Monday, March 19, 2012

catatan hidupmati

aku punya kebiasaan mencatat segala sesuatu yg hrs kulakukan dlm secarik kertas. kertas ini kubawa kemana2. klo tugasnya nambah, kutulis lagi. klo tugasnya selese, kucoret tulisannya. catatan ini adl hidupdanmatiku. bisa tres abis klo ilang. dan hari ini 031712 pk 1200 catatan itu ketinggalan d ikip d ruang dosen. baru sadar ketika udah sore. ketika kembali lg k ikip, ternyata catatanya masih ada. alhamdulilah. this must be something to do with the lord. this makes me debt to the lord. this is the first one i feel this way. usually i just thank him and feel nothing. now i feel i should do something to pay him back. maybe he will give me a clue coz i really dont know what to do. he knows how grateful i am.

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