Monday, June 18, 2012

film green guys - kris lemche

travis, andrew, billy, levi berencana membuat perusahaan saham palsu dg menipu drog lord dr mexico (nathaniel garcia). northcut (fbi) yg sdg menyelidiki garcia beralih menyelidiki mrk. northcut mendatangi billy. billy ketakutan dan melapor yg lain. northcut menyewa marty utk menyemar jd jonathan utk beli saham d perusahaan mrk. namun marty tak bisa menemukan flaw mereka. the boys success in their business. travis addict to gamble. the others try to warn him cause he like to brag that he has a lot of money. they fight each other. richard (the employer) eavesdrop and get caught. they threaten him. northcut gagal meyakinkan bosnya (peter) utk meanjutkan penyelidikan ttg mrk. garcia wants the money back. they are in big problem. andrew, levi, travis go to mexico to meet garcia. garcia threatens them. billy found marty in the bar and realize that he is a spy. billy kidnaps marty. billy call the others. the others angry with billy. billy throws marty in the desert. the boys hold the meeting and plan to kill garcia. andrew doesnt approve and left. levi tap andrew's phone. andrew tells his girl (heather) that he will tell the police. levi, travis, billy kidnap andrew. billy ot the assigment to kill andrew but billy let andrew go and warn him about heather. andrew goes home and found levi and travis waiting to kill heather. mp: kasetnya tau endingnya

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