Monday, June 18, 2012

film pineapple express - seth rogen

film pineapple express - seth rogen dale kerja sbg process service. dia berpacaran dg angie (murid sma). dia jg langganan drug pd saul. saul memberinya pineapple express. kmd dale ingin mengantar surat pd ted (drug lord). dale menyaksikan ted dan carol (polisi) membunuh org (saingan sesama drug lord). dale melarikan diri k rumah saul. ted memburu dale dg petunjuk puntung rokok dale yg mrp pineapple express. stelah menyadari bahwa dale meningalkan petunjuk, dale dan saul melarikan diri k tengah hutan. anak buah ted (bulofski dan mathesen) memburu mrk. mrk mengunjungi red (middlemen saul). tanpa tahu apa yg tjd, saul janjian ke rumah red. setelah sadar bahwa polisi bisa melacak telp, dale membuang dua hp nya. mrk menginap d hutan d dlm mobil. paginya batere/aki mobil mati. mrk menumpang k rumag red. awalnya red menyambut dg baik. namun dale sadar bahwa red berkhianat. mrk mengikat red dan menginterogasinya. red mengaku. mrk melarikan diri saat bulofski dan mathesen datang. ted menyuruh mrk membunuh red. mrk menembak red di perut dan dada. ted dan carol saling mengancam lewat telp. saul dan dale k rumah angie krn dale merasa angie dlm bahaya. dale menyuruh angie dan ortunya menginap d motel. mathesen dan bulofski memburu mrk k rumah angie. angie dan ortunya serta dale dan saul berhasil melarikan diri. angie dan ortunya k motel. dale dan saul gentayangan. mrk berniat keluar kota namun tak punya uang utk beli tiket. mrk jual weed k anak sma. dale tertangkap polisi. saul berhasil merebut mobil polisi dan membawanya lari beserta dale didalamnya. mrk dikejar carol. namun mobil carol menabrak mobil yg diparkir. carol marah besar dan menghadap ted utk menceritakan niat balasdendam. di motel, angie ditinggal ortunya yg lapor polisi. dale telp angie dan saling bertengkar dan akhirnya bubar. saul menelpon neneknya di panti jompo. dale dan saul bertengkar saling menyalahkan. saul meninggalkan dale dan mengunjungi neneknya di panti jompo. mathesen dan bulofski menculik saul. . dale menelpon angie utk berbaikan. ketika angie mengatakan ingin menikah, mrk bertengkar lg. dale merindukan saul dan menyusul k panti jompo. d panti jompo dale menguping polisi yg sdg menyelidiki penculikan saul. dale mengunjungi red yg sekarat. dale minta bantuan utk menyelamatkan saul. red mengantar dale k gudang ted. sesampainya d gudang, red mengurungkan niat dan meninggalkan dale. dale tertangkap dan ditahan bersama saul. mrk berbaikan. sementara geng asia menyerang gudang ted. dale dan saul berhasil melarikan diri dg menembak mathesen. dale melawan ted dilantai bawah. saul melawan carol dilantai atas. ketika bulofski mau meninggalkan tkp, mathesen menembaknya. red kembali dan menabrak mathesen hingga mati. carol menembak red. geng asia meledakkan gudang. ted mati gara2 kena ledakan. carol mati tertimpa mobil. dale menyelamatkan saul yg pingsan. red ternyata masih hidup dan berhasil meloloskan diri dr kebakaran gudang. mrk menikmati kemeangan di cafe. mrk dijemput nenek saul. mp: banyak sekali mengenal jenis drug: blue oyster, kush afgan, northen lights, super red special snowflake, pineapple express, smoke milkshake, english breez, davinci brush, banana bush, spanish traveling, eldorado, purple granddaddy, purple nurple, og cush.....bikin paper ttg jenis2 drug boleh ga? kalo ngadain penelitian lapangan berarti harus mencoba drug nya juga? hahahhahahahahhaha

film the woman in black - daniel radcliffe

arthur lost his wife (stella) while giving birth to joseph. arthur raise joseph alone. one day arthur must go grifford because of his job (to check the house of late mrs dabrow: eel marsh house). he left joseph to his nanny. on the train he meets samuel (the local) who take him to the inn. the inn owner is rude but his wife is nice and give him a room in the attic. in the morning everybody seem to hate him. he meet jerome (local officer) but jerome doesnot want to help him and try to make him back to london. he pays keckwick (coach driver to take him to eel marsh). in eel marsh he sees a woman in black. in the afternoon keckwick pick him. he report to contable (local police) about the woman. suddenly two boys bring a dying girl who died in arthur's arm. samuel take arthur to dinner and meet his wife (elizabeth) who is crazy. samuel take arthur to jerome but he didnt find him. instead he finds a girl lock up in the basement. on the way many men block them and force him to go back to london. but samuel help him and take him to eel marsh. he stays the night. in the night he sees many child shadows (in the bathroom, behind the toy, in the cemetery, in the window). he found letters from jennet to alice that explain jennet will get revenge because of her son is drown in the mud. then he fall asleep. he wakes when the dog barks. he found the photos is ruined. he hears the sound of rocking chair but he cant open the door. he pick the axe but the door open by itself. he finds the writing in the wall. the toys come alive. through window he sees a boy comes out of the cemetery in the mud. in the glass he sees the print of a hand and the screaming face. there is someone in the front door. but there is noone when he opens it. he finds many children ghosts in the wood. he follows the trace of foot into the room. the toys come alive. he sees the hanging woman and the boy covered with mud. the woman in black chases him. he hide in the room. the boy in the mud come out of the bed. he finds samuel in the front door. they find fire in jerome's house. arthur goes inside tries to save lucy (jerome's daughter). arthur sees lucy burn herself because the woman in black force her to do so. arthur stays at samuel. elizabeth warns him about the bad things that will come to joseph. samuel takes arthur to post office but it is closed. they take the boy's body from the mud and bring it to eel marsh. arthur prepares the boy with letters. the woman comes. while samuel sees his late son downstair. they buried the boy with the mother. samuel takes arthur to station to meet joseph and the nanny. the woman in black force joseph to walk in the railway in front of the coming train. arthur tries to save him but he died with joseph. they meet stella in the after life. samuel sees the ghosts of the children and the woman in black. mp: it is cretain that there is others thing live around us. but do they really harmful to us?

film green guys - kris lemche

travis, andrew, billy, levi berencana membuat perusahaan saham palsu dg menipu drog lord dr mexico (nathaniel garcia). northcut (fbi) yg sdg menyelidiki garcia beralih menyelidiki mrk. northcut mendatangi billy. billy ketakutan dan melapor yg lain. northcut menyewa marty utk menyemar jd jonathan utk beli saham d perusahaan mrk. namun marty tak bisa menemukan flaw mereka. the boys success in their business. travis addict to gamble. the others try to warn him cause he like to brag that he has a lot of money. they fight each other. richard (the employer) eavesdrop and get caught. they threaten him. northcut gagal meyakinkan bosnya (peter) utk meanjutkan penyelidikan ttg mrk. garcia wants the money back. they are in big problem. andrew, levi, travis go to mexico to meet garcia. garcia threatens them. billy found marty in the bar and realize that he is a spy. billy kidnaps marty. billy call the others. the others angry with billy. billy throws marty in the desert. the boys hold the meeting and plan to kill garcia. andrew doesnt approve and left. levi tap andrew's phone. andrew tells his girl (heather) that he will tell the police. levi, travis, billy kidnap andrew. billy ot the assigment to kill andrew but billy let andrew go and warn him about heather. andrew goes home and found levi and travis waiting to kill heather. mp: kasetnya tau endingnya

senen 18 6 12

pg k dinus- k unaki- k aha- k unimus- k wrg- berhasil puasa- thx u lord-

minggu 17 6 12

seharian d kos- thx u lord- sore k putu- k wrg- berhasil puasa- thx u lord-

sabtu 16 6 12

pg k putu- k patrajasa-seminar mpe sore- k putu- k alfa- k kfc- thx u lord- malam k burjo w rian- thx u lord-

jumat 15 6 12

pg k dinus- k unaki- k unimus- ngajar- beol- jumatan- maksi- gagal puasa- sori lord- ngajar- thx u lord- sore k stevan- diner d gajahmungkur- stevan k kos- thx u lord- mlm ngantar stevan- thx u lord-
