Monday, January 22, 2018

The mall is packed……………..

Very annoying…………….. Want to shop…………….. Many needs…………….. The solution…………….. Shop tomorrow…………….. There will be times…………….. Hope tomorrow is the time…………….. I am afraid…………….. It is different now…………….. It feels different now…………….. Something is wrong…………….. Like it getting away…………….. I don’t like it…………….. I want it back…………….. Like it used to be…………….. Like before…………….. Full of happiness…………….. Full of love…………….. Hope god bless it ……………..

They left me behind……………..

Very sad…………….. No words…………….. The solution…………….. Go there by myself…………….. With the new one…………….. Hope got bless us…………….. Wish the ne one will be on my side always…………….. As long as I am in malang…………….. Before the new one I got very stressed…………….. I have no one…………….. I cant depend on my classmates…………….. Now I have that figure…………….. I am happy…………….. I am not alone anymore…………….. Hope the figure take me to places…………….. Hope god bless us ……………..

Bad experience……………..

The examiner is awful…………….. Ruining my speaking…………….. It gets really terrible…………….. Really annoyed…………….. Cursing in my head…………….. My blood pressure got higher…………….. The solution…………….. Let it go…………….. There will be another chance…………….. Or maybe there is a miracle…………….. That there will be a good result…………….. Really awesome…………….. Who knows ……………..