Wednesday, February 2, 2011

9 sins

9 Sins that Will Keep You Out of Heaven
Snowman, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Aug 7, 2009 "Contribute content like this. Start Here."

* More:
* Fornication
* Sins
* Adultery

According to the Bible in I Corinthians 6: 9-11, there are nine sins that will keep someone from entering into heaven. The first sin that is mentioned in these verses is about fornicators. Fornication is the sin of sex
outside of marriage and refers to a single person. God created sex but meant it to be in the bonds of marriage between a man and a woman. In today's world, sex is very rampant and people have no regard for what God says. People just make their own rules.

The second sin is idolatry. An idol can be anything that we worship or something that is more important to us than God. Money, riches or worshiping statues are examples of idolatry.

The third sin is adultery. Adultery refers to a married person having a sexual relationship with another person other than their spouse.

The fourth is the sin of homosexuality. This is having sexual relations with a person of the same gender.

The fifth sin is stealing. The 10 Commandments also remind us not to steal. This includes robbery, fraud and extortion. God is our provider and He will give us everything we need. We are never to take anything that doesn't belong to us.

The sixth sin is coveting. This sin can lead to greed because it is a strong desire to possess a certain thing or someone.

The seventh sin is getting drunk. Almost every day we hear of lives being ruined and families being shattered because of this very sin. Jesus warned against this since it is so destructive.

The eighth sin is reviling. This is a form of verbal abuse.

The ninth and final sin is swindling. This includes seducers and smooth talkers. These are people who also take advantage of other's fortunes.

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