Thursday, April 25, 2019

dear someone out there ……………………………………………………

i need love……………………………………………… i will you give you love……………………………………………… all of it……………………………………………… all of me……………………………………………… all of my love……………………………………………… if you promise to love me back……………………………………………… not to hurt me……………………………………………… #needpartnerforlife ………………………………………………

thx u very much ……………………………………………………………………….

your cruelness erases my love for you……………………………………………………………… thx lord……………………………………………………………… twice you broke my heart……………………………………………………………… no……………………………………………………………… actually it is thrice……………………………………………………………… if I count the very first one……………………………………………………………… the one that me being stupid and idiot……………………………………………………………… now I realize……………………………………………………………… you are not good for me……………………………………………………………… I hope you find another victim……………………………………………………………… or maybe you just stop your cruelty……………………………………………………………… and become a nice person……………………………………………………………… who don’t play with people heart………………………………………………………………

beware of it ………………………………………………………………….

he puts a spell on you…………………………………………………………… pray hard…………………………………………………………… ask for protection…………………………………………………………… ask him to send away the bad people…………………………………………………………… the ones who hurt me…………………………………………………………… the ones who will hurt me…………………………………………………………… being stupid today…………………………………………………………… that time i promise myself not to meet that person again…………………………………………………………… i forgot it today…………………………………………………………… idiot…………………………………………………………… i must not forget it again next times…………………………………………………………… i hope he help me with this promise…………………………………………………………… believing he is bad…………………………………………………………… i am sure he meets another tonight……………………………………………………………