Monday, November 12, 2012

senen 12 11 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- thx u lord- siang k bni- k aha- k wrg- thx u lord- sore k unaki ambil chargernya ketinggalam- thx u lord- mlm k sampokong meet tyo eror- k bujro- thx u lord-

minggu 11 11 12

pg k ikip- k prambanan- k parang tritis- k malioboro- k ikip- thx u lord-

sabtu 10 11 12

pg k bni- k wrg- k dp moll- jajal brt koridor dua w rian n fahri- thx u lord- siang k kfc- k laundry- thx u lord- sore jeffry k kos- thx u lord- mlm k burjo- thx u lord-

jumat 9 11 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- thx u lord- siang k majt- k pom- k wrg- thx u lord'- mlm k paragon w rian- thx u lord-

kamis 8 11 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- thx u lord- siang ped rohib k kos- maksi w warih d soto brumbungan- warih k kos- thx u lord- sore k ikip- ngajar- asar- ngajar- thx u lord- mlm k prima lestari- potokopiannya eror- help me lord- k nafiri- k d ina- thx u lord-

rabu 7 11 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- thx u lord- siang k cimb- k primalestari- k wrg- thx u lord- sore k ikip- thx u lord-

selasa 6 11 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- k dinus- k unaki- thx u lord- siang k kos- k ikip- k unimus- thx u lord- sore k laundry- k rru jemput melvin- k warungkopi tlogosari- k melvin- thx u lord- mlm kds adit k kos- thx u lord-

senen 5 11 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- thx u lord- siang k bank- k unimus- k wrg- thx u lord- sore nyuci- ketiduran mpe malam- thx u lord-

How do I get my students to speak?

How to increase the student’s vocalization? - Not only telling but having activity T4- Totally terrific Tips for Teaching (Speaking) Why Games and Activities - Active students are happy students. - Students are concentrating on the activity (not only their hand phones). - Repetition helps students remember and study material. 20 Questions Games 1. Teacher thinks of an item or person. This can be anything. 2. Students ask yes/no questions and the teacher answer honestly. 3. The students then try to guess what the teacher is thinking about. • A good idea is to set a number of questions that must be asked before guessing can start. Guessing something: Ex: You can think about animal Is it wild? Is it big? Etc Think Pair Share 1. Students think about the answer to prompt a question. Any question. 2. We use music to pair students up randomly. 3. We can time their responses. 4. We use the music to pair them up. • This can be tricky and scary at first, but over time this activity can be a lot fun for your students. Don’t give up. Action Verb Circle and Magic Verb Spell 1. Students and teacher in a circle 2. Students start by saying “I jump” with the correct tense, then pick another person. 3. Second person points to the teacher then says “you….”. then pick their own, “I….” then chooses the next one. 4. The third person repeats the above and says ”you….”, He / She ………, I ……..” 5. Cycle repeats until the whole class has gone through the circle in order. • You can vary the game when students make mistakes. • Unlimited tense choices. Magic Verb Spells 1. This is based on Harry Potter. 2. Teacher assigns the student to be Harry Potter, and a student to be Voldermort. (or multiple in bigger classes). (guru menugaskan siswa berperan sebagai Harry Potter, dan siswa lain sebagai Voldemort) 3. Evil sorcerers go around the room placing spells on students. (Penyihr jahat berkeliling / mengelilingi ruangan menyihir siswa lain) 4. For example: using present progressive, “you are dancing!” The student begins to dance. Good sorcerers looked for spelled students and ask,” what are you doing?” the spelled student will and reply,” I am dancing” and the spell will be broken. • It is also used for other tense choices. Picture Prompts Game 1. Teacher cuts out picture for students to use. 2. Students look at them silently for a while and then pair with another students. 3. Teacher then gives a pair prompts, and the students convers with each other. - Say something factual about your picture. - Say something you like / dislike about it, and why. - Say something that it reminds you of. • Activity can be used for comparing and contrasting, describing, expressing opinions, and much more. Taboo Vocab Game 1. Class is divided into two groups. 2. 1 person from each group faces away from the board, everyone else faces the board. 3. Teacher writes a vocabulary word on the board. 4. Students have to use clues to get their team member to guess the correct word first. • It can also be played using celebrities.

Two Gay Dads And Their 12 Kids Officially Become A Family

Comments (12) Print Email For some gay couples, the idea of one child is daunting. But for the Brangelina of Arizona, Steven and Roger Ham, 12 is the magic number. The Hams have been raising 12 kids together in a state that doesn’t allow same-sex couples to marry or adopt, yet they have recently scored a victory in bringing their family even closer together. Steven and Roger adopted the first member of their brood in 2003, a boy named Michael. But after witnessing the boy’s distress over being separated from his four siblings, who had been spread out among different foster homes, the Hams grew determined to reunite the five kids. And they didn’t stop there. Over the past ten years, 42 foster children have passed through the Hams’ door, with the couple eventually adopting an even dozen. In 2007, Roger changed his last name to Ham so that everyone would have the same last name and to avoid any confusion during pick-up from school or the doctor’s office. However, since Arizona prohibits same-sex adoption as well as the adoption of one same-sex partner’s child by another, 10 of the kids were legally-bound to Steven. Two of the kids were adopted in Washington, where same-sex adoption is legal and therefore both Steven and Roger’s names appeared on the birth certificates. That is until last month, when the Hams received a call that would change their family forever. Shelly Kreb, the lawyer who helped them adopt in Washington, offered to facilitate the re-adoption of their 10 other kids for the price of one — $1,500. On July 13, Judge Diane Woolard called to inform them that from now on both Steven’s and Roger’s names would appear on each of their children’s birth certificates. Thanks to a lengthy profile in the The Arizona Republic last year, Steven and Roger Ham were named two of Esquire‘s “Fathers of the Year 2012.” You can see the super dads in action below: Full story here:

The Eye

Information About Vision Loss And Blindness The Eye and Its Parts > 12 Signs of Vision Loss Myths About Vision Eye Conditions Education and Training Adaptive Technology Reading Adaptive Products Home Adaptations Organizations Recreation Meeting Someone All about Braille Eye Safety Tips E - Mail Me Updated 9/02/07 Drawings of the Eye Drawing of the eye Cross section drawing of the eye - (side view) with major parts labeled. Drawing of the eye Cross section drawing of the eye - (rear view). Drawing of the eye in its socket Cut-away view of the eye in its socket showing the: bony socket, orbital muscles, eyelids and eyelashes. Drawing of the eye The lacrimal system - (tear ducts) produce tears to clean, moisten and lubricate the eyes and then drains the excess fluid into the nose. Drawing of the optic pathways Our Eyes and brain divide what we see into a right and left half. In the drawing above, light gray represents the left half; dark gray represents the right half. The eyes invert the image and the left side of what we see ends up in the right side of our brain and visa versa. This all works out because the right side of our brain controls the left side of our bodies and visa versa. Anterior Chamber The space between the cornea and iris filled with Aqueous Humor. Aqueous Humor A water like fluid, produced by the ciliary body, it fills the front of the eye between the lens and cornea and provides the cornea and lens with oxygen and nutrients. It drains back into the blood stream through the canals of schlemm. Brain The brain is where the electrical signals sent from our eyes are processed into vision. Damage to the brain can lead to vision loss if the visual cortex or optic pathways are damaged. The majority of nerve fibers in the optic tract connect to the LGN. Several nerve fibers leave the optic tract before the LGN to connect to sub cortical structures through out the brain. These parts of the brain regulate things like: eye and head movements, pupillary light reflex - (pupil size), and circadian rhythms - (light/dark cycle). Damage to these parts of the brain often leads to vision disorders too. Canals of Schlemm These canals are located around the perimeter of the iris. They allow aqueous fluid to drain back into the blood stream. The Trabecular Meshwork along with the Canals of Schlemm regulate the eyes internal pressure. In the eye disease called glaucoma, these canals become blocked leading to increased pressure. The increased pressure, from this condition, destroys the optic nerve. Choroid The choroid is a layer of blood vessels between the retina and sclera; it supplies blood to the retina. In the disease called Macular Degeneration, abnormal blood vessels grow into the space between the retina and choroid damaging the macula. Ciliary Body This is where the Aqueous Humor is produced. Ciliary Muscle The eye can bring the fine print in a phone book into focus, or focus in on the moon over ¼ million miles away. The ciliary muscle changes the shape of the lens - (this is called accommodation). It relaxes to flatten the lens for distance vision; for close work it contracts rounding out the lens. Everyone will develop an eye condition called presbyopia. As we age, the ciliary muscle and crystalline lens lose their elasticity. This is why most people need reading glasses by their 40's. Conjunctiva The conjunctiva is a thin, clear membrane covering the front of the eye and inner eyelids. Cells in this lining produce mucous that helps to lubricate the eye. This is the eyes first layer of protection against infection. Inflammation of this membrane is called conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Cornea The cornea is a clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye. It is the first and most powerful lens in the eye's optical system. To keep it transparent the cornea contains no blood vessels. Tears that flow over it and aqueous humor in the chamber behind it keep it nourished. When you hear of eye banks and eye transplants, it is the cornea that is being replaced. The cornea can be damaged from: accidents, infections, and genetic defects. Crystalline Lens The eye's crystalline lens works like the adjustable lens in a camera. Positioned just behind the cornea; it is responsible for keeping images in focus on the retina. It is adjustable for distance and close work. A cataract is the lens clouding up. This happens to most people as they age. A few people are even born with cataracts. Modern surgery has all but eliminated cataracts as a cause of blindness in the developed world. Eyeball The eye is like a little video camera measuring about 1 inch or 2.5 cm. in diameter. If someone's eyeball is larger then this, they will be nearsighted (myopic); if it is smaller then this, they will be farsighted (hyperopic). Having two eyes gives us binocular vision - (depth perception). This is due to the fusing of both images in the visual cortex. Eyelashes and Eyebrows These specialized hairs protect the eyes from particles that may injure them. They form a screen to keep dust and insects out. Anything touching them triggers the eyelids to blink. Eyelids Our eyelids protect and lubricate our eyes. Small oil-producing glands line the inner edge of our eyelids. These oils mix with tears when we blink, keeping the eye moist and clean. Eye Socket The orbit or eye socket is a cone-shaped bony cavity that protects the eye. The socket is padded with fatty tissue that allows the eye to move easily. Fovea - (small pit) The fovea is an indentation in the center of the macula. Its diameter is only 1.5 mm or about 1/16 inch. This small part of our retina is responsible for our highest visual acuity. It is the center of our central vision. Lacrimal Gland - (Tear Duct) This gland continually releases tears and other protective fluids onto the surface of the eye. It lubricates and keeps the cornea from becoming dehydrated. Lacrimal Sac The lacrimal sac is a tiny pump that drains tears and other debris from the eye. The fluids flow down the nasolacrimal duct into the nose where they help keep the nasal linings moist. This is why your nose runs when you cry. Lateral Geniculate Nucleus - (LGN) This part of the brain acts as a relay station; it decodes visual information from the optic tract before sending it to the visual cortex for final processing. Lens Sack or Capsule During modern cataract surgery the outer membrane of the lens is left in place. The artificial intraocular lens is placed in this sack. Iris This is the colored part of the eye: brown, green, blue, etc. It is a ring of muscle fibers located behind the cornea and in front of the lens. It contracts and expands, opening and closing the pupil, in response to the brightness of surrounding light. Just as the aperture in a camera protects the film from over exposure, the iris of the eye helps protect the sensitive retina. Macula - (yellow spot) This part of the retina is the most sensitive. Its diameter is only 7 mm or about 1/4 inch. It is responsible for our central, or reading vision. This part of the retina gives us 20/20 vision. Without the macula, you would be blind - Legally Blind that is. People with eye diseases like Macular Degeneration have vision from 20/200 to 20/800. Optic Chiasm This is the first part of the brain to receive visual input. Each eye takes a slightly different picture of the world. At the optic chiasm each picture is divided in half. The outer left and right halves continue back toward the visual cortex. The inner left and right halves cross over to the other side of the brain then continue back toward the visual cortex. See Drawing of optic pathways. Optic Disk The optic disk is the spot on the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye. There are no sensory cells here, creating a blind spot. Each eye covers for the blind spot of the other eye and the brain fills in the missing information. Optic Nerve Each optic nerve has about 1.2 million nerve fibers. This is the cable connecting the eye to the brain. Optic Tract The nerves that connect the optic chiasm to the LGN are called the optic tract. If one of these tracts is damaged, vision will be lost in one side of each eye. Orbital Muscles Six muscles are in charge of eye movement. Four of these move the eye up, down, left and right. The other two control the twisting motion of the eye when we tilt our head. Defects in these muscles and the nerves that control them lead to conditions like Nystagmus and Amblyopia (Lazy Eye). Photoreceptor Cells The retina is composed of two types of photoreceptor cells. When light falls on one of these cells, it causes a chemical reaction that sends an electrical signal to the brain. Cone cells give us our detailed color daytime vision. There are 6 million of them in each human eye. Most of them are located in the central retina - macula fovea area. There are three types of cone cells: one sensitive to red light, another to green light, and the third sensitive to blue light. Rod cells are about 500 times more sensitive to light then cone cells; they give us our dim light or night vision. They are also more sensitive to motion then cone cells. There are 120 million rod cells in the human eye. Most rod cells are located in our peripheral or side vision. Posterior Chamber The space between the iris and the front of the lens filled with Aqueous Humor. Pupil The pupil is the hole in the center of the iris that light passes through. The iris muscles control its size. Retina The retina is the film of the eye. It converts light rays into electrical signals and sends them to the brain through the optic nerve. The sides of the retina are responsible for our peripheral vision. The center area, called the macula, is used for our fine central vision and color vision. The retina is where most the problems leading to vision loss Occur. Three of the leading causes of blindness, from retina damage, are Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy. Retinal Blood Vessels A doctor can see the blood vessels that supply the retina when he looks into your eyes. These vessels are in the choroid just beneath the retina. Abnormal blood vessel growth and leaking blood vessels are the cause of vision loss in eye conditions like, Diabetic Retinopathy, ROP, and Macular Degeneration. Retinal Pigment Epithelium - (RPE) The RPE is a layer of cells between the retina and choroid. The inside of a camera is panted black to absorb scattered and reflected light. The black pigment known as melanin in the RPE dose the same job for the eye. The RPE gets rid of waste products produced by the photoreceptor cells. As we age, the RPE can sometimes lose its ability to process this waste. Deposits of this waste, called drusen, can distort and damage the retina leading to an eye condition called dry macular degeneration. Sclera The sclera is the white, tough wall of the eye. It along with internal fluid pressure keeps the eyes shape and protects its delicate internal parts. Uvea The uvea is the middle Vascular layer of the eye. It is made up of three parts: the iris, ciliary body and chorid. Uveitis is the inflammation (or swelling) of these parts of the eye. Visual Axis The Visual Axis is an imaginary line drawn through the center of the pupil to the center of the Fovea. The orbital muscles keep the visual axis of both eyes aligned on the center of what you are looking at (fixation point). An eye condition called Strabismus - (misaligned eyes) results when the orbital muscles fail to keep the eyes in alignment. Any damage to eye structures along this axis leads to severe vision loss. Visual Cortex The part of the brain that processes and combines visual information from both eyes and converts it into sight. Damage to the visual cortex results in a condition called cortical blindness. Visual Fields The retina of each eye has two sections the nasal retina - (nose side) and temporal retina - (ear side). For example: with your right eye, you see the right half of the world with your nasal retina; you see the left half of the world with your temporal retina. The picture your eye takes is flipped left for right and upside down; its up to the brain to sort things out. Vitreous Cavity The space between the lens and retina filled with the gel like Vitreous Humor. Vitreous Humor The vitreous humor is a jelly like liquid that fills most of the eye (from the lens back). As we age it changes from a gel to a liquid and gradually shrinks separating from the retina. This is when people start seeing floaters, dark specs in their vision. This is a normal sign of aging, but in a few cases the retina can become detached as the vitreous separates. Zonules Zonules are hundreds of string like fibers that hold the lens suspended in position and enable it to change shape for near or distant vision.

tag questions

tag questions
Form auxiliary verb + subject We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb, we use do. You live in Spain, don't you? If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative. You're Spanish, aren't you? If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative. You're not Spanish, are you? Meaning We use tag questions to confirm or check information or ask for agreement. You want to come with me, don't you? You can swim, can't you? You don't know where the boss is, do you? This meal is horrible, isn't it? That film was fantastic, wasn't it? We use tag questions to check whether something is true. The meeting's tomorrow at 9am, isn't it? You won't go without me, will you? Additional points In the present tense if the subject is I, the auxiliary changes to are or aren't. I'm sitting next to you, aren't I? With let's, the tag question is shall we. Let's go to the beach, shall we? With an imperative, the tag question is will you. Close the window, will you? We use an affirmative tag question after a sentence containing a negative word such as never, hardly, nobody. Nobody lives in this house, do they? You've never liked me, have you? When the subject is nothing, we use it in the tag question. Nothing bad happened, did it? When the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone, or everyone, we use they in the tag. Nobody asked for me, did they? If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag question. You have a Ferrari, don't you? With used to, we use didn't in the tag. You used to work here, didn't you? We can use affirmative tag questions after affirmative sentences to express a reaction such as surprise or interest. You're moving to Brazil, are you? Pronunciation If we don't know the answer, it is a real question and we use a rising intonation with the tag question. You don't know where the boss is, do you? ? If we know the answer and are just confirming the information we use a falling intonation with the tag question. That film was fantastic, wasn't it? ?

Tag Questions

What is a tag question? | How are they formed? | Why do we use them? Sponsored Links What is a tag question? A tag question is a short question added to the end of a positive or negative statement. For example:- He is, isn't he? He does, doesn't he? He will, won't he? He can, can't he? Top How are they formed? Normally a positive statement is followed by a negative tag, and a negative statement is followed by a positive tag. For example:- + - You're English, aren't you? - + You're not German, are you? !The statement and the tag are always separated by a comma. ! Treat any statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative statements. The verb in the statement should be the same tense as the verb in the tag. For example:- Present tense | present tense You are a good singer, aren't you? Past tense | past tense You didn't go to work yesterday, did you? Present perfect tense | present perfect tense You have been to London, haven't you? If the verb used in the statement is an auxiliary verb, then the verb used in the tag must match it. If a modal (can, could, will, should, etc.) is used in the statement, then the same modal is used in the tag part. If the statement doesn't use an auxilliary verb, then the auxiliary do is used in the tag part. For example:- Auxiliary verb !Note She is from England, isn't she? They aren't very nice, are they? She doesn't like it here, does she? Modal verb You can sing, can't you? They shouldn't do that, should they? No auxiliary He eats meat, doesn't he? (He does eat meat...) He had a bath, didn't he? (He did have a bath...) Nothing happened, did it? (Nothing did happen...) Top Why do we use them? Tag questions are used to verify or check information that we think is true or to check information that we aren't sure is true. Sometimes we just use them for effect, when we are trying to be sarcastic, or to make a strong point. So be sure to use them with care. We show the meaning of the tag question through intonation. If the tag is a real question it has a rising intonation. For example:- soundThe chairman's coming at 3.00, isn't he? If the tag is not a real question it has a flat or falling intonation. For example:- soundIt's a nice day today, isn't it? ! It is possible for a positive statement to be followed by a positive tag for even more effect (sarcasm, anger, disbelief, shock, concern etc.). For example:- soundOh you will, will you? soundYou think you're funny, do you?

Tag question

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2006) A question tag or tag question is a grammatical structure in which a declarative statement or an imperative is turned into a question by adding an interrogative fragment (the "tag"). For example, in the sentence "You're John, aren't you?", the statement "You're John" is turned into a question by the tag "aren't you". The term "question tag" is generally preferred by British grammarians, while their American counterparts prefer "tag question". Contents 1 Uses 2 Forms 2.1 Single word forms 2.2 Grammatically regular forms 2.2.1 Fixed phrases 2.2.2 Grammatically productive tag forms 3 Tag questions in English 3.1 Auxiliary 3.2 Balanced vs unbalanced tags 3.3 Intonation 3.4 Variant forms 3.4.1 False tag in Welsh English 4 Tag questions in the Celtic languages 5 References Uses In most languages, tag questions are more common in colloquial spoken usage than in formal written usage. They can be an indicator of politeness, emphasis or irony. They may suggest confidence or lack of confidence; they may be confrontational, defensive or tentative. Although they have the grammatical form of a question, they may differ from questions in that they do not expect an answer. In other cases, when they do expect a response, they may differ from straightforward questions in that they cue the listener as to what response is desired. In legal settings, tag questions can often be found in a leading question. According to a specialist children's lawyer at the NSPCC, children find it difficult to answer tag questions other than in accordance with the expectation of questioner.[1] Forms Question tags are formed in several ways, and many languages give a choice of formation. In some languages the most common is a single word or fixed phrase, whereas in others it is formed by a regular grammatical construction. Single word forms In many languages, the question tag is a simple positive or negative. Russian allows ???, yes?, whereas Spanish and Italian use ¿no? and no? respectively. Another common formation is equivalent to the English correct? or the informal form right?. This more often is realised as the word for true or truth, such as in Polish prawda?, or Spanish ¿verdad?, which in turn can be presented in a negative form, such as in the Polish nieprawdaz?, German nicht wahr? (not true?) or Lithuanian "ar ne?". Alternatively, a word or short phrase indicating agreement can be used, such as the French d'accord?. However, the equivalent in many languages is not a true tag question, but rather a complete question. A plain conjunction may be used, such as the Czech že? (that). Various other words occur in specific languages, such as German oder? (or). Finally, some languages have words whose only function is as a question tag. In Scots and certain dialects of English, eh? functions this way. French has hein? and Southern German dialects have gell? Grammatically regular forms In several languages, the tag question is built around the standard interrogative form. In English and the Celtic languages, this interrogative agrees with the verb in the main clause, whereas in other languages the structure has fossilised into a fixed form. Fixed phrases French uses n'est-ce pas in the formal register. Some languages use fixed questions, often involving one of the words found in single-word tags, such as the Russian ?? ?????? ??? (is it not true?). Alteratively they may use a form such as the Romanian nu-i asa? or Russian ?? ??? ??? (is it not so/like that?). Another grammatically regular tag is the simple question marker. In Polish, this is used in the negative, giving czyz nie?. Grammatically productive tag forms Grammatically productive tag forms are formed in the same way as simple questions, referring back to the verb in the main clause and agreeing in time and person (where the language has such agreement. The tag may include a pronoun, such as in English, or may not, as is the case in Scottish Gaelic. If the rules of forming interrogatives require it, the verb in the tag may be an auxiliary, as in English. Tag questions in English English tag questions, when they have the grammatical form of a question, are atypically complex, because they vary according to four factors: the choice of auxiliary, the negation, the intonation pattern and the emphasis. Auxiliary The English tag question is made up of an auxiliary verb and a pronoun. The auxiliary has to agree with the tense, aspect and modality of the verb in the preceding sentence. If the verb is in the present perfect, for example, the tag question uses has or have; if the verb is in a present progressive form, the tag is formed with am, are, is; if the verb is in a tense which does not normally use an auxiliary, like the present simple, the auxiliary is taken from the emphatic do form; and if the sentence has a modal auxiliary, this is echoed in the tag: He's read this book, hasn't he? He read this book, didn't he? He's reading this book, isn't he? He reads a lot of books, doesn't he? He'll read this book, won't he? He should read this book, shouldn't he? He can read this book, can't he? A special case occurs when the main verb is to be in a simple tense. Here the tag question repeats the main verb, not an auxiliary: This is a book, isn't it? (Not doesn't it?, as the normal rules for present simple would suggest.) If the main verb is to have, either solution is possible: He has a book, hasn't he? He has a book, doesn't he? Balanced vs unbalanced tags English tag questions may contain a negation, but need not. When there is no special emphasis, the rule of thumb often applies that a positive sentence has a negative tag and vice versa. This form usually seeks confirmation of the asker's opinion or belief. She is French, isn't she? She's not French, is she? These are sometimes called "balanced tag questions". However, it has been estimated that in normal conversation, as many as 40%-50%[2] of tags break this rule. "Unbalanced tag questions" (positive to positive or negative to negative) may be used for ironic or confrontational effects: Do listen, will you? Oh, I'm lazy, am I? Jack: I refuse to spend Sunday at your mother's house! Jill: Oh you do, do you? We'll see about that! Jack: I just won't go back! Jill: Oh you won't, won't you? Patterns of negation can show regional variations. In North East Scotland, for example, positive to positive is used when no special effect is desired: This pizza's fine, is it? (standard English: This pizza's delicious, isn't it?) Note the following variations in the negation when the auxiliary is the I form of the copula: England (and America, Australia, etc.): Clever, aren't I? Scotland/Northern Ireland: Clever, amn't I? nonstandard dialects: Clever, ain't I? Intonation English tag questions can have a rising or a falling intonation pattern. This can be contrasted with Polish, French or German, for example, where all tags rise, or with the Celtic languages, where all fall. As a rule, the English rising pattern is used when soliciting information or motivating an action, that is, when some sort of response is required. Since normal English yes/no questions have rising patterns (e.g. Are you coming?), these tags make a grammatical statement into a real question: You're coming, aren't you? Do listen, will you? Let's have a beer, shall we? The falling pattern is used to underline a statement. The statement itself ends with a falling pattern, and the tag sounds like an echo, strengthening the pattern. Most English tag questions have this falling pattern. He doesn't know what he's doing, does he? This is really boring, isn't it? Sometimes the rising tag goes with the positive to positive pattern to create a confrontational effect: He was the best in the class, was he? (rising: the speaker is challenging this thesis, or perhaps expressing surprised interest) He was the best in the class, wasn't he? (falling: the speaker holds this opinion) Be careful, will you? (rising: expresses irritation) Take care, won't you? (falling: expresses concern) Sometimes the same words may have different patterns depending on the situation or implication. You don't remember my name, do you? (rising: expresses surprise) You don't remember my name, do you? (falling: expresses amusement or resignation) Your name's Mary, isn't it? (rising: expresses uncertainty) Your name's Mary, isn't it? (falling: expresses confidence) It is interesting that as an all-purpose tag the Multicultural London English set-phrase innit (for "isn't it") is only used with falling patterns: He doesn't know what he's doing, innit? He was the best in the class, innit? On the other hand, the adverbial tag questions (alright? OK? etc.) are almost always found with rising patterns. An occasional exception is surely. Variant forms There are a number of variant forms that exist in particular dialects of English. These are generally invariant, regardless of verb, person or negativity. The tag right? is common in a number of dialects across the UK and US. The tag eh? is of Scottish origin, and can be heard across much of Scotland, New Zealand, Canada and the North-Eastern United States. In Central Scotland (in and around Stirling and Falkirk), this exists in the form eh no? which is again invariant. False tag in Welsh English It is often erroneously assumed that Welsh speakers of English use a tag question to make an emphatic statement, e.g.: Lovely day, isn't it? However, this is instead a cleft sentence of the form: Lovely day, is in it. This has its roots in the Welsh language, and this type of cleft features in all extant Celtic languages. The lack of verb at the start of this construction coupled with the lack of rising intonation mark this as distinct from tag questions, which are used in Welsh English in the same manner as the majority of the UK. Tag questions in the Celtic languages Like English, the Celtic languages form tag questions by echoing the verb of the main sentence. The Goidelic languages, however, make little or no use of auxiliary verbs, so that it is generally the main verb itself which reappears in the tag. As in English, the tendency is to have a negative tag after a positive sentence and vice versa, but unbalanced tags are also possible. Some examples from Scottish Gaelic: (Here, eil and fhaca are dependent forms of the irregular verbs tha and chunnaic.) Is toil leat fìon, nach toil? - You like wine, don't you? Tha i brèagha an diugh, nach eil? - It's nice today, isn't it? Chunnaic mi e, nach fhaca? - I saw him, didn't I? Thèid mi ga dhùsgadh, an tèid? - I'll go and wake him, shall I? (unbalanced!) In Welsh, a special particle is used to mark tag questions, which are then followed by the inflected form of a verb. With the auxiliary bod, it is the inflected form of bod that is used: Mae hi'n bwrw glaw heddiw, on'd ydy? - It's raining today, isn't it? With inflected non-preterite forms, the inflected form of the verb is used: Doi di yfory, on' doi? - You'll come tomorrow, won't you? With preterite and perfect forms, the invariable do (also the affirmative answer to these questions) is used: Canodd y bobl, on' do? - The people sang, didn't they? Mae hi wedi ei weld o, on'do? - She's seen him, hasn't she? When a non-verbal element is being questioned, the question particle ai is used: Mr Jones, on'dai? - Mr Jones, isn't it?

tag question

If I can say, for example: Let's go for a walk, shall we?, then what's the question tag for a sentence beginning with 'Let me', for example: Let me ask you a question? Thanks! Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Ads by Google Instant Grammar Checker Correct All Grammar Errors And Enhance Your Writing. Try Now! 23rd April 2012, 10:29 PM #2 ribran's Avatar ribran ribran is online now modus operandi Join Date Jan 2011 Location Austin, Texas Native language English - American Age 19 Posts 3,210 Will you?? I always keep the 3D glasses. Shhh... Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 23rd April 2012, 10:35 PM #3 DocPenfro's Avatar DocPenfro DocPenfro is offline Senior Member Join Date Feb 2012 Location Little England Native language English - British Age 61 Posts 1,988 "Let me ask you a question, would you?" - "would you" is considered to be a politer term than "will you", so it would depend on the context and your relationship to the person to whom you were speaking. "Let Hercules himself do what he may, the cat will mew and doc will have his day" Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 24th April 2012, 9:01 AM #4 Pertinax's Avatar Pertinax Pertinax is offline Senior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Location Queensland, Aust Native language BrE->AuE Age 56 Posts 1,221 Dawnstar's first sentence ("Let's go for a walk, shall we?") is a first-person plural let-imperative, so perhaps he intended his second sentence to be interpreted as a first-person singular let-imperative. Posts #2 & #3 have, I think, interpreted it as a second-person imperative with "let" meaning "allow .. to". In that case "will you?" or "would you?" would be appropriate. But I don't think that they fit a first-person imperative in general. If I mutter under my breath, to no one in particular: Let me think. Let me see. Don't let me make a fool of myself. Let me have men about me that are fat. (Julius Caesar) .. I can't think of any interrogative tag that fits. Not "shall I?" nor "will you?" nor "may I?". Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 24th April 2012, 9:53 AM #5 a little edgy a little edgy is offline Senior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Native language English Posts 1,542 "Can I" or "may I" would fit if you're asking permission to ask a question. Let me ask you a question, may I? However, in my experience, by far the most common question tag in such situations is that useful little word "OK." Let me ask you a question, OK? Reply With Quote Reply With Quote 24th April 2012, 10:08 AM #6 Thomas Tompion Thomas Tompion is offline Senior Member Join Date Mar 2007 Location Southwest France Native language English - England Posts 18,350 Question tags traditionaly invert the form of the subejct and verb and shift positives to negatives and vice versa. Let me ask you a question, will you? is certainly a possible way of posing a question, but I don't think the will you? is a question tag in the traditional sense. The whole looks to me more like a rearrangement of Will you let me ask you a question? You wouldn't let me ask you a question, would you? has a true question tag at the end. The shall we? in Let's go for a walk, shall we? isn't a traditional question tag either, by a similar token - it's not in a negative form for instance. I'm tending to the view that question tags turn affirmative statements into questions eg. He isn't coming, is he? and that they can't perform the same office for imperatives. If the question is What brief question can one easily append to this imperative to make it stronger and give it an interrogative twist? then we've had some good suggestions, but I wouldn't call them question tags. My answer to the question in the OP would be that there isn't a question tag for this imperative, by definition. Last edited by Thomas Tompion; 24th April 2012 at 10:29 AM. Sir..........I am cofused about forms of tag question. What are tag question forms of ........Let me go,......? Let him go,......? Let her go,.......? Let them go,..........? 27-Sep-2010, 15:34 #2 Rover_KE Rover_KE is offline Moderator Member Info Join Date Jun 2010 Posts 7,484 Teacher Default Re: Tag question Welcome to the board, rana. It's a mistake to imagine that everybody here on the forum is a sir. In the western world we have a number of highly educated women who might be prepared to help you. 'Let him go, will you?' is commonly heard if you are giving an order. 'Let her go, did you?' if it takes the form of a question. The same tag questions can be used whatever the preceding pronoun might be. Rover


A Few Updates... Hi, Muhammad! I had two thoughts driving home from the hospital with my wife, Divya. The first was, “I can’t believe I’m a Dad.” The second was, “I hope I can get our new baby, Max, out of that new car seat when we get home.” During the first couple weeks, we started to figure out all the little things that are second nature for experienced parents: changing diapers, swaddling a wriggly infant, and doing every household task with one arm. As usual, Divya was a few steps ahead of me. When our doctor suggested we buy a humidifier she said, “Oh, I already have one!” When I was getting Max ready for his first bath, she pulled out a neat homemade bath kit, complete with a tiny towel, comb and toothbrush. I felt like I’d forgotten to read a secret New Baby Instruction Manual. In an exasperated moment, I remember asking Divya, “How did you figure all this stuff out already?!” She looked at me and and cheerfully replied, “I just follow other parents on Pinterest!” Over the last year, there have been so many ways, big and small, that the Pinterest community has made my life better. I’m happy to say that I’m not alone. We’ve heard from teachers who use Pinterest to plan lessons, chefs who share recipes, and museums that pin their archives. We've also heard from millions of people who’ve been inspired to pick up an old hobby or try something new. It’s honestly more than we ever expected when we started Pinterest. We’re humbled to be part of such a positive, warm and creative community. Today, we’re excited to continue this tradition with a new feature we hope will make Pinterest even better—secret boards. Secret boards give you a place for things you’re not quite ready to share yet, like a surprise party, special gift ideas, or even planning for a new baby. We’re testing out the feature by giving everyone 3 secret boards. You’ll find them at the bottom of your profile. We can’t wait to hear what you think! On behalf of our team here at Pinterest, thanks so much for pinning, inviting your friends, and sending us ideas for how we can improve. Most of all, thanks for sharing your inspirations. With your help, we’ll make Pinterest a little better every day. —Ben & the Pinterest Team

ini rasanya tak disukai?

terlalu pede? but how about positive thinking? many times i ask him. many times i am rejected. i am to stupid to realize he repels me. i am too cocky to believe everybody loves me. now i should realize that not everybody want to do it with me. that not everybody have sex orientation. do i have to believe that i am ugly? i dont want to believe that. do i have to realize that i am not loved? how about the positive thinking? they say people with positive thinking will spread pisitive energy to his surrounding. thus everything happen will be positive. thus i will stay to be positive that everybody lovs me and wants me. i will spread this thought. thus everything will come true.


Let can be used to introduce suggestions and orders. It is followed by object + Infinitive without to. Let the show go on. Let me get you a cup of coffee. Let us eat - I am hungry. There are two possible negative forms - let us not and do not let us. Let us not stray from the right path. Let us not get angry. Do not let us forget our goals in life. Let with first person pronouns When let is followed by a first person pronoun, it is considered a kind of imperative. Let us (also let's) is used to make suggestions or to give instructions or orders to a group that includes the speaker. Let us go for a walk. Let us eat something. In question tags shall we is used. Let's is used as a short answer. 'Let us have a drink, shall we?' 'Yes, let's.' Let me is used to give instructions to oneself. The expressions let me see and let me think are very common. ‘Can I have the report ready by this evening?’ ‘Let me see.’


continue Read the bellow sentences: Shut the door,will/won't you? Read aloud,will/can/could you? Do not run,will you? Please,help me,will you? Let me go, will you? But Let us play,shall we? Make structures from the above sentences. Verb +ext,will you? Do not +verb +ext,will you? Let me/him/her/them/noun +verb+ext.,will you? Please,verb+ext.,will you? Let us/'s +verb.shall we? Make tag question from the bellow sentences Go straight. Run a race. Hurry up. Do not tell a lie. Always speak the thruth. Do not shout. Let her sing a song. Let them play now. Move a little bit. Let 's watch a movie. Let us go on a picnic.


aku menemukan kesempurnaan dlm sosoknya. dan tuhan merenggutnyA dr sisiku. ga pernah ada kata jadian tapi diputus. dan rasanya sakit banget. tuhan sll memberi peringatan yg keras bahwa aku tdk blh mencintau sesuatu melebihi cintaku padanya. tp hati ini tak bisa diatur. cibta dtg entah dr mana. hati memilih entah siapa. semua tak terkendali. hanya berharap smg dpt restu dan tuhan mengembalikan dia ke sisiku. klo dia memang baik untukku.

Internet Personality Chris Crocker Finally Makes His Porn Debut

Comments (27) Print Email Internet personality Chris Crocker has been talking about doing porn for 20 years (well, in Web years, at least). Since rumors began that he was going to appear in a Chi Chi LaRue flick, though, Crocker has appeared in his own HBO documentary (Me at The Zoo), been referenced on Glee, and even started filming a legit gay comedy. The porn project seemed to languish. But Queer Me Now (NSFW) is reporting that Mr. “Leave Britney Alone” is finally popping his porn cherry with the bareback site The Maverick Men (NSFW), which has released an x-rated trailer featuring Chris and his now-ex, Justin Goble. The full scene debuts on the site October 4. Over the summer, Crocker registered a new Twitter account, @ChrisCrockerXXX, and discussed his porn possibilities on his Tumblr page: The mere NOTION that someone can be intelligent, talented, and do porn on the side is jarring and impossible to most. (Not all, I know you supporters are out there reading this as well. I am not focusing ONLY on the narrow-minded.) Don’t get me wrong: I am not painting an impossibly pretty picture for the sake of changing anyones minds. It IS difficult. I have to wonder about an array of things it will interfere with. Here are some of the most commonly asked issues.. The being in relationship aspect: It all starts with trust. I tell my amazing partner everything. I tell him when a twink asks about doing a 3-way with us. I tell him when I think someone is attractive. I tell him my fantasies involving us with others. We do NOT have an “open relationship”, we do however have an OPEN MINDED relationship.. and the fact I share everything with him allows us to have 10000% trust. Plus, he knows there is a difference between me sharing my body with the internet and the way I share my body/soul/heart with him. Also, any porn endeavors I accept will include him in some capacity… Sharing my sex life and sexual desires is no different than my day-to-day intimate videos, in MANY ways. It’s me letting down a wall most of society keeps up. That’s my only talent. Being my 100% self on camera- The self most of us try to hide. Bringing the shadows of who we are to light… PS- What is porn anyway? ;) Is it doing a shameful, crass act on camera.. because if so, I screwed myself on camera years ago. Hey, if Chris wants to do porn, more power to him. We just wish it wasn’t bareback porn. But if it’s with his then-boyfriend, and they were seroconcordant (and that’s some big ifs), we guess its okay? Full story here:

In the District, a same-sex couple’s adoption success story
By Petula Dvorak, Published: August 3 This is a story about judgments and the many ways people can surprise us. It begins a couple of years ago, when I was covering a conference for gay and lesbian parents. I met a gorgeous couple who looked more like models in a a Polo ad than parents. “Do you have kids?” I asked, dubious because, really, no one looks that good when they have children. “No, but we’re interested in adopting. Or maybe becoming foster parents,” Kelly Vielmo told me. Foster parents? I wondered what, exactly, these two impeccably groomed men thought foster parenting — any parenting — was like. We said goodbye, and I moved on to other interviews. Two months later, I saw an interesting post online on a parenting discussion group. “This morning on the Metro two different people whispered to me that I needed to get my foster daughter’s African American hair maintained. (She is 5?1 / 2 years old.),” wrote Kelly, one of the glamo-guys I met at the conference. “Can anyone on this listserv offer suggestions as to where we can go?” Whoa. They did it. He and his partner, Jack Montgomery, became foster parents. And I regretted being so dismissive of them. A year or so later, I got an e-mail from them, inviting me to their wedding. And right before they tied the knot, they were planning on finalizing the adoption of three children, ages 2, 3 and 6. Read Montgomery’s wedding toast: To family Double, wait, triple whoa. They did it! They had an adoption ceremony in a D.C. courtroom, with about 40 people attending. The girls, Raine and Ravyn, were in matching dresses, and Cardel was dressed up, clip-on tie in place. Their priest came to bless the ceremony. After it was all done, the judge stepped down and hugged everyone. I’d already been to their Capitol Hill townhouse to meet the kids. The living room was filled with games, puzzles, desks and books. The kids spilled out of Kelly’s car; he had picked them up from camp, and Jack was home making tortellini, chicken and broccoli. The dinner hour with three small children was remarkable for its calm. Jack was honest: “Well, a year ago, someone would’ve been on the floor crying.” “Maybe one of us,” Kelly shticked. What’s a family without some tears? Forming their family wasn’t easy. The older siblings, Raine and Cardel, came first. A social worker said the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency was looking for a “forever home” for them, not someone who would keep them for a few months, then pass them along to the next foster home. Eventually, the children were joined by their youngest sibling, tiny Ravyn, who was 18 months old and barely walking. All of them had developmental issues stemming from the neglect in their biological family’s home. Cardel was 5 but hardly talking. Raine was a blur, manic and nearly uncontrollable. Jack, 34, was raised in South Carolina, in a big Southern family, and always wanted to have kids. When he and Kelly, 35, hit their 10th anniversary, he knew it was time to get serious about adoption. Most of their same-sex-couple friends had gone abroad for expensive international adoptions; that seemed to be the thing to do. Then Jack and Kelly attended the Rainbow Families conference and heard a representative from CFSA describe the District’s foster children. There are almost 2,000 children in foster care right here in our city, and nearly 400 of them are waiting for a home. The city has long been open to adoptions and foster care by same-sex couples, said Mindy Good, spokeswoman for CFSA. Between January 2011 and April 2012, the agency licensed 17 foster homes where the parent or parents self-identified as gay or lesbian, she said. Personal Post Archive E-mail So Jack and Kelly became foster parents, hoping to adopt. They had a couple of temporary kids, grew attached to them and kept their photos after they were returned to their parents. Last year, their forever children arrived, and they began meeting the challenge of caring for them. “They were a fantastic family from the beginning, very quick to advocate for their children,” said Kathleen Ambroso, the CFSA social worker who handled Jack and Kelly’s case. “And that was it. They saw them as their children, right from the start.” What really seemed to bond them was the addition of their sister, Ravyn, who had been cared for in a foster home in another state. When she joined them, everyone fell into their roles, Ambroso said. Cardel became the smart older brother, taking on a leadership role, bringing Ravyn along with games and patience, his own vocabulary increasing as he taught her. And Raine and Ravyn were inseparable, reveling in their girliness. When I arrived at their home, they spent much of the time asking to see my eye shadow and applying lipstick to my face with less-than-perfect accuracy. It wasn’t smooth, Jack reminds me. In their parent-support groups and foster meetings, they were usually the only same-sex parents. The first time their home was inspected to qualify for foster care, the social worker looked them up and down with wonder and a hint of suspicion. “I’ve never been to a home in this part of town,” she told them. The adoption process was painful at times, especially for the children’s mother. She was struggling and in lots of legal trouble. Raising three children was untenable in her situation, and she knew it. But they were her babies. And Jack and Kelly knew it. Aware of the racial, social and economic differences that were part of the situation, the men tread carefully. In the end, after social workers and therapists and teachers and psychologists and pediatricians had been studying them for a year, a judge determined that the best place for the children to thrive was with Jack and Kelly. To help the mom stay in touch, they set up a personal blog, just for her, where they post photos and drawings and anecdotes from their lives. The biggest challenge came with Cardel’s biological father. Before he heard that his child was being adopted, he didn’t play much of a role in Cardel’s life. But the thought of his child being raised by two strangers — and by two gay, white strangers — prompted a court fight. It got ugly. On the third day of testimony, Jack, Kelly and Cardel were outside the courthouse early. “Cardel was going through a paper airplane phase, so we were playing paper airplanes with him outside,” Jack said. The father came toward them. They had never exchanged a word outside the courtroom. Jack invited him to come play. And for a good 30 minutes, the three men and the boy played and laughed. When they assembled in the courtroom later in the week, Cardel’s biological father took the stand and made an announcement. He looked at Jack and Kelly and said aloud that his son would do well with them, that he was in the right place. He cried a little, got off the stand, hugged everyone, dropped his case and walked out the door. When the social worker showed him the family photo from the wedding, he told her: “Cardel will have opportunities I never had.” Judgment dropped, and a family now complete. To read previous columns by Petula Dvorak, go to

Sambutan Menteri Kehutanan Pada Acara Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia di Seluruh Indonesia tanggal 28 November 2011

22/11/2011 06:42 SAMBUTAN MENTERI KEHUTANAN PADA ACARA HARI MENANAM POHON INDONESIA DI SELURUH INDONESIA TANGGAL 28 NOVEMBER 2011 Bismillahirrohmanirohim Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua. Yang saya hormati; • Gubernur, Bupati, Walikota, beserta Muspida • Saudara-saudara sekalian dan Hadirin yang berbahagia, Pertama-tama saya mengajak hadirin sekalian untuk bersyukur kehadirat Allah SWT, kepada Nya kita mengabdi dan memohon pertolongan. Dan atas rahmat yang dilimpahkan kepada kita, hari ini kita dapat berkumpul bersama pada acara peringatan Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia (HMPI). Semoga saudara-saudara dalam keadaan sehat walafiat. Pertama-tama pada kesempatan ini saya ingin menyampaikan bahwa melalui Keputusan Presiden Nomor 24 Tahun 2008, Pemerintah telah menetapkan setiap tanggal 28 November kita peringati sebagai Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia (HMPI), dan Desember sebagai Bulan Menanam Nasional (BMN). Pada peringatan HMPI tahun 2010 di Jatiluhur, Presiden RI telah mengamanatkan untuk melakukan Gerakan Penanaman Satu Milyar Pohon pada tahun 2011. Penanaman Satu Milyar Pohon Tahun 2011 merupakan gerakan nyata penanaman pohon secara massal yang bertujuan untuk : Menambah tutupan lahan dan mencegah terjadinya bencana banjir dan longsor; Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati (biodeversity); Penyerapan karbon di atmosfir untuk pencegahan dampak perubahan iklim; Mendukung pembangunan ketahanan pangan, energi, dan ketersediaan air untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Saudara sekalian, Kita patut bersyukur kepada Allah SWT, karena telah dikaruniai sumberdaya alam yang besar, dan mempunyai fenomena-fenomena alam yang unik. Ada dataran rendah, dataran tinggi, bergelombang, berbukit-bukit, pegunungan, cekungan, lereng yang curam, serta munculnya gunung-gunung berapi. Kekuatan geologis yang mengakibatkan timbulnya fenomena-fenomena alami seperti itu, dibeberapa tempat telah mengangkat berbagai deposit bahan tambang ke posisi relatif dekat dengan permukaan bumi. Maka tidak mengherankan jika di persada Bumi Pertiwi kita ini terdapat beberapa deposit tambang yang potensial, yang dapat dikelola untuk mendorong pertumbuhan industri. Selain sumberdaya hutan, kita mempunyai minyak bumi, gas alam cair, emas, tembaga, besi, timah, dan kapur. Tetapi di samping keadaan yang tampak menguntungkan seperti itu, mengingat topografi yang unik, maka kebanyakan kondisi tanah di berbagai wilayah Indonesia rawan akan bahaya erosi, banjir, dan tanah longsor. Lebih-lebih bila diingat bahwa Indonesia berada di daerah tropis yang curah hujannya tinggi. Karena itu, pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam, baik hutan, tambang atau penggalian deposit kekayaan bumi lainnya, harus diselenggarakan secara hati-hati, dan bijaksana, yang berwawasan lingkungan. Hal ini penting agar tanah tidak menjadi rusak tanpa penutup vegetasi yang menjadi sarana perlindungannya. Demikian pula pemanfaatan lahan untuk budidaya pertanian, terutama pertanian lahan kering di daerah hulu, juga harus dilaksanakan dengan penuh perhitungan, mengingat bahwa hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia ini merupakan daerah aliran sungai (DAS). Hulu DAS merupakan daerah resapan yang penting. Apabila Hulu DAS mengalami kerusakan akan memicu terjadinya banjir, erosi, dan longsor. Terjadinya banjir dan longsor di beberapa daerah membuktikan bahwa hulu DAS telah mengalami kerusakan. Guna mengatasi masalah tersebut, Kementerian Kehutanan telah meluncurkan berbagai program untuk perbaikan lingkungan, satu di antaranya adalah Gerakan Penanaman Satu Miliar Pohon. Agar Pohon yang kita tanam, selain untuk mengendalikan longsor, dan banjir, tetapi juga dapat menyediakan sumber air bersih di musim kemarau, maka perlu gerakan konservasi tanah, dan air melalui pembuatan embung, cekdam, sumur resapan dan biopori. Hal ini penting agar air dari hujan, dan air limbah di sekitar kita dapat meresap ke bumi, sehingga tidak mengalir deras menjadi air permukaan yang seringkali menyebabkan banjir, erosi, dan tanah longsor. Penanaman pohon disertai konservasi tanah, dan air sebagai sinergitas pengelolaan air vertikal, Insya Allah akan memberikan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat. Karena tanah yang subur, dan air yang berkecukupan tidak saja baik untuk pertumbuhan pohon, tetapi juga untuk ketahanan pangan dan ketersediaan air bersih. Saudara sekalian, Mengingat perbaikan lingkungan ini merupakan kerja besar, dan sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas, maka saya harapkan instansi terkait, kalangan pendidikan, TNI, POLRI, dan swasta ikut serta mendukung gerakan penanaman satu miliar pohon ini. Keikutsertaan semua pihak dalam kegiatan penanaman pohon ini dapat dikatakan bahwa dalam pembangunan nasional tidak ada program yang primadona, karena pada dasarnya di dalam pembangunan nasional itu terdapat keterkaitan antarsektor, dan semua sektor harus saling mendukung demi tercapainya tujuan pembangunan nasional. Inilah yang kita sebut dengan kebersamaan. Demikian pula dengan kegiatan penanaman pohon pada hari ini, merupakan wujud kebersamaan Pemerintah dengan masyarakat. Kebersamaan seperti itu perlu terus kita bina dan kembangkan, sehingga masyarakat semakin sadar akan pentingnya lingkungan hidup yang baik, dan dengan kesadaran sendiri berperan aktif dalam rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan. Saya harapkan peringatan Hari Menanam Pohon Indonesia ini akan membangkitkan semangat swadaya masyarakat dalam gerakan penanaman satu miliar pohon, dan hal ini yang menjadi esensi dalam seluruh program gerakan penanaman pohon yang telah diluncurkan Kementerian Kehutanan dalam rangka perbaikan lahan kritis. Saudara sekalian, Dalam kesempatan yang baik ini, saya akan menyampaikan arahan terbaru Bapak Presiden RI, yaitu Agenda Ekonomi Khusus, dalam bentuk 8 Agenda, dan 1 Agenda Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Berkeadilan. Dalam 9 Agenda Ekonomi Khusus tersebut, 5 agenda di antaranya terkait dengan sektor kehutanan, yaitu : Peningkatan tambahan daya listrik sebesar 10.000 MW sampai dengan 2015. Upaya kehutanan adalah melalui percepatan kerjasama pemanfaatan geothermal, mikrohidro, dan penyediaan lahan pinjam pakai untuk bendungan, jaringan listrik, dan transmisi listrik. Surplus beras sebesar 10 juta ton mulai 2014, dilakukan dengan penyediaan lahan seluas 200.000 ha di Kalteng, Kaltim, dan Kalbar. Peningkatan lapangan pekerjaan dengan sasaran jumlah pengangguran dibawah 6 % pada tahun 2014. Bidang kehutanan diharapkan menyerap tenaga kerja melalui pembangunan HTR, HTI, HD, KBR, HR, dan industri kayu berbasis hutan tanaman. Gerakan Indonesia Bersih. Kementerian Kehutanan akan melakukan RHL di 108 DAS Prioritas, penghijauan lingkungan seluas 360.000 ha, dan pembangunan hutan kota seluas 4.000 ha sampai tahun 2014. Pengelolaan SDA yang berkeadilan, dengan mendorong operasional PP, dan Permenhut yang direvisi, antara lain melibatkan rakyat setempat sebesar 20 % dalam kepemilikan/pembangunan perkebunan dan HTI. Kelima agenda yang terkait dengan sektor kehutanan tersebut menjadi tugas kita bersama, Kemenhut, kementerian terkait, pemerintah daerah, dunia usaha, dan masyarakat. Untuk itu, kita semua perlu untuk saling berkoordinasi, dan bermitra. Dengan koordinasi dan kemitraan yang harmonis, Insya Allah kelima agenda tersebut dapat kita laksanakan dengan baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat (pro poor), meningkatkan lapangan kerja (pro job), menaikkan kontribusi sektor kehutanan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi regional dan nasional (pro growth), sekaligus memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan hidup (pro environment). Demikian beberapa hal yang ingin saya sampaikan dalam kesempatan ini. Semoga kerja keras kita akan menjadi amal saleh yang bermanfaat besar bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia. Wabilllahitaufiq walhidayah wassalamualaikum warakhmatullah wabarakatuh. MENTERI KEHUTANAN ttd ZULKIFLI HASAN Informasi Selengkapnya dapat dilihati pada file lampiran berikut :

English Grammar - Question tags

Question tags - Complex Test Exercises - Question tags Use frequently used in spoken English when you want s.o. to agree or disagree Form positive statement ->question tag negative - You are Tom, aren't you? negative statement->question tag positive - He isn't Joe, is he? Examples with auxiliaries You've got a car, haven't you? without auxiliaries (use: don't, doesn't, didn't) They play football on Sundays, don't they? She plays football on Sundays, doesn't she? They played football on Sundays, didn't they? Questions tags are used to keep a conversation going. You can agree or refuse to a sentence with a question tag. You go to school, don't you? You agree. You refuse. Yes, I do. No, I don't. You aren't from Germany, are you? You agree. You refuse. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. Questions tags - Special Although the negative word not is not in the sentence, the sentence can be negative. Then we use the "positive" question tag. He never goes out with his dog, does he? have is a main verb in the sentence -> two possibilities We have a car, _____? We have a car, haven't we? We have a car, don't we? mostly British English mostly American English We use will/would with the imperative (Simple Present). Open the window, will you? Open the window, would you? Don't open your books, will you? We use won't with a polite request. Open the window, won't you? We use shall after Let's. Let's take the next bus, shall we? Auxiliary must We must be at home at 8 pm, mustn't we? Yes, we must. No, we needn't. Procedure adding a question tag Look at the sentence. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? yes no auxiliary or form of to be affirmative -> negate auxiliary (add n't) auxiliary or form of to be negative -> (delete n't) affirmative sentence -> Negate sentence (e.g. don't; doesn't; didn't) negative sentence -> (delete n't) 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? yes no Use the personal pronoun. Form the personal pronoun. 3 Complete the sentence. Example 1: He can play football, ________. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? yes -> can auxiliary or form of to be affirmative -> negate auxiliary (add n't) can't 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? yes Use the personal pronoun. 3 He can play football, can't he? Example 2: Peter can play football, ________. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? yes -> can auxiliary or form of to be affirmative -> negate auxiliary (add n't) can't 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? no Form the personal pronoun. Peter -> he 3 Peter can play football, can't he? Example 3: Peter plays football, ________. 1 Is an auxiliary or a form of to be in the sentence? no affirmative sentence -> Negate the verb. verb plays -> Negation: doesn't play We only use the auxiliary doesn't. 2 Is a personal pronoun the subject of the sentence? no Form the personal pronoun. Peter -> he 3 Peter plays football, doesn't he?

baju ilang

bikin stres berat. jadi kepikiran pengen pindah. tp kos ini udah strategis banget. udah di tengah2 empat kampus (unaki unimus udinus ikip). lagian males berburu kos lg. tp sebagian diriku mengatakan bahwa ini adl tanda2 yg di atas utk menyuruhku pindah. otak yg lain mengatakan bahwa ini adl hukuman dr yg di atas atas dosa2 yg tlh kulakukan. ga perlu kujabarkan dosa apa yg tlh kulakukan. aku pun sadar bahwa hukuman ini sangat ringan. otak yg lain mengatakan bahwa aku harus melakukan sesuatu agar pencurinya tertangkap, agar tdk ada korban yang lain. masa aku harus masang cctv? kmrn2 udah pernah kehilangan baju juga. dg cara yg sama. dijemur di terasa amblas. bodohnya aku melakukan hal yg sama berkali2. sumpah stres berat. banyak pikiran berseliweran. yg skrg adalah menyalahkan diri sendiri. seharusnya sbg org pintar klo udah kecurian satu kali ga akan jemur disitu lg. tp aku udah berkali2 dan tetep jemur disitu. berarti aku org yg amat sangat bodoh sekali. hanya demi menghemat uang laundry. kalo gini berarti bukan menghemat ya......... kok tiba2 terpikir ini adl salah satu caraku memberikan sumbangan bagi org2 tak mampu....he.....sll cari alasan agar pikiran mjd tenang.

speaking kloter pertama 11 11 12

speaking kloter pertama 11 11 12

speaking kloter pertama 11 11 12

speaking kloter pertama 11 11 12

speaking kolter pertama 11 11 12