Saturday, March 24, 2018

My cell is broken……………….

Last nite………………. Cried………………. Melted………………. Tried with others but it didnt work………………. At campus too………………. Stressed………………. Don’t be………………. Just relax………………. Take it easy………………. Be grateful………………. There must be something………………. Behind all this………………. Then again………………. Maybe it is time………………. To change the cell………………. Or maybe………………. It must be the time………………. That part of my money………………. Goes that way………………. The way it is is………………. It just like is a premonition………………. Some kind of warning………………. From him………………. Telling that it will break completely………………. And now is just a warning………………. To give me time………………. To find others………………. To replace it………………. Believe it that way ……………….

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