Friday, December 6, 2019

They don’t understand that………………….

They are too absorbed in themselves…………………. They think they are the most important…………………. Dank…………………. Stupid me…………………. No negative please…………………. It is difficult tho…………………. I don’t know why…………………. Today I feel weird…………………. No negative for them…………………. No negative for me…………………. Everything said by her…………………. Directly my mind create negative version of it of them…………………. That is scary…………………. In the name of lord…………………. I will be ok for the rest of the program…………………. If he allows…………………. He will make me ok…………………. He is the greatest…………………. He will make miracles…………………. He will make everything ok ………………….

I think he got a job………………….

As civil servant…………………. They know…………………. He is happy…………………. They are happy…………………. A bit jealous…………………. But…………………. Then again…………………. It is life…………………. This is mine…………………. He puts me here…………………. There is a reason…………………. I don’t know it yet…………………. Must be grateful…………………. Or maybe he got a grant…………………. Make me more jealous…………………. Lord…………………. Help me please…………………. I don’t want to be negative…………………. In the name of lord…………………. He will give me spv…………………. If he allows…………………. There will be a spv for me…………………. He is the greatest…………………. He will make miracles…………………. I will get loa…………………. I will get grants ………………….

She will change her mind……………………………….

Or Andrew will give me another spv………………………………. In the name of lord………………………………. May he give me solution………………………………. If he allows………………………………. He will tell me all about this………………………………. He is the greatest………………………………. He will make miracles………………………………. He will show me………………………………. He will make me happy………………………………. If I cant be here………………………………. He will put me somewhere else nicer ……………………………….

5 des 19 kamis …………………….

Spencer…………………. Edu building…………………. Pul ke gap arin…………………. With arin n zul…………………. K best buy n starbuck…………………. Pul…………………. Farewell party for ical…………………. Allahuakbar………………….

4 des 19 rabu ……………………….

INTERNARIONl office bayar pajak……………………. Perpus nemeni arin……………………. Class……………………. Pul……………………. Spencer……………………. International office for meeting……………………. Pu; naruh lappy……………………. Univ center meet all……………………. Bus……………………. Resto afghan……………………. Hockey game……………………. Allahuakbar…………………….

3 des 19 selasa………………………….

Value village with susi n sayid………………………. Kebobolan………………………. Allahuakbar………………………. Pul………………………. Spencer………………………. Allahuakbar……………………….

2 des 19 senen …………………………….

International office…………………………. Pul…………………………. Spencer…………………………. Allahuakbar………………………….

1 des 19 minggu…………………………….

With all……………………………. Di kamar sebelah……………………………. Bikin sate……………………………. Sarapan……………………………. Io……………………………. Masak……………………………. Mpe sore……………………………. Pul mandi……………………………. Io lagi……………………………. Dinner party……………………………. Allahuakbar…………………………….

kerjaan mereka

30 nov 19 sabtu ……………………………….

With zul ichal sayid……………………………. Best buy……………………………. Shoppers……………………………. Pul……………………………. Perpus……………………………. Ngumpul……………………………. Allahuakbar…………………………….

29 nov 19 jumat ……………………………….

Snow………………………………. Spencer………………………………. Be;anja with Juanita arin aldo susi………………………………. Costco, kacang, dominion………………………………. Internasional office………………………………. Avalon with all………………………………. Winners………………………………. Took oleh2………………………………. Laundry………………………………. Allahuakbar……………………………….