Sunday, January 8, 2017

bukan ........................

not meaning that the uncloth is bad............ is just that they look better than the opposite............ and you cant deny that they are so damn tasteful............

It is one way street.........................

It is green all the time......................... It is good......................... And i hope it is sign......................... For the whole day......................... That this day will be......................... Nice all the time......................... The reality......................... Good for him......................... Bad for me......................... Hurt at front......................... But i have to be tough......................... It is ok......................... Really......................... Everything is great......................... Honestly......................... No tear for this kind of......................... Shitty shit.........................

They are weird.........................

The watchers......................... They talk to the students......................... During exam......................... What the hell......................... They disturb the students......................... The students need concentration......................... Need quiet situation......................... To do all the test......................... And the situation gets noisy......................... Very disturbing......................... The other class gets disturbed too......................... My class gets disturbed......................... I get disturbed......................... So......................... Is it the habit......................... I think so......................... This is so damn fuck......................... Hate this situation.........................

And it looks over me.........................

Time and time again......................... Make myself go high......................... In the dreamland......................... When i am not me......................... The reality is suck......................... It just gets a cover......................... Watch over me......................... To get warning......................... Of everything i will do......................... If he does what......................... I think he does......................... Holy fuck......................... It looks perfect......................... To entertaint your soul......................... And your spirit.........................

That blue.........................

What will you do......................... Out of reach......................... Of course......................... Switch the brain......................... Disturbing thought......................... They collect like......................... From the students......................... By spoiling them......................... In the exam......................... In the learning process......................... They give a lot of easiness......................... Damn them......................... Dont want to be like them......................... Just be me all the time’.........................

The plan is.........................

Going to that place......................... Ignoring the test......................... Smoking......................... Coffeeing......................... Playing cellphone......................... Anything but this......................... But that doesnt happen......................... He is closed......................... Then i got depressed......................... My hope was high......................... Run away from this shit......................... Want to be happy......................... Want to entertaint myself.........................

Feel down.........................

Need friend......................... Want to talk face to face......................... Need hokbae......................... Want to tell her about mrs em......................... How she changes......................... From nice to bad......................... She is only using me......................... Want to talk about the test......................... How bad it runs......................... Not like other’s place......................... I imagine the students’ future......................... Things will be damned......................... If they copy this aura......................... Into the real world......................... And the one who said that......................... My class is stiff......................... Because i sit at the back......................... What the heck.........................

Oh my godddddddd.........................

I just realize......................... How childish they are......................... They disturb their own friend......................... They finish early......................... Their frinds dont finish yet......................... And then they disturb......................... The ones who are still doing the test......................... Isnt that childish......................... Oh my goddddd.........................

I cant be like that.........................

First i want to be like that......................... Now not anymore......................... I am me......................... I dont wnat to be like that......................... I want to be like me......................... First i want to be like him......................... Because he is close to the students......................... That seems good......................... But now i realize......................... That his closeness to the students......................... Is that he wants the easiness......................... What easiness......................... Dont know......................... In the test process......................... In the learning process......................... In the assessment process.........................

He visits.........................

Noise from other class......................... The aura of this program is suck......................... It is not condusive......................... It is not like other place......................... The test runs badly......................... What will happens if the students......................... Go into the real worlds......................... They will be rejected......................... They will do like what they do now......................... And that is wrong......................... Their future will be in so much trouble......................... They will be in the pitch dark.........................

He visits.........................

He mocks......................... The class is stiff......................... Because i sit at the back......................... Hidden agenda......................... He wants me to free students......................... Spoil students on the exam......................... Not sit at the back......................... Must be out......................... Not strict in watching them......................... Not taking the answer sheet when they cheat......................... Must let go the cheat......................... What the hell......................... What the fuck.........................

U ask for help.........................

You should be thankful......................... But you mock......................... Because i correct the answer sheet when i guard......................... You mock it......................... If you ask for help......................... My time runs out to help you......................... When will i corect......................... On the exam time......................... But you mock it......................... You are weird......................... Will not help you again in the future......................... Enough is enough......................... This time only.........................

Make me disapear.........................

In front of her eyes......................... Ake me clear as me......................... In front of you......................... I present you......................... Me myself and i......................... Goddddd......................... I need hug......................... From you......................... Just you......................... No other else......................... Please come......................... I am here......................... I wait......................... Forever.........................

At first i have positive thought.........................

What i do is going up to the chief......................... In this place......................... Because of her......................... And her friends......................... The proof is......................... I got a lot of projects......................... Now i just realize......................... That she is only using me......................... Now i dont care......................... Because of yesterday......................... The one that i think it starts......................... The problem......................... Not responding her......................... Not accompanying her to eat......................... So it will be dark......................... In this place......................... For me......................... In the future......................... Maybe it will be like it used to be......................... In old program......................... I will have no projects......................... And i can do whatever......................... I thank god......................... I think good......................... For me......................... For students......................... For learning proces......................... And i hope he sees......................... He understands......................... He guards me......................... To do positive things......................... God bless us all.........................

Explain to them.........................

How suck this place is......................... It is dangerous......................... For their future......................... They dont teach right......................... They dont correct right......................... They dont score right......................... And what have you learn......................... Nothing......................... And what will you do......................... In the real life......................... Where everybody else is......................... Coming from different......................... Environment......................... Where they get right teaching......................... Where they get right score......................... When they know that they know......................... Or they know that they dont know......................... When your teacher dont correct you......................... You dont know that you are right......................... And you dont know that you are wrong......................... I dont want to be like them......................... I want to teach you right......................... To correct you right......................... To score you right......................... So you know when you are right......................... And you know when you are wrong......................... That would be advantagous for you......................... And i hope you allow me......................... To be strict......................... This is all for you......................... I dont mind if you hate me......................... I do......................... Really......................... But you must promise yourself......................... Promise god......................... That you will learn right......................... That you will be smart......................... I will give you all my effort......................... To make you clever......................... I will use my brain maximumly......................... Before the purpose of my teaching is......................... Loved by students......................... So i teach carelessly......................... As long as students are happy......................... But not now......................... I want to teach right......................... I want to be strict......................... It is ok for you to hate me......................... As long as i am right before god......................... Only god’s blessing is i want......................... I want to show before god......................... That i teach right......................... And i really want to make you clever......................... All of you may not believe my words......................... But god knows whther is it from heart or not......................... I dont want to badmouth them......................... They are my friends......................... Here i work with them......................... Hangout with them......................... Joke with them......................... Live with them......................... But sometimes their words are cruel......................... Hurt my heart......................... Whether they do it on purpose or not......................... But i try not to pay evil with evil......................... I try to ignore them......................... Pray for them......................... And i hope you too......................... Pray for them......................... So they come back to the right path.........................

6 jan 17 jumat.........................

Ikip mpe sore......................... Mei eror......................... Allahuakbar.........................

5 jan 17 kamis.........................

Burjo......................... Upgris mpe malam......................... Allahuakbar.........................

4 jan 17 rabu.........................

Ikip......................... Ngantar b filia......................... Allahuakbar.........................

3 jan 17 selasa.........................

Ikip......................... Cimb......................... Ikip......................... Allahuakbar.........................

2 jan 17 senen.........................

Renang......................... Pedurungan......................... Burjo......................... Allahuakbar.........................