Sunday, August 12, 2018

Why must there be bad people ………………………..

Why must I meet bad people ……………………….. Why must I have business with bad people ……………………….. I think I had never done bad to others ……………………….. Stressed ……………………….. Cant get it out of my head ……………………….. It is crowded there ……………………….. Want to scream ……………………….. Is it karma ……………………….. I think it is ……………………….. You reap what you sawv ……………………….. When I think I don’t do bad to others ……………………….. Maybe he thinks I do bad to others ……………………….. That is why ……………………….. That is that ……………………….. I think it is his punishment for me ……………………….. Want to go there ……………………….. His home ……………………….. And never come out ………………………..

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