Monday, December 4, 2017

Many times…………………..

I promise to myself………………….. That all has meaning………………….. There is something behind all that happen………………….. And I don’t know that meaning………………….. But I should believe that meaning………………….. And I should accept all………………….. That happen………………….. That way………………….. All will calm………………….. Heart will calm………………….. Heart will surrender………………….. Heart will accept………………….. But sometimes I forget………………….. Trigger by situation………………….. Get angry………………….. To all………………….. Make me dizzy………………….. Heart will not calm………………….. And all is destroyed………………….. Meanwhile………………….. In the end………………….. I will see………………….. In fact………………….. All runs well………………….. And in fact………………….. I should go through all that process …………………..

The longer I stay…………………..

The more negative I get………………….. It is different with before………………….. In the old place………………….. They treat us the same………………….. But not anymore………………….. They treat us as the second class …………………..

Sometimes I just wonder…………………..

What the hell happen………………….. Never get satisfied………………….. If I had The one………………….. Then I will see the other more interesting………………….. Then I will get bored with this………………….. The one that I have………………….. And I will chase that………………….. The new one that look more interesting………………….. And if I get that………………….. It will happen again………………….. For sometimes………………….. The new one will make me bored………………….. And I will chase the other………………….. Again and again………………….. Stupid me………………….. Very idiot …………………..

2 des 17 sabtu …………………..

Seharian d rmh…………………… Sore k wrg…………………… Dpmall…………………… Nunut solat…………………… Bl sndl eror …………………… Ntn…………………… Allahuakbar……………………

1 des 17 jumat…………………..

Mpe smg………………….. Siang wrg………………….. Nina………………….. Took kado………………….. Kfc………………….. Catur tilik bayi………………….. Nusantara………………….. Klinik………………….. Apotek………………….. Pijet………………….. Allahuakbar …………………..

30 nov 17 kamis …………………

Kampus………………….. Maksi w arwan agus ari………………….. Kos by gojek………………….. Ketiduran………………….. Dijemput travel………………….. Otw smg………………….. At rm ketinggalan………………….. Nunut travel liyo………………….. Mpe sragen………………….. On travel again………………….. Allahuakbar …………………..

29 nov 17 rabu…………………

Kampus………………… Kepagian………………… Wrg………………… Acara………………… Solat………………… Acara………………… Mall………………… Nonton………………… Belnaja………………… Allahuakbar…………………

28 nov 17 selasa…………………

Kampus………………… Matos w leli………………… Meet danu sugiharto………………… Nonton………………… Pul by danu………………… Allahuakbar…………………

27 nov 17 senen…………………

At wrg………………… Kos eror………………… Gojek………………… Survey kos………………… Gojek………………… Hotel ambil brg………………… Gocar………………… Kos nauh brg………………… Gojek………………… Kampus pendaftaran………………… Nemeni leli survey kos mpe sore………………… Gocar………………… Pul kos………………… Allahuakbar…………………

26 nov 17 minggu…………………

Nyampe malang pagi………………… Otw hotel by gocar………………… At hotel………………… Siang survey kos eror………………… Balik hotel………………… Mlm diner at kfc………………… Allahuakbar…………………

25 nov 17 sabtu…………………

Kampus………………… Upacara………………… Pelantikan………………… Pul………………… Dapur emak meet satrio………………… Klinik………………… Atm java eror………………… Atm kampus………………… Dpmall nonton………………… Pul packing………………… Tawang meet amin………………… Otw malang………………… Allahuakbar…………………

24 nov 17 jumat…………………

Kampus………………… Polda………………… Potokopi………………… Polda………………… Dinus atm………………… Cimb………………… Burjo………………… Kampus………………… Kampus 4 gladi bersih………………… Kampus 1 ambil motor………………… Allahuakbar…………………

23 nov 17 kamis…………………

Kampus………………… Ibm at tugumuda………………… W sekolah kolong langit………………… W bem fpmipati………………… W banggung bcintang pvaldyan pyunus………………… Kampus nunut solat………………… Ambil brg………………… Ambil motor………………… At ws diner w bem fpmipati and tim ibm………………… Allahuakbar…………………

22 nov 17 rabu…………………

Kampus………………… Nunut mbak dina………………… Diner at chicken ramen………………… W rempong………………… Kamps ambil motor………………… Alfamrt………………… Allahuakbar…………………

21 nov 17 selasa…………………

Kampus………………… Kampus 4 meet leli………………… Kampus 1 ambil motor………………… Pedurungan ambil paket………………… Apotek………………… Allahuakbar…………………

20 non 17 senen ……………………….

Kampus………………… Allahuakbar…………………