Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dream about the boss……………….

Yesterday I see his true identity………………. Scary………………. Hunger for title………………. Lust for power………………. He is the head of this faculty………………. But he is a member in senate………………. He should not be like that………………. In the faculty level he can be above mrj………………. But in the senate level he should place himself under mrj………………. And I am shocked meeting him………………. I don’t want to meet him again………………. Yesterday I ask assistant for help………………. To get his signature………………. I hope something bad will not happen………………. I surrender………………. If I get it thx to lord………………. If I don’t, I will try again………………. If I have to meet him, then I will………………. In the name of lord ……………….

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