Monday, July 2, 2012

film house of himiko

saori kerja d perusahaan milik hasakawa. harukiro mencarinya krn himiko (ayah saori) sakit parah. saori membenci himiko krn menelantarkannya daN ibunya. namun setelah dibujuk dg uang, akhirnya saori mau bekerja d rumah panti jompo khusus gay milik himiko. awalnya saori tdk akur dg yg lain namun bertahan hanya krn demi uang. saori jijik pd mrk yg menggoda para sukarelawan dr univ. saori juga jijik pd harukiro yg bercinta dg sponsor hanya demi uang sumabngan. namun akhirnya saori bisa berteman dg para penghuni panti. saori juga membantu memecahkan tekateki surat dr cucu ruby. mrk semua merasa sedih saat ruby mengalami serangan jantung. suatu hari saori membantu yamakazi utk lbh percaya diri. saori dan yg lain mengantar yamakazi k club. saori membela yamakazi ketika dihina teman2nya. saori berciuman dg harukiro (kekasih ayahnya). sesampainya d panti harukiro meminjam kamar yamakazi utk bercinta dg saori. namun mrk gagal melakukannya. depresi, saori bercinta dg bosnya (hasakawa). harukiro menyembunyikan kebenaran ttg ruby saat keluarganya menjemput. saori tdk setuju dan bertengkar hebat. saori minggat. saat ayahnya meninggal, saori datang dan mengambil semua brg2 ayahnya utk dijual. namun akhirnya saori berbaikan dg harukiro dan yg lainnya saat ada proyek membersihkan grafiti. mp: aktingnya begitu bagus. aku tertipu....

film surveilance

suatu malam adam kencan dg jake. saat pulang adam salah mengambil hp. saat mau mengembalikan hp tsb, adam menyaksikan pembunuhan jake. esoknya berita ttg pembunuhan jake disiarkan d berbagai media sec besar2an, tiba2 hidup adam dihancurkan. rekaman adam berkencan dg lelaki tersebar d sekolah dan adam dipecat sbg guru. komputer adam juga disita polisi. ayahnya jg termakan gosip dan membenci adam. adam menginap d rumah temannya ben. namun ben terbunuh. adam meminta bantuan temannya (amy) yg skrg mjd reporter terkenal. amy minta bantuan pd ned yg kerja d lord raven (ayah jake). lord raven memperkerjakan amy sbg bawahannya. dr penelitian amy, ditemukan bahwa jake ternyata berhubungan dh pangeran dan pihak kerajaan ingin menutupi semua itu. dan mrk juga menginginkan adam krn mengira bahwa adam punya rekaman jake dg sang pangeran. adam menghubungi no mr sujun yg ada di hp jake (org kepercayaan jake). mr sujun membenarkan semua temuan amy. adam membuaka2 hp jake dan menemukan rekaman video tsb. adam mengopinya dan memberian kopian tsb pd ayaHNYA. ayahnya mengirim kopian tsb pd amy. amy dipecat lord raven. saat adam dan ayahnya ingin melapor pd pers, mrk ditangkap dan diserahkan pd lord raven. adam terkejut mendapati bahwa ternyata jake masih hidup. ternyata berita kematian jake dipalsukan agar jake tdk dibunuh pihak kerajaan. mp: padahal aku memimpikan sb hub yg jauh melebihi hal spt ini. akankah akibatnya juga jauh lebih berbahaya dr ini?

film splendid float

roy punya dua kehidupan. saat siaNG dia adl pendeta pemakaman. saat malam dia mjd rose dan mjd anggota splendid float sbg penyanyi. suatu malam mobil mrk mogok dan mendpt bantuan dr sunny. roy menjalin hub dg sunny. suatu hari sunny menghilang. roy mendpt kabar bahwa sunny meninggal krn tenggelam. roy depresi. roy mjd pendeta saat upacara arwah sunny di pantai. roy mengambil icon saat pemakaman sbg kenang2an. roy jg menghadiri pemakaman sunny. malamnya roy dan teman2nya mmbuat pertunjukan khusus sunny d pekuburan. mp: gimana sih prosesi lengkap masy china? membingungkan....

film taikukan baby

saat lomba renang jun mengalami serangan jantung dan divonis ga boleh renang lagi. lawannya (murai) meminta jun sbg pelatihnya. malamnya jun melatih murai. murai menciumnya. jun melarikan diri dan tdk dtg saat pertandingan. jum curhat pd katau (sahabatnya). murai ngambek dan tdk ikut bertanding dan melarikan diri. jun mendpt kabar bahwa murai pindah k usa. saat pengaturan kelas baru, jun berdampingan dg murai, katau berdampingan dg hayakawa (penderita kanker). katau hendak mengantar materi k rs dimana hayakawa dirawat, katau memergoki jun yg sdg depresi atas putusan dokter ttg penyakit jantungnya. katau menyemangati jun hingga bangkit kembali demi masuk k univ. murai kembali aktif di sekolah dan mulai pdkt pd jun. katau cemburu dan menghajar murai. saat ujian univ, jun merasa gagal dan minta privat pd katau namun ditolak krn katau hrs mengurusi hayakawa. saat bannya bocor, jun bertemu murai yg menemaninya mencari tambalban. mrk mulai bersahabat kembali. esoknya katau kehilangan jun yg tdk hadir di perpus. katau memergoki jun berjalan dg murai. katau berjanji pd jun utk tiap hari belajar berdua. esoknya katau mendengar kabar bahwa hayakawa meninggal. esoknya diam2 katau menemui murai dan mengancamnya utk menjauh dr jun. namun muari menantang balik. merasa kalah, katau depresi. murai k rumah jun dg alasan menemui pelatih renang (ayah jun). jun pulang memergoki mrk berdua dan marah dan minggat. jun berusaha menghubungi katau namun katau tak mau menjawab. murai mencari jun d pool namun tak keetemu. murai telp katau, namun katau tak mengetahu jun dan masalahnya. sesampainya d rumah katau mendapati jun tlh memulangkan barang2nya. katau mencari jun d ruang basket. mulai saat itu katau sll membantu jun belajar dan mrk berdua ujian bareng. saat membersihkan kelas, murai memanggil jun krn dipanggil ayahnya. ayahnya mendapat surat kelulusan jun dan minta maaf utk sikapnya yg kasar selama ini. saat kelulusan, murai berulah dg menjatuhkan diri agar ditangkap jun. saat murai ingin mencium jun, katau mencegahnya. jun marah dan menantang murai tanding renang. murai kalah. mp: aku bingung. trus sapa yg dipilih jun?

film the man who loves yngve

saat piknik, helge mengajak jarle melarikan diri. mrk berteman sejak saat itu. mrk membentuk band dg andrian. pacar jarle (katrin) dan adik helge (rulle) sbg kritikus mrk. mrk dpt kerjaan sbg band pembuka. di sekolah ada murid baru (yngve). jarle dan yngve mandi brg. pullangnya jarle kepikiran. paginya jarle pura2 naik spd dan mampir k rumah yngve. jarle tahu bahwa yngve gemar tenis. esoknya jarle mengajak katrin bermain tenis bersama yngve. jarle berusaha merubah penampilan demi yngve namun ditertawakan teman2nya. akhirnya katrin memtotong rambut barunya. saat latihan katrin memberi kritikan keras yg hampir membuat mrk patah semangat. namun mrk berhasil bangkit kembali. esoknya jarle senang date dg yngve sepulang sekolah. katrin membuatkan logo baru utk band mrk. paginya jarle dpt kabar ibunya dipecat. dg alasan menemani ibunya, jarle bolos latihan band. dg alasan latihan band, jarle meninggalkan ibunya utk kencan dg yngve utk bermain tenis. namun mrk kepergok helge yg marah besar. jarle curhat pd ayahnya yg menasehatinya utk minta maaf. jarle minta maaf pd yg llain dan latihan lg. jarle dan helge beli drug pd dealer dan high bersama. saat rehearsal mrk kurang bagus. jarle down. helge dan andrian malah high. namun saat pentas mrk sukses. kesuksesan mrk harus berhenti saat helge menjatuhka stik drumnya. jarle senang mendpt pujian dr yngve. mrk ikut yg lain berpesta d classmate. saat yngve memutar kasetnya, jarle marah besar. yngve lari dan mencoba bunuh diri di jembatan. jarle mabuk berat. paginya katrin marah2 mendapati jarle hbs bercinta dg ce lain. jarle mengucilkan diri berhari2. katrin mencoba mendatangi jarle. namun katrin sadar jarle hanya peduli pd yngve. dlm sedih, pop datang namun diusir jarle yg marah2 krn depresi. helge dtg dan mengajak jarle k bar. helge mengaku kencan dg katrin. jarle marah besar. helge mengatakan bahwa yngve sakit parah. jarle ke rumah yngve dan mendapati kabar dr sister yngve bahwa yngve ada d rsj. jarle mengunjungi yngve d rsj dan memberikan ciuman perpisahan. sepulang dr rsj, jarle terkenang saat pertama dirinya dan helge berkenalan dg katrin. mp: mengapa film beginian hrs sll sad ending???? apa mrk ingin mengatakan bahwa hubungan ini tdk akan ada akhir bahagia jd mrk menyarankan bahwa lebih baik cari hubungan yang lain?

film east palace west palace

alan ketangkep xiaoshi ketika berkencan di taman. alan dibawa k kantorpolisi dan diinterogasi. alan malah curhat ttg sejarah hidupnya dr masa kecil hingga dewasa. kmd alan disuruh pake pakaian wanita. alan diseret k sb gedung tua. hampir terjadi sesuatu. paginya xiaoshi meninggalkan alan. mp: aku bingung!!!!!

film the trip

th 73 alan menghadiri pesta peter dan berkenalan dg larry (publisher). dia jg berkenalan dg tommy saat after party. alan mengundang tommy dinner. tommy patah hati krn alan sdh punya kekasih (beverly). namun beverly menyadari sesuatu diantara mrk danmarah dan pergi. alan mengusir tommy. berhari2 kmd alan bertemu tommy d taman sdg menyebarkan selebaran. alan mengundang tommy dinner lg. selesai dinner tommy nginep d apartemen alan. awalnya alan tidur d sofa namun kmd menyusul tommy. tommy pindah k sofa. paginya tommy marah2 krn alan tdk mau mengakui perasaannya sendiri. berhari2 tommy tak mau menjawab tep alan. alan menyelesaikan bukunya dan mengirimnya k larry. alan menandatangi kontrak dg peter. merasa terganggu tommy mendatangi apartemen alan dan marah2. mrk berciuman dan bercinta. alan menyuruh larry utk tdk menerbitkan bukunya. tiba2 ortu alan dtg. ibunya memergoki alan dan tommy di kamar. mrk jg menemukan gay mag d meja ruangtamu. akhirnya ortunya pul. kmd kasus gay semakin besar dan tjd gay parade dimana2., th 77 setelah 4th berhubungan alan dan tommu serta sahabatnya michael bertemu beverly di taman. alan dan tommy menghadiri pesta peter. alan memberi kalung dan mobil utk tommy utk hari jadi mrk. peter cembuu dan menyuruh larry menerbitkan buku alan scr anonim. alan marah pd larry. tommy marah pd buku tsb. alan curhat pd peter. peter semakin cemburu dan membocorkan pd pers bahwa penulisnya adl alan. tommy dokejar paparazi ttg hubungannya dg alan. alan dipecat. tommy minggat. alan mengadu pd peter. th 84 hubungan alan dan peter sdh berjalan 7th. alan bekerja d outloud (organisasi gay). beverly mengunjunginya dan memberikan alamat tommy d mexico. alan tak mau mengunjungi tommy. saat diner dg peter dan ortunya, alan diganggu ibu dan beverly yg dtg sec tiba2. setelah kehebohan di meja makan, alan memutuskan utk menyusul tommy. peter mengunci gerbang. alan nekat menabraknya. sesampainya di mexico, alan menemukan tommy sdg sakit. alan berniat membawa tommy k usa namun ditolak bandara. akhirnya mrk naik mobil. mrk nginep di gurun krn hotel tdk mau menerima kartu kredit. mrk dirampok d pom bensin. namun tommy berhasil mengalahkan si perampok. mrk tertangkap polisi yg ternyata saudara si pemilik pom bensin. alan berhasil mengalahkan si polisi dan mencuri mobilnya. tommy meninggal dlm perjalanan. sesampainya d usa alan menulis kisah mrk dan bukunya mjd laris. mp: why sad ending?????hiksssss

film when becham met owen

michael dan david adl sahabat di sekolah yg sama2 suka bermain bola. persahabatan mrk diramaikan dg datangnya winnie diantara mereka. winnie adl gadis cacat berkursi roda. setelah operasi, winnie mjd normal. hari terakhir menggunakan kursi roda, mrk bertiga bermain2 dg kursiroda tsb. winnie menggunakan akalnya agar michael dan david duduk dlm satu bangku. david ingin mendapat nilai sempurna agar mendpt hadiah sepatu yg rencananya mau diberikan michael. namun rencananya gagal krn david tdk mendpt nilai sempurna. tiba2 michael mulai mengundurkan diri dr geng mereka. michael kebingungan dan membaca buku sex d perpus. michael mimpi basah dan mulai dewasa. michael menyadari perasaanya pd david dan menghindarinya. michael tdk mengikuti prtandingan bola antar sekolah yg menyebabkan mrk kalah. david menemukan michael sendirian di lapangan saat hujan saat malam. mrk mulai berkelahi. mp: akhir yg ambiguuuuu

film the witnesses - michel blanc, emanuelle heart

mehdi menyambut kelahiran bayinya d rumah sakit. sarah (istrinya) selamat dibantu adrien (dokter sahabat keluarga). manu menyusul julie (kakaknya) k paris dan hidup sekamar d hotel kumuh. manu mengembara k taman gay dan bertemu adrien. mrk bersahabat. adrien dan manu piknik k danau bersama mehdi dan sarah serta bayinya. saat malam manu tak bisa tidur dan pergi k bar d seberang hotl dan berkenalan dg sandra. manu menolak cinta adrien. saat penggerebekan, manu melihat mehdi menangkap sandra. adrien curhat pd sarah ttg manu. d bar, mehdi memperingatkan manu ttg sandra. adrien dan manu lagi ikut piknik bersama mahdi dan sarah serta bayinya. mehdi menyelamatkan manu saat tenggelam. malamnya manu mimpi buruk dan pergi k bar bersama sandra. manu menemui mehdi d kantor polisi utk terima kasih dan memberinya kado. mehdi mengajak manu naik pesawat. mrk bercinta d hutan. mehdi curhat pd sarah ttg perselingkuhan masing2. mehdi memberi manu kerja sbg koki d sb camp. mehdi sering menemui manu dlm trailernya. adrien curhat pd sarah bahwa dia kehilangan manu. manu mengenalkan julie pd mehdi. adrien meminjam mobil sarah. adrien k taman namun urung menyewa pelacur. adrien mengunjungi manu. manu marah. manu mengaku berhubungan dg mehdi. adrien menghajarnya. adrien menemukan luka2 d tubuh manu. manu divonis mengidap aids. manu membeli senjata dr satpam. berita aids semakin menyebar. manu menghindari mehdi. mehdi bertengkar dg satpam saat mau mengunjungi manu. mehdi nekat berniat menabrak gerbang. mehdi menemukan manu sakit aids. mehdi menangis dan membuang senjata manu. mehdi menemui adrien dan periksa darah. adrien mengabari julie bahwa manu dirawat d rs. julie mengunjungi manu. mehdi gagal memuaskan sarah dan mengaku bahwa pasanganya terkena aids. sarah k rs dan periksa darah. mehdi membawa bayinya pergi meninggalkan sarah. sarah k penerbit dan mengaku mengalami buntu ide. adrien merawat manu. adrien menyuruh sandra menyebarkan brosur aids. adrien memberi tahu mehdi bahwa hasilnya positif. mehdi merayakannya dg bercinta dg sarah. adrien mengundang sarah saat natal d rumahnya bersama manu dan julie. adrien melarang mehdi menemui manu. saat malam terakhir, adrien mengajak manu jalan2 k taman. julie dan adrien mengantar jasad manu k desa k ibunya. mehdi marah ketika sarah menulis novel ttg manu. sarah pergi k rumah ibunya. mehdi menggerebek hotel dimaNA julie dan sandra hidup. mehdi mengajak julie terbang. adrien mengembara k taman dan bertemu steve (pemuda usa). adrien mengajak steve piknik bersama sarah dan mehdi saat ultah anaknya (justin). mp: sdahkan mereka melupakan manu?

film crazy - jean marc vallee, marc andre grondin

zac lahir mjd anak keempat. saat umur enam tahun, dia ingin kereta bayi. ibunya mengabulkan namun ayahnya tak setuju. sejak itu zac ingin memendam rasa yg ada dlm dirinya dan berusaha jd kesayangan ayahnya. spt tiga kakanya (raymond yg playboy, cristian yg nerd, antoin yg sporty). kmd zac mendpt adik baru (yvan). saat zac mengasuh yvan memakai baju perempuan, ayahnya memergokinya. ayahnya marah besar saat zac memecahkan record kesayangan ayahnya (patsy cline). walo udah gede, zac masih sering ngompol. ibunya membawanya k tupperware lady. katanya zac punya gift. ayahnya tak percaya dan mengirimnya k summer camp. saat remaja, zac mendpt kamar bersama yvan.zac mulai memberontak pd ayahnya dg merokok dan memutar musik keras2. zac jg sdh menganggap dirinya ateis walo msh ikut misa bersama keluarganya. saat pesta natal d rumah neneknya zac membayangkan balas dendam pd ayahnya dg memberi kado record rusak. zac berkenalan dg paul (pacar brigit/sepupunya). mrk bertiga high d mobil. zac berusaha memendam rasa pd paul. utk menutupi perasaannya, zac pacaran dg michelle (tetangganya). antoine mngehentikan zac ketika meniru gaya seorg penyanyi krn dilihat teman2nya. utk memperbaiki reputasi dirinya, zac membayar raymond utk menjemputnya. d rumah ayahnya marah ketika raymond memanggil zac dg sebutan fag. dan cristian memanggil antoine dg sebutan itu juga. zac sengaja membolos utk bertemu brigit (paul) namun ternyata brigit sdh punya pacar baru. patah hati, zac melanggar lampu merah dan tertabrak mobil. zac hrs bed rest. dia ngintip raymong main sex dg para gadis. zac ketahuan dan dihajar raymond. di sekolah zac membual ttg kejantanaan raymond dan keceplosan bahwa raymond adl delaer. zac diajari nyopir ayahnya. sampai rumah mrk mendpti ibu menggeledah kamar raymond atas laporan sekolah bahwa raymond adl dealer. ibu menemukan drug dan mengusir raymond. smua membenci zac. zac berusaha kencan dg michele. zac marah saat toto mengintip mrk. zac mendpt kabar bahwa brigit kembali berhubungan dg paul. zac menemui lady tupperware ingin sembuh namun lady tupperware mengatakan bahwa zac tdk bs sembuh. zac ngocok brg toto d mobil dan ketahuan ayahnya. ayahnya marah besar dan membawa zac k psikolog. psikolog mengatakan bahwa zac sengaja melakukan hal itu agar ketahuan agar ayahnya menerimanaya apa adanya. mrk mampir k rumah raymond namun zac tak mau turun. d toko kaset zac melihat paul. utk membuang perasaannya, zac pul dlm badai salju. saat dewasa zac hidup dg michelle. saat pesta natal, cristian mengumumkan pernikahanya. raymond berulah. zac menyiramnya dg minuman yg membuat raymond semakin menggila. puas membuat raymond marah, zac bercinta dg michelle. paginya ayahnya mnyuruh zac berbaikan dg raymond yg kembali hidup bersama ortunya. pulangnya zac diantar raymond. raymond pinjam uang, namun ditolak zac. malamnya raymond pul dlm keadaan mabuk berat dan mendpt kiriman banyak uang. saat pesta pernikahan cristian, seseorg melihat zac dan paul d mobil dan salah mengira mrk berciuman. ayahnya mendengar org tsb menggosip ttg zac. raymond marah dan menghajar org tsb. ayanya termakan gosip dan memarahi zac. zac minggat k jerusalem. zac mengunjungi gay bar dan ikut salah satu cowok k rumahnya. zac telp ibunya namun tak mampu mengatakan apa2. zac melarikan diri k gurun. dia ditlong segerombolan org. dia diantar k kampung arab dan menemukan record patsy cline. zac pul. tetangganya menyuruh zac k rumahsakit. raymond sekarat gara2 od. zac nginep d rumah sekamar bersama 3 saudaranya. terbangun tengah malam zac menemukan ayahnya d ruang tamu. ayahnya tdk mau menerima zac yg gay. zac k rumah michelle. ayahnya menemukan record pemberian zac. raymond meninggal. saat upacara pemakaman, ayahnya merangkulnya saat berpamitan spt dua kakanya sbg tanda ayahnya menerimanya apa adanya. mp: mengharukan..........

Playing Kokology Quiz
* 36 Comments * 138 Like * * * * * Like 138 * * * * Ranked #703 in Education, #18,225 overall Ads by Google Play Free Online Games Play Online Games on Facebook With 900 Million Users. Join For Free! Aneka Binatang piaraan Ras Terbaik dgn harga menarik, di Situs iklan online Terbesar! The Caves Tour Phuket Visit Unseen Caves, James Bond Isl. Classic visit Phang-Nga Bay by Boat Let's learn about Kokology Want to know more about yourself? Want to know what's your characteristic? There is a cheap and fun way to know about yourself. Yes, there is a game called kokology. In that lens, I want to tell you about what 's a kokology. I would also tell you about kokology books, kokology quiz, ect Contents at a Glance 1. About Kokology from Wikipedia 2. Blue Bird 3. When Is a Door Not a Door? 4. Kokology Quiz 5. How useful of kokology 6. Kokology Books More Contents at a Glance 1. About Kokology from Wikipedia 2. Blue Bird 3. When Is a Door Not a Door? 4. Kokology Quiz 5. How useful of kokology 6. Kokology Books 7. Want to know more about yourself? 8. Do you want to try kokology quiz? Less About Kokology from Wikipedia Kokology is the study of kokoro which in aforementioned language means "mind" or "spirit". The series of Kokology books were created by Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito, a professor at Rissho and Waseda Universities in Japan and an author of a number of bestselling books regarding psychology and relationships. The main focus is the analysis of the deep psyche. Using theories from Freud and Jung. Kokology Questions typically are "guided" Day Dreams or Submodalities The books present a series of psychological and hypotheticals that are designed to reveal one's hidden attitudes about sex, family, love, work, and other elements of one's life. It is essentially a game of self-discovery that can provide interesting, and often hilarious insight by answering questions to seemingly innocent topics. The books were published in 1998 in Japan and became a Japanese bestselling phenomenon. The books were translated became available in the U.S. in 2000. taken from : Blue Bird It's the example of a question of kokology game. Read and then choose one of the options birdA blue birds One day there was a bird suddenly entered your house and caught up in it, you are going to maintain it, but there is an oddity that occurs in these birds. On the first day the bird changes color from blue to yellow, the second day changed again from yellow to red light, the third day changed again to black. What do you think of the bird color in the next day? choose one of the option below: 1.Still Black. 2. back to being blue bird. 3. become white bird. 4. become a golden bird. And let's check what the result IF YOU CHOOSE 1. STILL BLACK It means that you're a pessimist person. Do you tend to believe that once the situation becomes worse, it will not be back to normal? maybe you should try to think, "if the situation was very bad, it will not become worse. Remember there is no rain that never stops. and no night that kept the dark where there is no dawn. " IF YOU CHOOSE 2. BACK TO BEING BLACK It means you yourself are an Optimist. You believe that life is a mixture of good and bad. There is no point in fighting reality. You accept a loosing with calm and let things run according to the track without the stress and worry. Hope this makes you undergo a wave of misfortune without drifting inside. IF YOU CHOOSE 3. BECOME WHITE BIRD If you choose the option become white bird, it means that you're a calm person and you can make a decision under pressure. You don't spend much time just to think about unclear thing or to take a decision when the condition is so bad. If the condition is worse, you think that it's better to say nothing for yhe losing and take a new method to get the target than spend your time to think that you're a loser. IF YOU CHOOSE 4. BECOME A GOLDEN BIRD. If you believe that on next day the color of bird is golden, it means that you dont have feel of fear. Underpressure is nothing for you because you still can think well and do something just like no underpressure. You're very confident. But, be careful. Dont make your confident be a something that would kill yourself. When Is a Door Not a Door? Now with the intention of we've matured with the intention of, let's move on to the audience participation section of today's placement: It isn't each time with the intention of you be inflicted with the calculate to take a leisurely leisurely walk around the locality: A leisurely walk lacking function or destination, a opportunity to stretch your legs, consent to the mind wander, and make reaquainted with approximately old familiar sights. On your way, perhaps you'd bring to a standstill in by a comfortable coffee supermarket, explore the paths of a favorite playground, or take the opportunity to sort out approximately window-shopping. Then here are persons days as it's sufficient solely to consent to your feet decide your way... Picture physically on a leisurely walk through town. The time is beautiful and you're half-lost in a fantasize. You curve on a street with the intention of you've by no means been down previous to, and as you pace you pass a beautiful household fit somewhat back from the street. Pausing a second to admire the lovely family, you notice the entrance is half-open. Why is the entrance partly open? 1. The household is being burgarlized. 2. The title-holder forgot to close it. 3. The title-holder is inside, sweeping made known the entranceway. Key to When Is a Door Not a Door? Doors be inflicted with a twofold implication: They could be passageways, but they can furthermore be barriers as well. Inside fastidious, the front entrance of a household represents its initially line of protection, all with the intention of stands linking its inhabitants and the uncertainties of the planet outside. By imagining as commence a entrance with the intention of must normally be clogged, you envision a scenario or vulnerability and exposure. On a hidden level, the wits you imagined teh entrance being commence is linked to the ways with the intention of you leave physically commence and expose your own weaknesses to others. 1. The household is being burgarlized. You instantly take upon yourself the most terrible in one circumstances, and this feature is nowhere more evident than as things in fact sort out energy ill-treat. You by no means make ill at ease in a predicament, but single since you're much too unavailable panicking. So the then calculate catastrophe strikes, it's valuable to keep a apparent head and remember to take a hardly any deep breaths initially and count to ten. Then you can faint. 2. The title-holder forgot to close it. You aren't the type to make conceded away in predicament situations. On the divergent, you're so relaxed with the intention of you could not notice a predicament is occuring by all. The mistakes you get on to are caused more by administration than bad intentions, but the aim results pro you (and pro public around you) are the same. 3. The title-holder is inside, sweeping made known the entranceway. You could appear to be a laid-back sort, but you by no means consent to your guard down. Achieving with the intention of constant state of relaxed watchfulness is could you repeat that? Has made you into the mature party you are. Of way, you still be inflicted with your creature weaknesses; you solely don't deposit them on spectacle pro all the planet to think it over. Kokology Quiz 1. One day, you go to a jungle. After walking around the jungle, you see a small old house. In that huose, you see a door. What do you thik about the door, is it closed or opened? a. open b. closed 2. after that, you go to that old house and enter it. You see a table. What the shape of the table? a. spherical b. rectangular c. triangle Okay, now it's time for you toknow what the meaning of your answer For the question number 1 if you choose opened option, it means that you're extrovert.You're friendly and outgoing if you choose closed option, it means that you're introvert. You're a shy and less outspoken in large groups . For the question number2 if you choose spherical, it means that you want have a friendship with any kind of people. if you choose rectangular, it's means that you're selective to have a friendship. if you choose triangle, it's means that you're very selective to have a friendship. How useful of kokology The question above is the example question in a kokology. You can know how you are, how optimist of you, how you face a problem, ect. There are some of qustion about love, too. And from your answer, there are explanation too like above, how you are if choose X option, how you are if you choose the other option. Every option, have a spesific meaning. From kokology, you would know about yourself, anout your character. And Im sure it would be useful if you have know your character. Ok, I would give you some example again. Lets try.

Penis / Phallus Worship

page120_3 Woman worshipping the penis of a naked sadhu Are Monasteries Hotbeds of Gay Sex? Auparashtika Monk performing "auparashtika" on a princely visitor. Hmmm! Temple of Chhapri, Central India, 12th century CE. Copyright: Raymond Burnier. Image, courtesy of Jacques Cloarec, Paris. HandshakeSUP Monk sexually caressing a layman, who salutes him respectfully. Temple of Visvanatha, Khajuraho, Central India, 10th century CE. Copyright: Raymond Burnier. Image, courtesy of Jacques Cloarec, Paris. The photographs of temple carvings above, were taken in the 1930's by Raymond Burnier, a photographer, and lover of Alain Danielou. Alain was a French artist, musician, writer and student of Indian culture. He published books on Yoga and the Kama Sutras in the 30's and 40's. According to this site, these photographs depict a tradition of homoerotic sacred art now mostly effaced from Indian temples as a result of the systematic campaigns of “sexual cleansing” of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, both of whom attempted to re-write the historical record by erasing all traces of the Indian homoerotic tradition. Mindful Blow Jobs On a meditation course in Majorca in 1971, I met a guy who had evolved his own form of sexual-spiritual tourism. He worked on Wall Street, and for years he had been going to India, Thailand, and other Asian countries to visit temples and monasteries and attend meditation retreats. And the sex, he said, was "The best he had ever experienced anywhere. Those monks really know how to give a blow job. They come to your room at night and do you with total mindful awareness and incredible skill. And from meditating all day, your body is so tuned that you can have the longest and most intense orgasms ever." I had just completed a month in total darkness, doing asanas and meditating all day, from full moon to full moon. Then I spent almost a month gradually decreasing the amount of time I spent meditating, from 10 or 12 "rounds" a day. A round for me was a 45-minute meditation session preceded by asanas and pranayama. Roll out of bed, pranayama, asana, pranayama, meditation, pranayama, asana, pranayama, meditation, that kind of thing. The last six weeks I was there I had many hours a day of free time because I was only meditating twice a day for 45 minutes. I needed to get out of my room, so I walked for miles along the beach everyday, and came hours early to Maharishi's lectures because I had nowhere else to go. I was too wide-open to sit in the dining hall and chat with people, so I would just go hang out in the lecture hall and BE there. Then I would write in my blank book - somewhere I had developed the habit of journaling, writing in a black blank book with a fountain pen. There were several of us who used to show up an hour or more early for Maharishi's evening lectures. One of them was Amanda, about whom we will hear later. Another was this guy Steven, who worked in finance in Manhattan, and over a month or so I got quite an earful of his stories. Steven said, "You go to a temple or monastery in Asia, and sit there meditating all day. The monks check you out so subtly it's almost invisible. Am I being cruised or not? You just feel a tingle on your back, or neck, or crotch, as they look at you through half-closed lids. The electricity builds and builds until your skin feels like your balls, tingling. At meals, or moving around, there are the briefest glances, a hint of a smile, maybe a promise of delight later. You don't know for sure who is cruising you and who is just a really friendly monk. After all, you are a Westerner, an exotic delight to them. Fresh meat. "All day long the sexual tension builds, and meditating with a hard-on is fun even though your balls start to ache. Then at night, you lie in bed awake, savoring delicious sensations, and wondering if you made it all up, was there really a silent promise of a rendevous? Then quiet as a cat, some monk sneaks into your room. Each time is different. One monk slipped under my covers so quietly I hardly knew he was there until he started touching my cock, which was already hard. Another time, a monk came into my room and just stood there looking at me. I drifted awake, went over to him and could feel his throbbing cock under his robe, so I went down on him. The whole thing takes place in total silence, just some heavier breathing, as we try to keep it quiet. You have to regulate your breathing, make it deep and steady, and this makes the pleasure spread deep into your body, spreads the tension everywhere, so that when you come, you come with every cell. "The atmosphere of something deliciously naughty, sweetly forbidden, combined with the hours of meditation and breath awareness, just makes for the most intense inner fireworks I have ever experienced. Nothing else even comes close. There is a feeling of pure love, just utterly sweet. The best sensations. I have had sex stoned, on acid, but nothing compares. I work in stocks, and arrange to be gone for a month, two to three times a year. Oh, and when you leave, they give you the name of another monastery or temple that is friendly to western meditators.” Sex as a Form of Worship Steven continued, "And it's amazing to really feel worshipped. Those people know how to adore a cock. And how to savor a sensation. First of all, they think my cock is huge, even though it's not, by American standards. And no one has ever given me a blow job like those monks. They pay the same total attention to sucking cock as they do to meditation. There is no hurrying, that's the great thing. You are trying to be quiet and trying to prolong it as long as you can, which of course makes you hornier and ready to burst, but you want it to last because the sensations are so intense and you have spent the entire day savoring electricity. They worship you as a god. They do sex as a form of puja, a worship of the life force. They know something we don't, in this culture." 657b38ab471664df42e2ce5bccc1e38d Devotees worshipping a lingam, a penis "In some temples, they have a stone phallus as an altar, and they pour butter over it and chant to it as the symbol of God. It's called a Shiva lingam. It's the most beautiful, hypnotic ceremony I have ever seen." 978dfdb49955d06283e6a42d57e6305c Free-standing Shiva linga from the 1st Century B.C. Then Steven started telling me about the sex going on during the meditation retreat we were on, about group sex in the rooms on the upper floors of the hotel. Years later, I happened to hear through the TM gravevine that he was telling the truth – there was a lot of sex of all kinds going on at this meditation course. He apparently had good radar to detect what was going on. I was totally oblivious, completely absorbed in my meditation program, and totally uninterested sexually in anyone I had seen there, except for Amanda, who only had eyes for Maharishi. She barely glanced at me. It had just never occurred to me to use a meditation course as a place to have sex, until a couple of years later, when Amanda and I happened to be on the same meditation course in Switzerland. One other topic Steven mentioned was a Buddhist teacher by the name of Nagarjuna. "You have to read Nagarjuna," he rhapsodized. "His descriptions of the emptiness at the heart of everything – just brilliant." I have written a little about Nagarjuna in my Tale of Two Paths, but I just now realized, just put it together that Nagarjuna was a great one for sneaking around at night to have sex. Before he was given the ultimatum to take religious vows or be killed, Nagarjuna was an adept at tiptoeing into harems at night and having sex with the king's wives – so maybe he is the Patron Saint of sneaking around having forbidden sex.

Pandangan Salah Satu (mantan) Imam Masjid Afrika Selatan Tentang Homoseksual

MENJADI GAY BUKANLAH DOSA! Pria Afrika Selatan, Muhsin Hendricks (43) adalah seorang imam dan homoseksual. Yayasannya The Inner Circle membantu orang-orang muslim yang bergulat dengan seksualitas mereka. Pesannya: 'Muslim dan homo boleh!'. Tidak semua orang setuju dan oleh karena itu pula Hendrick resminya sudah bukan imam lagi. Imam Muhsin Hendricks tampak letih. Ia berada di Belanda atas undangan organisasi homoseksual Belanda COC di Amsterdam. Agendanya padat karena keingintahuan banyak orang sangatlah besar terhadap pemikiran 'imam merah muda' ini, demikian julukannya. Keletihan hilang Namun ketika ia bicara tentang iman serta orientasi seksualnya, maka tanda-tanda keletihan itu sudah tidak tampak sama sekali. 'Menjadi muslim dan menjadi homo, keduanya identitas yang kuat. Keduanya menjadi bagian dari siapa saya. Saya berhasil mendamaikan keduanya'. Bagi Muhsin Hendricks, itu tidaklah mudah. Ia berasal dari keluarga muslim ortodoks di Afrika Selatan. Kakeknya adalah imam di mesjid agung di Capetown. Sejak kecil Muhsin menyadari dirinya berbeda. Pada usia muda, ia lebih suka bermain dengan boneka, bukan mobil. Ia juga dipandang sebagai keperempuan-perempuanan sehingga sering diolok-olok. Ia baru tahu kalau homoseksualitas itu ada jauh sesudah itu. Hendricks mencari kedamaian pada imannya, yang menurut banyak orang muslim tidak memiliki ruang bagi perasaan homoseksual, mencintai orang sejenis, baik antara laki-laki atau perempuan, dilarang. Itu merupakan salah satu dosa paling besar, yang hukumannya di sejumlah negara islam adalah: kematian. Baca selengkapnya » Diposkan oleh muslimku di 13:21 1 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat EmailBlogThis!Berbagi ke TwitterBerbagi ke Facebook Label: Dunia Buletin Jumat BISIKAN (GAY WHISPER'S) Vol.1. no.9. Seks Bebas (Homoseksual Tidak Berarti Seks Bebas!). minggu ke-2/maret/2011. Seks Bebas !! (Homoseksual Tidak Berarti Seks Bebas!) Free Download PDF (english version): coming soon! Free Download PDF / Gratis format buku (PDF) (bahasa Indonesia) Free Download More Edition / Edisi lebih lengkap : Web Blog GII: Our Forum-Web / Diskusi Web Kita: Hai orang-orang yang beriman hendaklah kamu Jadi orang-orang yang selalu menegakkan (kebenaran) karena Allah, menjadi saksi dengan adil. dan janganlah sekali-kali kebencianmu terhadap sesuatu kaum, mendorong kamu untuk berlaku tidak adil. Berlaku adillah, karena adil itu lebih dekat kepada takwa. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan. (Al Maa’idah (5) : 8). I. Perumpamaan: Pangeran dan Pelayan. Ada seorang pangeran (laki-laki) yang jatuh cinta pada seorang pelayan rendahan (perempuan) demikian juga sebaliknya, andai hubungan ini diketahui kerajaan dan rakyatnya, mereka akan mengusir keduanya dari negara kerajaan itu, dan membuat mereka terkucilkan, demikian yang diperintahkan menurut ajaran Tuhan yang mereka yakini, “seorang pangeran diharamkan mencintai rakyat jelata”. Untungtungnya hubungan mereka tidak ada yang mengetahui, untuk mencegah hal buruk tadi, di luar ruang pribadi pangeran, mereka seperti halnya seorang pangeran dan pelayan, biasa-biasa saja, yang membedakan hanyalah pelayan yang pangeran cintai itu diangkat sebagai “pelayan dekat”, sehingga kerajaan memperbolehkan sang pelayan tinggal di rumah pribadi pangeran, demikian tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran dari agama kerajaan. Cinta mereka tidak direstui entah sampai kapan, oleh semua di luar sana, hanya berdasar moral kebanyakan orang yang diyakini. Tapi ini tentang cinta, ketertarikan, kerinduan, kesetiaan, kasih sayang, kecemburuan dan hasrat. Bahwa diri sendiri apalagi orang lain tak leluasa untuk memilih kepada siapa harus jatuh cinta, ini tentang perasaan yang mengalir apa adanya. Baca selengkapnya » Diposkan oleh muslimku di 12:05 3 komentar Kirimkan Ini lewat EmailBlogThis!Berbagi ke TwitterBerbagi ke Facebook Label: Buletin Minggu, 06 Maret 2011 Buletin Jumat BISIKAN (GAY WHISPER'S) Vol.1. no.8. Iman dan Cinta (Beriman Melalui Cinta!). minggu 1/maret/2011. Iman dan Cinta. (Beriman melalui Cinta) Free Download PDF (english version): coming soon! Free Download PDF / Gratis format buku (PDF) (bahasa Indonesia) Free Download More Edition / Edisi lebih lengkap : Web Blog GII: Our Forum-Web / Diskusi Web Kita: Beritahukan kepadaku tentang Iman, Rasulullah menjawab,"Engkau beriman kepada Alloh, kepada para Malaikat-Nya, Kitab-kitab-Nya, kepada utusan-utusan Nya, kepada hari Kiamat dan kepada takdir yang baik maupun yang buruk”. Hadits Riwayat Imam Muslim (Kutb Arbain Nawawi). Mukadimah. Bagi seorang muslim, yang mendasar dan harus dipahami adalah tentang iman, tidak peduli siapapun kita (hetero, homo, trans, bisek), keimanan adalah mutlak untuk membedakan bahwa kita adalah muslim dan lainnya adalah non muslim. Karenanya iman memiliki pengertian sebagai “tiang rumah” dari agama islam, dan isinya adalah “perangkat rumah” yang disebut rukun islam (vol 1-no 7). Adalah hak setiap manusia untuk memilih imannya masing-masing, sebuah keyakinan tidak bisa dipaksakan (Al Baqarah (2): 256), karena ini berhubungan dengan kecendrungan hati yang sangat subjektif. Realitas yang Maha Tinggi tetaplah diluar jangkauan manusia bahkan sekalipun oleh nabi dan rashul (Asy Syuura (42): 51 ; Al A’raaf (7): 143). Hanya dengan imanlah, salah satu perantara utama bagi “perjumpaan” kita dengan-Nya. Edisi ini kita akan membahas tentang iman dan hubungannya dengan cinta. Iman adalah ketetapan dalam hati, ’kepasrahan’ akan suatu keyakinan. Karena setidaknya, ada batas-batas mutlak di setiap keyakinan manusia, dimana akal tidak lagi bisa menjangkau, sehingga perlu suatu ”ruang iman” untuk menempatkan kekosongan ini. Walaupun atheis sekalipun, misalnya saat mereka ditanya : ”bagaimana suatu sel paling sederhana sekalipun dengan struktur dan rangkaian DNA yang luar biasa komplek bisa tercipta begitu saja sebagai awal permulaan kehidupan di bumi?” sebagian besar akan menjawab ”ini adalah suatu kebetulan yang sangat kreatif”, suatu kata ”kreatif” mengawali kaum atheis untuk secara tidak langsung mengimani suatu hal, kejadian ”Yang Maha Kreatif”. Nyatanya bahwa dunia ini dipenuhi oleh suatu kebetulan yang tidak pernah sia-sia. Dan dari sinilah kebutuhan akan iman tumbuh secara alami sebagai jawaban atas sesuatu yang tidak pernah dan belum bisa terjawab dalam hidup kita. Islam menegaskan tentang enam rukun iman: 1. Beriman kepada Alloh Swt sebagai satu-satunya Tuhan bagi manusia. 2. beriman kepada Malaikat-Malaikat sebagai utusan Alloh Swt. 3. Beriman kepada Kitabulloh, Al Qur’an Al Karim, 4. Beriman kepada Rahululloh Saw s Beriman kepada Qada’ dan Qodar yang baik atau yang buruk sekalipun. 6. Beriman pada hari akhir, hari kiamat. 1. Awal : Iman adalah Pekataan dan Perbuatan Bagi setiap muslim, keimanan bukan merupakan perkataan saja, tapi juga perbuatan, lebih lengkapnya: (1.) iman adalah prinsip tulus dan mendasar dalam hati, (2.) sehingga apa yang difikirkan sesuai dengan apa yang ada dalam prinsip hati (iman) tersebut, (3.) apa yang diucapkan sesuai dengan apa yang difikirkannya itu, (4.) apa yang diperbuat sesuai dengan apa yang diucapkannya, (5.) dan perbuatan itu baik bagi dirinya, orang lain danlingkungan hidup disekitarnya. Bagi seorang muslim, menjaga rangkaian keseimbangan ini adalah latihan yang mutlak adanya, dan keluar dari hal ini bisa dikatakan bagian dari tanda-tanda orang munafik: (a-b) perbuatan dan janji tidak sesuai dengan ucapan, akal sehat serta keyakinan di dalam hati, juga mereka yang (c) mengkhianati kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh dirinya sendiri, orang-orang disekitarnya dan masyarakat (bab al Jami’, Bulughul Maroom). Maka jelaslah bahwa iman adalah prinsip paling dasar bagi seorang muslim untuk meraih keseimbangan hidupnya, setiap muslim dilatih setiap detik dan waktu untuk tetap berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip imannya. Walaupun demikian, hampir semua muslim menyadari bahwa keimanan bersifat naik dan turun, dan hal ini adalah bagian yang sangat manusiawi, karenanya merupakan sifat kemanusiaan diantaranya adalah kekhilafan dan pelupa (Hadits Arbain). Tugas seorang muslim adalah untuk terus mengusahakan terpeliharanya iman itu dalam gembaran keseharian hidupnya, baik dengan diri sendiri, orang-orang disekitarnya dan lingkungan hidup di sekitarnya.

Monks and Sex

For the past several thousand years, monks have been the primary custodians of the wisdom of meditation. Bless them for that. Because of this, everything we know about meditation is flavored with the view over the monastery wall – and the view from within the walls, as the monks look at themselves. So we know a lot about “meditation as it is adapted to fit the needs of monks,” but we know very little from the historical literature about meditation for people with a life and a sex life, or “meditation for people who have a job, a lover, a sex life, friends, kids, and a to-do list.” We also know almost nothing about the sex lives of monks. There has been a “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude for thousands of years. Somewhere between fifteen and twenty-five million Americans meditate, according to surveys. The CDC - The Centers for Disease Control - conducted a nationwide survey and found that 7.5% of Americans have done Yoga (7.1% in the last month). 10.2% of the 300 million people in the United States have meditated, 7.6% in the last month. Here is a link to the research. About 70% of all American meditators are women. Most of the teachings on meditation have been developed by and for monk–type guys, to help them adapt to life inside of a spiritual order. But what are monks? And what do they need? The short answer is, monks are people who have taken vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. And what they need is a meditation that acts like a medication to keep them humble and not horny. It's really important for monks to act mellow because they live on alms. Testosterone is the enemy, to monks. Let’s just posit, from the start, that monks are as different from each other as non-monks. And each religious order, each monastery, each ashram, has its own rules and styles and techniques. There is incredible diversity, and all generalizations are lies. Keeping in mind, let’s deal with some generalizations. Because until about 50 years ago, almost everything ever written about meditation was by and for celibate males. Look at any book in yoga meditation history, or Zen, or Buddhist meditation. The percentage of monks in the literature is 99% or thereabouts. It has been generalized – watered down – to be somewhat palatable to householders, but it wasn’t designed for us. And in this discussion, I am not inferring that there is any problem with monks and nuns at all. The problem is that it is very difficult to teach someone from a different culture and lifestyle. We have been needing to rely on the monastic traditions to teach us their ways of meditation because the “householder” traditions were mostly lost. Interior Decorators of the Spirit World There did not used to be straight and gay. There were "householders," people who worked and were married and maintained houses, and there were "monks," who were single and lived in groups of men, and wore really chic robes. One of the functions of monks throughout time has been as interior decorators of the inner world, the realms of spirit. They developed ways of arranging flowers on the altar, picked incense that goes well with the god being worshipped, found a color scheme for each god and each energy center in the body, invented ritual motions that say so much, and worked out sounds or mantras that go with the god, the motions and the paintings. They just knew what goes with what. I think there has always been a Queer Eye for the Inner World, just to liven up the world for the rest of us. I have done thousands of pujas over the years, and I am always stunned at the fabulousness and precision of the Sanskrit sounds, the colors, the motions, they way it all goes together. I am in awe of the beauty of what has been constructed into the ritual worship we call a puja. You can't really get how divine a puja is unless you have been there, any more than you can get the sense of what a Shiraz is by hearing the words, "red flavored water." The downside to all this specialness is that regular people get the feeling they are not good enough to meditate, and that they have to accessorize extensively first. You can't just sit down in your old jeans and meditate, you have to wear the right silk, and you can't just meditate any old way you feel, you have to do the technique taught by a teacher whose name sounds exactly as foreign as a French fashion designer. You don't practice the "Joe Smith" technique. No, you wear only Louis Vuitton and Prada, and you only practice the meditations taught by Chetsang Rimpoche. But French design is at least visible. Everyone can see it. The workmanship of the originals is superb, and if you are rich you have your own tailors to fit the dresses for your exact body. Then a year later you can buy off-the-rack imitations at Walmart. Meditation is invisible behavior, no one can see how badly the technique fits you. And when people close their eyes, they tend to be as mean to themselves as any schoolyard bully. It is not a good idea to internalize all the self-hatred that monks from the opposite side of the Earth felt a thousand years ago. Who became a monk? Was there any choice? For much of known human history marriages were arranged. Your families worked out something, often as a kind of business deal. These arrangements could be made when the children were born. A friend of mine just came back from working in a region of India, and the girls and boys there get married at 9. They have a wedding ceremony, but keep on living with their respective parents. Then when the girl has her first period, which is usually 12 to 13, they have another ceremony and she moves in to home of the boy's family, and they start having sex. Girls in this area frequently have their first babies at 14. Things have changed somewhat in the modern West, but Marilyn Monroe, for example, was married at age 16. That was 1942. Of course, the system varied from decade to decade, region to region, but there just has been this historical trend to push people to get married off. The pressure to conform, to obey, and get married must have been incredibly intense. But there seems to have been an outlet, where a small percentage of males was allowed to go off and do something else. Because in general, not only did you marry the person your parents picked out for you at age 9, you went to work in your father's shop, doing the same thing he did. That's the Feudal System. So maybe one of the safety valves was to let a few guys go off and do the monk thing if they just totally refuse to conform. Some variation on this pattern may have been fairly common around the world throughout time. Each culture, each area, and each time period has its own unique flavor. In the reading I have been doing, people become monks because: 1. They run away. Buddha, for example, ran away from his home, abandoning his newborn son, to become a monk. 2. Their parents can't afford to feed them, and give the boy to a monastery in the hopes that he will survive. 3. The parents sell the boy to a monastery because he is good-looking and they can get a good price. 4. The parents send the boy to a monastery, to learn to read and get an education, in the same way one would send a child to a boarding school. So let's think about some hypothetical average monastery in India somewhere in 300 A.D. Who would be there? I get the feeling that it would be an extremely diverse group of people who just did not fit in to society at large for whatever reason. Either they felt revulsion at the prospect of getting married at age 9 or 13, or they did not like the family they were to be married into, or they did not want to do whatever their father did. Or maybe they were true hermits, called to just going off into the forest or the mountains and living there on roots and berries, and they needed to have a loose affiliation with a monastery just for some human contact. There are so many reasons a child would not want to get married and start having children. Just consider, in all of human history we know about, and until about 120 years ago, most children died before the age of ten. Babies died like flies, mothers often died in childbirth or a few days later, from an infection called "childbirth fever," and then children that survived to be one or two would be ravaged by a whole series of "childhood illnesses" that tended to kill seven children out of ten. Say you lived in a village of 50 homes, and there were 50 babies born around the same time as you, by the time you were ten years old, 35 of your friends would have died. And a hundred kids slightly older and younger than you would have died in one disease or another sweeping through the village. If you were a sensitive child, and saw all this death, and saw your mother suffering with each dying child, why would you want to run off and start having sex with women and bring more babies into the world? The reasons for wanting to go away, to wander homeless or sit and meditate, are innumerable. So really, there is no hypothetical monastery. Each one must have been full of a motley collection of the walking wounded, misfits, spiritual geniuses, loners, people who just did not identify with the stereotypical male of that time and place, people who wanted to be left alone to read, kids who were rejected by their parents, and so on. In chronological age, they would range from early teenagers to old men. And somehow they have to all live together. We who live outside the monastery walls know almost nothing of how they did it – how did these societies of men survive for thousands of years. Only the Japanese have written openly and honestly about the sex lives of monks, apparently because they tend to see sex as a natural human function, nothing to be ashamed of. See also The Power of Denial and also Lust for Enlightenment: Buddhism and Sex. In the sections following this, there is a whole discussion of sex. But for now, let's focus on this odd historical situation in which 98% or more of Americans are non-monks, and yet we are studying techniques developed for people who have very different needs and lifestyles. American women meditators are every age and lifestyle, but by and large they have families and jobs and friends and loves. They are not living in cloisters. Yet the teachings on meditation are heavily weighted toward the needs of celibate males, Buddhist and Hindu monks. These monks trained most of the teachers in America. So it makes sense that meditation teachings and books present useful techniques, and then go on to emphasize the importance of detachment, killing passion, and distancing yourself from desire. There is an anti-sex and anti-body attitude sprinkled throughout the meditation literature. To the extent that a woman internalizes these negative attitudes toward herself, she will become depressed and lose her love of life. This isn't accidental – it is purposeful, because the teachings are designed to make the ordinary world seem disgusting, and make you want to join an ashram. If you think about it, of course teachings intended for monks would be designed to help them lose interest in outside relationships, sex, and the desire to do anything other than study spiritual things. Because monks talk about sex and encourage celibacy, it is necessary to discuss their celibacy and sexuality, to see where they are coming from, and why they resist adapting their teachings to the needs of modern women. Monks are only human, and like all humans, they can vow something one day, and in the middle of the night the next day their craving takes over. But wait, most people can hold a craving at bay for a day or a week, so let's say they go for a year or two before the accumulated charge of sexual electricity breaks through. Then what? Who knows – they may be crawling out of their skin. Where does that energy go? There are many yogic and meditative techniques that have been developed to redirect or suppress the sex drive. And quite a few ex-monks and ex-nuns have mentioned that ahem, actually there is a lot of sex going on behind closed doors. What does it mean when someone takes a vow of celibacy? Does it mean that magically, their sex drive will disappear? Maybe. And it can also mean that they will be tormented by sex for the rest of their miserable lives. So when we listen to monks and nuns, we are listening to people who have set their will against the flow of life. And they are not in a position to talk honesly about where they are in that struggle. They may have to lie about their actual exerience. Historically, monks and nuns could never admit to having sex – it was part of the deal with society, we will support you, grow food for you, but don't have sex and don't have kids. Even today in Asia, monasteries get burned down occasionally because a monk gets a local girl pregnant. In the United States, sexual secrets tend to come out. Americans like to know what is really going on. People can even write books about their experiences being the sex slave of this guru or that priest or Tibetan Lama. It often takes twenty or thirty years for the truth to come out, for an individual to get ready to talk about what went on, so we are now beginning to find out what went on in the 1970's and 80's in spiritual America. What a complex and troubling thing sex is for celibates. And almost every week, there is a different story about this or that priest, monk, lama, yogi, or swami who is breaking his vow of celibacy. It is very educational to type guru + sex into a search engine every few weeks, and see what comes up. But you will never find out everything – I have met many people who will not talk publicly about the sexual experiences they had with the guru or minister, because they are afraid of retaliation. But why would people want to be celibate in the first place? And why would anyone think that a celibate person is better somehow, rather than simply emotionally constipated? Part of the answer has to do with the feudal system. Feudal systems depend on a division of labor, in which there are people who farm, people who fight, people who administer, and people who pray. The farmers and warriors said to the monks, OK, you can sit in your cells or caves all day and do whatever, but we don't want to hear about you having sex, alright? And part of the reason must lie in the fact that sex is such a powerful instinct, so close to the life force itself, that to deny it, you have to invoke powerful denial in order to keep the boners away. So, Why Did Buddha Abandon His Family? There are many reasons why a person might come to hate sexual desire so much that they want to cut it off permanently, give themselves a psychological and emotional neutering. For example, sex can lead to pregnancy, and until recently, many women died in childbirth. How would you feel about sex, and life on earth in general, if you first week of life was spent experiencing your mother dying of childbirth fever? A boy whose mother died giving birth to him might have tremendous guilt about existing, and might be terrified of becoming a father. He might fear that if he got married and impregnated his wife, she may die in childbirth just like his mother did, and it would be his fault. Buddha's mother died a week after giving birth to him – she seem to have lingered, bleeding and feverish for a week and then died. Little Siddhartha was raised by his mother's sister and nurses. When Buddha was 19 (or 29) his first son was born, and he abandoned the newborn baby and his wife and went out to live in the forest and practice austerities. Then he founded a religion about not existing. If your first seven days of life are spent cuddled with your mother who is shivering with fever, groaning, and being burned up by infection associated with childbirth, then your next months are spent with people who are grieving but have been ordered to put on a happy face, your sense of the emptiness of human life is bound to be oppressive. You get it – the formula is, passion = sex = birth = murdering your mother. Yuck. Out in the forest Buddha discovered great things, and his light shines on us all. But the particular manner of his awakening, the story around it, also influences us all. The message is there, not-so-subliminal, if you want to get enlightened, you have to give up sex, money, your family, your friends, your desires, and your ego, and starve yourself on many levels. There is the lure of using meditation to induce anorexia – where you use the power of meditation to make yourself lose your appetite for life. Buddha's path took him through anorexia and rear-starvation. Do you think you are better than him? Buddha in one of his skinny phases Passion is Poison One of the long-lasting effects of Buddha's teachings is the equation that passion = poison. The path through life is equanimity, calmness. This is certainly, absolutely the truth for homeless Buddhist monks, whose lifestyle is to wander and be homeless and live on donations of food and money from villagers. The teachings of Buddha, as they show up in innumerable branches and sub-branches of the meditation traditions, are adamant in their disdain for passion. This citation from a Buddhist text is a representative example. "Sariputta said: "Friends, in foreign lands there are wise nobles & priests, householders & contemplatives -- for the people there are wise & discriminating -- who will question a monk: 'What is your teacher's doctrine? What does he teach?' Thus asked, you should answer, 'Our teacher teaches the subduing of passion & desire.' "Having thus been answered, there may be wise nobles & priests, householders & contemplatives... who will question you further, 'And your teacher teaches the subduing of passion & desire for what?' Thus asked, you should answer, 'Our teacher teaches the subduing of passion & desire for form... for feeling... for perception... for fabrications. Our teacher teaches the subduing of passion & desire for consciousness.' "Having thus been answered, there may be wise nobles & priests, householders & contemplatives... who will question you further, 'And seeing what danger does your teacher teach the subduing of passion & desire for form... for feeling... for perception... for fabrications. Seeing what danger does your teacher teach the subduing of passion & desire for consciousness?' "Thus asked, you should answer, 'When one is not free from passion, desire, love, thirst, fever, & craving for form, then from any change & alteration in that form, there arises sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, & despair. When one is not free from passion... for feeling... for perception... for fabrications... When one is not free from passion, desire, love, thirst, fever, & craving for consciousness, then from any change & alteration in that consciousness, there arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, & despair. Seeing this danger, our teacher teaches the subduing of passion & desire for form... for feeling... for perception... for fabrications. Seeing this danger our teacher teaches the subduing of passion & desire for consciousness.'" - from the Devadaha Sutta Soul Suicide This is a manual for suicide written by an obsessive-compulsive. "First you kill out the desire to live, then kill the desire to have perceptions, then you kill out any love you have for anything and anyone, then you kill out even the desire for consciousness, so that you do not reincarnate." It would not be enough to kill the body – you have to kill the desire to live so that you do not reincarnate. The word nirvana means "to extingish," and suggests the image of blowing out a fire. The fire is now gone. Nirvana means to blow out the flame of individuality. And they haven't even really started in yet on sex. The "middle path" advocated by Buddha can sometimes seem to be in the middle between "suicidal self-deprivation" and "mild self-annihilation." Sometimes at conferences and conventions meditators of all types attend, you can tell the Buddhists because they look peaceful as they drift along, as if they have made peace with death and are slowly having their blood replaced with embalming fluid. As with medicine, the effects of any medication vary enormously according to an individual's body chemistry. Many people I have known for decades look sort of like they are on chemotherapy, as an effect of their understanding and practice of Buddhism. They have indeed killed their passion, and indeed do have a great deal of inner peace. But is it really necessary to have such a grey pallor, as if your blood has been drained, to gain the happiness that comes from not wanting anything? In the Devadaha Sutta text cited above, notice the repetition, the mind-numbing, soul-crushing, hunting down of any little area where passion could hide out, even in desire for consciousness. There is no sense of inquiry at all, this seems like an authoritarian, fundamentalist tract. But it has hypnotic appeal, in the way that Marxist thinking must have had in the early part of the 20th century. The first "re-education" camps must have been the Buddhist camped among the trees, where monks would sit around and confess any desires they had, any tingle of excitement about anything, and then they would take their assigned penance and go off and try to exterminate their individuality. What an interesting take on spirituality! And more power to them, whoever wants or needs to take up this practice. I just think that practices should come with labels, like medicine do. What the effects are. What the side effects are. Every person who hears or reads such a text will respond differently. From interviews, I know that some meditators are relieved to know that people in the past, maybe even Buddha, were just as insane and neurotic as they are. That is their actual response: "God, I thought my self-hatred and suicidal tendencies were bad, but these people really took it to the limit. Those guys were as wacked-out as I am." There is a therapeutic technique developed by family therapists, in which the therapist describes in endless and obsessive detail the behavior the patient has been struggling with, and this sometimes breaks the grip of the obsession on the patient. Others hear the words of the text being recited by a Mike Myers-like inner character, and they take secret delight in the offbeat deadpan nihilism. Still others take it like an injection of chemotherapy for the soul, praying it will kill off all their bad thoughts and feelings. And some are just poisoned by it. One thing that begs to be considered –maybe by the history department at some university – is how do you keep a country together and defend your borders when you don't believe you should exist? I would think that Buddhism may cause such deep confusion about identity and passivity that you would not be good at playing the game of survival as a nation. You wouldn't be paying attention to the work that needs to be done and you would miss or misinterpret all the signals. I saw a bumper sticker recently, with a Buddhist symbol and the words, HONK IF YOU DON'T EXIST. Buddhist Attitudes Toward Sexuality You can read for yourself about Buddhist attitudes toward sexuality over the millennia. Bernard Faure's The Red Thread is a fascinating read. The author is a professor of religion at Stanford, and the book is thoroughly researched and full of funny stories. Faure discusses the predicament Buddha was in as head of an order of monks. First of all, his path was called "Going forth into homelessness." He was creating a new order, a new path. And they had to wander from town to town, begging. The Buddhist scriptures record the goings on as Buddha led his band of homeless wanderers around the country. Every scandal you can think of happened. The monks would have sex with each other, and then confess, and Buddha would rule that this was a sin and that henceforth a monk would be expelled. A monk fell asleep and had a huge erection, and girls passing by mounted his penis. When he woke up, there were dried juices on his body and his robe, so another monk ratted him out, reported him to Buddha. Buddha ruled this was OK, as long as you are asleep – but monks should sleep inside if possible, so as not to be used in this way. Once Buddha was approached by a monk with a penis so long that he could suck on it. Obviously, having sex with a woman was a sin, but what was wrong with sucking on his own cock? It is recorded in the scriptures that Buddha ruled that sucking on your own cock is a sin. A different monk had a penis so long that he could fuck himself in the ass. He approached Buddha respectfully and asked, "Sir, is this a sin?" Buddha ruled that yes, this was a sin. Buddha ruled that this is a sin A rich source of insight about monastic sex are Faure's chapters on Chinese and Japanese Buddhism. Faure quotes from a Chinese novel from the 16th century: Once a Buddhist priest and his disciple went to a benefactor's house with some papers. The papers were, they thought, safely tucked into the disciple's belt, in the small of his back. When they reached the door, they found that the disciple's belt had come undone, and the papers had fallen out. "It looks as if you have no ass at all," the Priest said. "If I had no ass," the disciple replied, "You wouldn't be able to exist for a single day." (Faure, p. 267). The full spectrum of Buddhist thought is wild. It is just wild, and the people I know who thrive in Buddhism, or Hinduism, or Yoga, or Taoism, know it's wild and thrive on the wildness. They get the jokes and they know that everything is totally contradictory, human, flawed, and varied, and they have to make up a path that works for them. Remember also that none of this philosophy and rule-making has much to do with meditation. I only bring it up because everyone thinks of gurus and monks when they think, "meditation." Their marketing is good. This is religion, and sometimes philosophy, and sometimes, "How to eke out a living in ancient India or Nepal." How to get dirt-poor farmers to give some of their precious food to dirty homeless people wandering through. I mention all this because when you meditate, make sure that you are not imposing religious ideas on yourself. Be your natural self, and see what happens. And if you are going to get all religious, study the religion of your parents first, or your grandparents. Don't go to the opposite side of the world, you'll just get sick. Their water is different. When you meditate, be in your own religion or lack of religion. See how you evolve. The Renunciate Path vs. The Path of Affirmation Monks give us non-monks the name, "householders." And one thing monks do not seem compassionate or skillful about is discerning the difference between the path of renunciation and the path of affirmation. The path of renunciation is characterized by denial of sex, money, and property. Those on the path of renunciation take some sort of vows, usually celibacy, poverty and obedience. Renunciates live on alms or welfare and are supposed to pray for the rest of us, and be harmless. The path of the householder has a totally different set of challenges: tolerating intimacy, handling close personal relationships, working to support everyone who depends on you, managing your time, sorting priorities, and above all, honoring all your commitments. I just made up the term, "the path of affirmation," to describe this path, because you have to actively embrace sex, working to make money, and owning things. And anything that interferes with your ability to be committed wholeheartedly to your actions can really be damaging. Householders are always having to finish one thing then zoom off to another. Each action requires your full attention. If your spiritual practice is undermining, if it damages the very foundation of your life, then you will pay a serious price, and not necessarily wind up with any enlightenment as a booby prize. If your meditation practice makes you feel slightly reluctant to have sex, because you have killed your passion, then you may kill your marriage as well. And therefore your kids will grow up as children of a divorce. What is so spiritual about that? This is very common, in my experience: the husband or wife will start meditating, and then get attracted to a Buddhist teaching, and along with the meditation they are absorbing attitudes that are presented as universal but actually are only good medicine for monastics. Over time, they lose their zest for life and sex starts to seem disgusting, rather than a sacred communion. The couple does not know why they are breaking up. The partner who is left out in the cold – the one who has been rejected by their spouse for years, because the spouse turned off his or her sex drive – is usually the one who is blamed the most for the divorce. The following quote is from a book titled, How To Meditate: A Practical Guide. by Kathleen McDonald, an ordained Buddhist Nun. "If you feel strongly attached to an attractive body (including your own), think about it in the following way. "First, analyze just what it is you find so attractive. Then mentally penetrate the surface and examine what lies beneath the skin: the flesh, bones, blood vessels and organs. Visualize the mucous, pus, blood, excrement and urine. Imagine it all in vivid detail. What is it you find so attractive now?" (McDonald, p 101). Perhaps this type of meditation book should come with a warning label such as medications have, antidepressants, tranquilizers, "Warning, use of this technique may cause loss of libido, digestive troubles, possibly an eating disorder, and long-term depression." Even low-fat potato chips, with their artificial indigestible oil come with warnings about leakage. The technique described by McDonald, whose ordained name is Sangye Khadro, is stated in almost the same words in other introductory books on how to meditate, and in texts read out loud by the Dalai Lama at events across the United States. This is not an isolated practice. It is being presented as something everyone should do. Cultivating disgust for bodies is a powerful tool that may serve the lifestyle of a monk or nun. If you are not a monk or nun, then you may just wind up homeless in your own body, alienated and dissociated. This is the meditation equivalent to a medical procedure, such as a surgery to sever the nerves in your clitoris or penis, injection of a chemotherapy drug, or exposure to x-rays. Of course this technique will weaken and then destroy your attachments. And destroying attachments is a highly cherished Buddhist ideal. But after you have destroyed your attachment to your own body, and to your spouse, and your children, and you have learned to be nauseated by bodies, then what? Whether learning to be nauseated by your own body and that of your partner is a good thing or a bad thing depends on your path. If your dharma or destiny is to abandon your family like Buddha did, and go off to meditate somewhere, then sure, do this technique if this is one your spiritual advisor has prescribed. But if your path is the path of the householder, of commitment, involvement and affirmation, then this is absolutely the wrong technique to do. Because meditation techniques are held to be "sacred," no one dares to question them. How can people who are so insightful one moment be so unskillful the next? This is just one of the things you will have to get used to if you do any reading in meditation literature. Meditation texts tend to shift into weird medicine without warning and without labeling, and many people I know are seriously poisoned by their exposure to this type of teaching. The path of affirmation is about committment, which is daring. You commit to your marriage, your lover, your friends, your job. People are depending on you. You have to manage, to balance, to make up a yoga of balancing many commitments. It's challenging – you have to make up your life, day to day. This is totally different than just committing once to a spiritual tradition and a master. So I thought I would write about the little I have learned regarding this uber-secret world of monks and sex. If monks never spoke of sex, I would not speak about them. But monks do speak about sex in disgusted terms, the way people with eating disorders talk about food. So their ideas need discussing. Monks in the Media Monks are everywhere in the media these days, especially Tibetan, Hindu and Buddhist monks, radiating peace and encouraging people to be compassionate and to meditate. The light they bring to the world is important and can be clarifying. They bring confusion also, because at the same time they teach kindness, they teach traditional notions of hatred of the body, hatred of individuality, and hatred of sex. So they are a bit like doctors who go around suggesting that everyone be castrated for their own good. Also, by the way, they kind of suggest or encourage celibacy and devotion to the lineage of male gurus from which all wisdom comes. We know something about Catholic priests and sex, because of the rampant sex scandals in the United States the past few years. We have learned that Catholic priests are human and want to have sex, and many of them are gay, and because they are denied regular outlets, they use their altar boys as their sex slaves. But what about all these Buddhist and Hindu monks teaching in America? What are they up to? What is happening under those robes? The Aura of Secrecy The monks and priests from Asia have been able to keep an aura of secrecy about their sex lives, which leads us to think of monks and monasteries as luminous and peaceful places, rather than hotbeds of gay sex. It turns out that there is a lot going on under those robes and behind the closed doors of the monasteries. People who have been there and emerged to tell the tale have talked a little, discretely, about their experiences. In the interests of full disclosure, I want to say that I have never had sex with a monk or nun and that what I know is from interviews and informal discussions with those who have. Also, I don't care at all whether monks have sex with other monks, and if nuns have great lesbian sex. If they do, more joy to them. Whatever. Since 1968, it has seemed like my primary job in the world is to listen to meditators and make notes. What works, what experiences the different techniques induce, what are the side-effects, what are the catastropies. I also want to disclose that I, like many people of my generation, have an extremely high regard for monks in general. I myself have never had a bad experience with a guru, lama, rishi, yogi, or meditation teacher. But people talk to me, and over the decades I have spoken with quite a few meditators at length about their experiences. And one thing is clear: meditation awakens the senses and awakens all kinds of energies in the body. Deal with it. Are Monasteries Hotbeds of Gay Sex? Monk performing "auparashtika" on a princely visitor. Hmmm! Temple of Chhapri, Central India, 12th century CE. Mindful Blow Jobs On a meditation course in Majorca in 1971, I met a guy who had evolved his own form of sexual-spiritual tourism. For years he had been going to India, Thailand, and other Asian countries to visit temples and monasteries and attend meditation retreats. And the sex, he said, was "The best he had ever experienced anywhere. Those monks really know how to give a blow job. They come to your room at night and do you with total mindful awareness and incredible skill. And from meditating all day, your body is so tuned that you can have the longest and most intense orgasms ever." continued at Penis Worship. So it may be that one of the secrets going on in monasteries and nunneries is that they are occasionally having really incredible hot sex, in the most drawn-out, subtle seductions anywhere. The "forbidden" nature of it makes it all the hotter. And they absolutely can't talk about it. By the way, I just discovered a wonderful book, Lust for Enlightenment, by John Stevens. Like The Red Thread, it's about Buddhism and sexuality, but LUST is a breezier read and has better illustrations. I recommend it. Letting It All Hang Out So whenever you think of teachings that come from India, Nepal, Tibet, or anywhere else, remember there are people there with the same desires as you. And when a desire is blocked in one arena, it will come out sideways, or in a perverted form, or in a sublimated, covert form. When you encounter the meditation traditions, you are dealing with something that millions of people have been involved in for thirty centuries or so. Every form of kinkiness that can be discovered, they probably invented in 300 B.C. Even if you were born in Asia, there is no way one individual can comprehend the diverse theories and practices that millions of people can make up over dozens of centuries of intense experimenting. If you are a Westerner, there is no way you can match that cultural heritage. Personally, I don't think anyone in India understands India. It is too vast. A Sadhu smoking hash Face it – you will never completely understand India, Tibet or ancient China. You have no idea what they were up to.

Malaysia Pertimbangkan Hukuman Penjara Untuk Kaum Gay!

Kuala Lumpur - Dua negeri bagian Malaysia sedang mempertimbangkan untuk membuat undang-undang (UU) yang akan menjatuhkan hukuman penjara bagi warga muslim yang gay dan para pendukung hak-hak gay. Kedua negeri bagian tersebut adalah Malaka dan Pahang. gay malaysia: [imagetag] [imagetag] "Homoseksualitas bertentangan dengan Islam. Kaum pria harus mencari kaum wanita, bukan pria. Karena itulah kami tidak ingin mengikuti aktivitas yang dipromosikan negara-negara Barat ini," cetus Mohamad Ali Rustam, menteri kepala negeri bagian Malaka seperti dilansir AFP, Sabtu (12/11/2011). "Orang-orang berbicara mengenai HAM, tapi ini bukan hak... Ini tugas kami untuk menghentikannya namun kami tak bisa bertindak karena tak ada UU," kata politikus partai berkuasa Malaysia, UMNO tersebut. Dikatakan Rustam, sesuai UU baru tersebut, mereka yang terlibat kegiatan homoseks dan seks bebas akan diadili di pengadilan syariah dan bisa dihukum denda, konseling atau hukuman penjara. Menurut Rustam, butuh waktu berbulan-bulan guna mewujudkan UU tersebut. Belum lama ini, kepolisian Malaysia melarang festival hak-hak gay tahunan yang akan digelar di negeri jiran itu. Para panitia akhirnya membatalkan event tersebut demi keselamatan para peserta festival. Homoseksualitas masih merupakan isu tabu di Malaysia yang penduduknya mayoritas Islam. Di negeri itu, perbuatan sodomi bisa dikenai hukuman maksimum 20 tahun penjara. ========== Inggris telah mengancam untuk memotong bantuan ekonomi bagi negara2 afrika yang bertindak diskriminatif terhadap gay.. kira-kira apa yang bakal dilakukan oleh Inggris terhadap negara jajahan kesayangannya ini kalau UU itu berhasil lolos?/ tapi selama ini sodomi memang udah jadi tindakan kriminal di sana.. dan Inggris adem ayem aja kayaknya

LGBT themes in video games
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from LGBT characters in video games) Jump to: navigation, search This article may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (June 2010) This article may require copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone, or spelling. You can assist by editing it. (May 2012) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) characters have been depicted in some video games since the 1980s. In the history of video games, LGBT content has been subject to changing rules and regulations, which are generally examples of heterosexism in that heterosexuality is normalized while homosexuality is subject to additional censorship or ridicule. Sexual orientation and gender identity have served a significant role in some video games, with the trend being toward greater visibility of LGBT identities. Contents 1 Company policies regarding LGBT content 1.1 Nintendo 1.2 Sega 1.3 Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) 2 Depictions of LGBT characters 2.1 Comical gender confusion 2.2 Transgender characters in video games 2.3 Gay characters in fighting games 2.4 Gay characters in action games 2.5 Gay romance in role-playing games 3 Marketing to LGBT consumers 4 Working inside the industry 5 Asian gaming cultures and depictions of LGBT sexuality 6 See also 7 References 8 External links 8.1 Gender and sexual orientation 8.2 General information on video games 8.3 Nintendo's censorship polices Company policies regarding LGBT content Nintendo In order to legally release a game for a Nintendo system a developer had first to obtain permission from Nintendo. Nintendo reserved the right to preview the games and demand changes before allowing release. They wanted to ensure that no game released for a Nintendo system had objectionable or offensive themes, as well as exercise quality control. This gave rise to a highly developed system of censorship. A game sold on a Nintendo system could not display or make reference to illicit drugs, tobacco and alcohol, violence against women, blood and graphic violence, profanity, nudity, religious symbols, political advocacy, or "sexually suggestive or explicit content."[1] In 1988, a creature in Nintendo's own Super Mario Bros. 2 the miniboss named Birdo was described in the original instruction manual as thinking he was a girl and wanting to be called "Birdetta". This was later censored by Nintendo of America in future appearances of the character. In 1992, Enix was ordered to remove a gay bar in Dragon Warrior III, among other content changes, before the game could be sold on a Nintendo system.[citation needed] The SNES version of Ultima VII also had to be substantially altered from its original computer edition to remove potentially objectionable content, like ritual murders, or the option to have a male or female "bedmate" if the player paid their fee at the buccaneer-run island. By 1999, Nintendo had largely given up on its own censorship policies. A year later, Rare released Banjo-Tooie for the Nintendo 64 with a gay frog bartender named "Jolly Roger." The frog wanted Banjo and Kazooie to rescue his co-worker, Merry Maggie, a cross-dressing amphibian who appeared to be Jolly Roger's lover. Jolly Roger would return as a playable character in the Game Boy Advance game Banjo-Pilot (2005). Rare would also release Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001) for the Nintendo 64, featuring an alcoholic squirrel named Conker and his adventures in a world where all of the characters are foul-mouthed creatures who made various dirty jokes in reference to hangovers, homosexuality and oral sex. Enix re-released Dragon Warrior III for the Game Boy Color and was allowed to keep all the original content provided the game was given a Teen rating by the ESRB. Sega Like Nintendo, Sega policed the content of games for Sega systems. Unlike Nintendo, Sega's initial system of censorship was more liberal. The Sega content code allowed games to have blood, more graphic violence, female enemies, and more sexually suggestive themes. Although Sega allowed LGBT themes and characters in games sold for its home console systems, Sega often chose to tone down or erase LGBT characters when porting Asian games to American markets. In Phantasy Star II, a musician's homosexuality was edited so that the only acknowledgment of his sexual orientation was the fact that he charged all male characters less money for his music lessons.[2] In 1992, when Final Fight was released for the Sega CD and Vendetta was released for the Sega Genesis, minor transgender and homosexual enemies were censored.[3] Likewise, Sega's Streets of Rage 3 removed a gay villain wearing Village People attire and transformed a transsexual villain into a man with long hair. It is unclear whether LGBT censorship was part of an overall censorship policy or the voluntary decision of a developer. In 1993, Sega developed the Videogame Rating Council to give content based ratings to all games sold on a Sega system, thus reducing the need for Sega to maintain a content code for its developers. When Rise of the Dragon was developed for the Sega CD, by Dynamix, a transgender bar patron was retained from the original computer edition as was a gay joke relating to the playable character mistaking his girlfriend for a man with long hair. For this and other reasons the game was given the Council's "MA-17" rating. Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) In 1994, several top gaming publishers formed the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) as the trade association of the video game industry. Shortly after its creation, the ESA established the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to independently assign individual games content ratings and descriptors according to a variety of factors. In an example of heterosexism, where LGBT identity is not treated neutrally vis-à-vis heterosexuality, gay and transgender characters are currently placed within the content descriptors of mature humor, sexual content, or sexual themes[citation needed], all of which qualify games for the restricted M (Mature) or AO (Adults Only) content ratings.[4] Following the establishment of the ESRB, console developers relaxed their in-house regulations in favor of ESRB ratings. In 1994, Sega dissolved its Videogame Rating Council after only one year in existence. Depictions of LGBT characters See also: List of LGBT characters in video games A number of recurring tropes, themes and archetypes have developed in the gaming industry with reference to LGBT sexuality. These were often similar to how other forms of popular culture such as Hollywood movie and TV shows dealt with LGBT sexuality. Comical gender confusion A common way to deal with LGBT characters is to reveal their sexual orientation through gender inversion. A male character's homosexuality was often indicated by making him a sissy character with effeminate or flamboyant mannerisms, dress, and speech. The underlying assumption is that homosexuals tend also to be transsexual and therefore possess mannerisms stereotypical of the opposite sex. This technique previously had been widely used in Hollywood movies (to circumvent the Production Code's ban on "sexual perversion") and before that in Vaudeville. Although mainly used in video games for its comedic value, gender confusion has also been used as a tool to offer social commentary about sexism or homophobia. The censorship codes of Nintendo and Sega limited the usage of gender inversion to exclusion of cross-dressing until 1994. Transgender characters in video games The Super Mario Bros. 2 character Birdo was described as thinking he was a girl and wanting to be called Birdetta in early editions of the instruction manual. The character was changed to simply female until Smash Bros. Brawl reintroduced the concept of Birdo's gender being "indeterminate". Likewise, the Infocom game titled Circuit's Edge features several transsexual characters. Capcom created Final Fight for the arcade in 1989. The beat 'em up involved the player picking among three fighters on a quest to save the mayor's daughter who was kidnapped by a criminal gang known as Mad Gear. In 1990, Capcom presented Nintendo with a version of the game for the 16-bit Super Nintendo Entertainment System. According to David Sheffs' book Game Over, Nintendo stated that Capcom could not have a female enemy as that violated Nintendo's ban on violence against women. Capcom countered that there were no female enemies in the game, revealing that the female characters Roxy and Poison[5] were also in fact transsexuals. The characters were nevertheless removed from the international versions of the SNES port (the Japanese Super Famicom version retained the characters).[6] However, in 1993, Sega obtained the rights to release the game for their Sega CD. In a sign of Sega's more liberal polices, Poison and Roxy could remain in the international versions, but with less-provocative clothing;[7] also there could be no indication of their supposed transgender status (Sega of America later removed a homosexual boss from the international versions of Streets of Rage 3). Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle featured a futuristic beauty contest that featured oddly-dressed humans. One person the player can interact with is Harold, who is dressed like a woman and expresses homosexual attraction. The sprite of the character is based on the one of George Washington, who also appears in the game. Gay characters in fighting games Many fighting games have characters who are either confirmed or thought to be gay. Having gay male characters in these fighting games can challenge the traditional perception of homosexuals as weak. Nevertheless, hints about a particular character's sexual orientation in a fighting game often take the form of effeminate features, in an otherwise tough and stereotypically masculine character. In 1994, Sega of America would make various changes to the beat 'em up Streets of Rage 3 from its original Japanese counterpart called Bare Knuckle 3. Among the changes was the removal of the boss named Ash (with a straight character named Shiva replacing him) whose homosexuality was explicitly established by the "Village People" attire that he wore. Ash was taken out of the western edition of the game, but remained a playable character with the aid of the Game Genie. Thus, Sega unintentionally became the first major video game company in the west to give the player the option of choosing a gay character. The Street Fighter character Zangief has long been thought of as being homosexual,[by whom?] although this was disputed in Capcom Fighting Evolution, where it was stated that he had a girlfriend, although the game is non-canon. The Street Fighter character Eagle, who appears in the original Street Fighter as well as in Capcom vs. SNK 2, has however been confirmed to be gay, as a tribute to Queen singer Freddie Mercury, although several of Eagle's quotes obviously displaying his orientation were censored in the North American version of the game. In the more recent Super Street Fighter IV, the prologue of the fighter Abel hints that his character may be homosexual due to "settling down" with a fellow French mercenary. Also from Super Street Fighter IV, Juri Han is hinted at possibly being a lesbian. It is especially evidenced in Chun-Li and Cammy's rival cutscenes where Juri seems to flirt with them before proceeding to try and kill them. When her official profile was first released, it also mentioned she loves large breasts. In the Guilty Gear series the character Venom is most clearly in love with his deceased leader, Zato-1, although his feelings do not seem to have been returned. Being succubi, Lilith Aensland and Morrigan Aensland in Capcom's Darkstalkers series have been long portrayed as being rather openly bisexual, while the same has also been suggested with Q-Bee through her dialogue. An obscure game known as Groove on Fight is currently the only known fighting game featuring an openly gay couple, the somewhat stereotypical characters Rudolph Gartheimer and Damian Shade. The character Rasputin in the World Heroes series is implied to be homosexual. One of his win poses has him trying to hold his robes down while wind blows them up, similar to the famous Marilyn Monroe pose. He has a special move in World Heroes Perfect called "The Secret Garden" in which he pulls characters into bushes and presumably has his way with them while hearts float skyward. This move only works on male characters. Gay characters in action games In 2001 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty featured a bisexual character, Vamp. The conversation in which this was revealed (by Solid Snake himself) also explains that he was the lover of Scott Dolph, a bisexual Navy commander. The game does not dwell on this point, and accepts it simply as a factor of the character. The 2004 prequel Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater went further, featuring male bisexuality (Volgin and Major Raikov), and also some other sexual topics rarely touched upon in popular entertainment, such as sexual sadism (Volgin again) and polyamory. Gay romance in role-playing games Depictions of gay characters are becoming more common in role-playing games (RPGs). The popular Microsoft owned Fable series has featured the ability to marry and have intercourse with characters of the same sex since its launch in 2004.[8] The 1999 game Persona 2 featured dating elements that included the option to engage in a homosexual relationship.[9] Bioware "has represented queer characters in its games for about as long as it has been making them",[10] including significant gay characters in its RPG franchises Mass Effect and the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. Other games, such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim also see same-sex marriage as part of giving the players a full-range of character choices.[11] Marketing to LGBT consumers See also: Pink money It has been widely assumed that young, white, heterosexual males are the force driving the industry forward. That belief was strongly challenged by the record-breaking success of The Sims. Maxis had resisted Will Wright's goal of creating the title on the grounds that "girls don't play video games", and the title was seen as being one that did not appeal well to young heterosexual males.[12] In the 1990s the industry began to make some efforts to market games to women by creating software titles with strong and independent female characters as seen in Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. Some video game companies are now moving to further expand their marketing base to include the perceived market of affluent homosexual young men by including LGBT characters and supporting LGBT rights. BioWare has included female same-sex scenes in Mass Effect and allowed sexual interaction between any gender group in Dragon Age: Origins.[13] Even some games that are considered appealing mainly to the non-traditional demographic continue to censor homosexuality. For instance, despite the tremendous success of The Sims, even the most recent version of the franchise suppresses homosexual identity. Autonomous romantic interactions exist only for heterosexual characters by default.[14] In The Sims 3, players must manually initiate multiple same-sex romantic interactions before a character will be "converted" to homosexuality and begin to engage in such interactions autonomously. The town will be marked gay-friendly, unlocking the autonomy for other characters. If a player does not force at least one character several times to engage in same-sex advances, the player's town will have no visible homosexuality[15]. Critics of the suppression of gay identity often come to the conclusion that, as homosexuality is normalized in broader culture, it will be in video games as well.[16][17] A 2006 survey exploring gay gamers was the first academic study of any gamer group.[18] With about 10,000 respondents the survey exhibited a reverse bell curve of gamer sexuality, with most people identifying as either completely heterosexual or homosexual. Working inside the industry Little is known about what it is like to work within the industry as a gay person. The result is that much of the information that does come out is in dispute. Dani Bunten, a MTF transsexual, designed some of the earliest multiplayer games. In 1996, a Maxis employee named Jacque Servin was fired when he put gay characters into the SimCopter game. Depending on the news source, Servin claims to have done it because he was upset at being grossly overworked at Maxis or as some type of political statement. Asian gaming cultures and depictions of LGBT sexuality Most Western games are made for a Western audience. However, Japan, Korea and Taiwan all have large gaming industries which produce for local audiences. Many video games are developed in Japan, and some effort has been made at making what could be called 'gay games.' In Japanese popular culture, LGBT men were often considered bishonen, which translates as "beautiful boys." This was also tied to the success in Japan of comic books and animation with open and subtle LGBT characters. A select genre of adult pornographic Japanese games exist called H-games. This genre includes gay male and gay female subgenres. This material generally does not make it over to the west in English, and western reviews of the gay male video games tend to see the homosexuality as a gimmick in an otherwise mediocre game. However, homosexuality, while relatively innocuous among celebrities in Japan, can still be considered an oddity due to Japan's regimented and conservative social structure. Despite a lack of strong social stigma, homosexuality in men is commonly misconstrued with transgenderism and transvestism in Japan and open homosexuality is rare, due to conformity.[19]