………. save them……………………. on earth……………………. and on after life …………………….


your punishment comes again……………………. lord……………………. the Satan comes again……………………. lord……………………. I beg you……………………. lord……………………. please kill them……………………. lord……………………. I beg you……………………. lord……………………. please destroy them ……………………. lord……………………. I beg you …………………….

got news…………………….

theirs are done……………………. lord……………………. I am getting more depressed……………………. lord……………………. help me……………………. lord……………………. I cant bear it……………………. lord……………………. I want to be happy……………………. lord……………………. I want to be like them……………………. lord……………………. I want to go there …………………….