Sunday, June 26, 2022

this month will over soon


this month will over soon

it is very sad

they said it is full of colors

i hope the colors stay

i hope the colors happen all year long

i hope he make this world colorful all the time

i hope he makes colored people happy all the time

i hope he always protect colored people

i hope he makes this wolrd comfortable for colored people

i hope he makes this world safe for colored people

study here


study here

maybe that is what he wants

maybe that gives a lot of advantages for all

i can still teach

i can still do my works for my campus

the fund goes around here

but what i applied is fund by them from there far away

it is their fund

at least i can reduce some kind of burden here

study with their money

fund from here maybe can be used for others

this doesnot mean i underestimate people from here

just the thought

whatever he decides

i accept


may he help me always