Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prepositions A-Z With Examples

What is a preposition A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. These relationships include direction, place, time, cause, manner and amount. A preposition always goes with a noun or pronoun which is called the object of the preposition. There are about 150 prepositions in English. Yet this is a very small number when you think of the thousands of other words in the English language. Many of these prepositions have more than one meaning. Please refer to a dictionary for precise meaning and usage. Examples of Prepositions 1. The book is on the table. 2. The book is beneath the table. 3. The book is leaning against the table. 4. The book is beside the table. 5. She held the book over the table. 6. She read the book during class. List of Single word prepositions a abaft aboard about above absent across afore after against along alongside amid amidst among amongst an apropos around as aside astride at athwart atop barring before behind below beneath beside besides between betwixt beyond but by circa concerning despite down during except excluding failing following for from given in including inside into like mid midst minus near next notwithstanding of off on onto opposite out outside over pace past per plus pro qua regarding round sans save since than through, thru throughout till times to toward towards under underneath unlike until up upon versus via vice, meaning “in place of” with within without worth List of Two word prepositions according to ahead of as of as per as regards aside from because of close to due to except for far from in to inside of instead of left of near to next to on to out from out of outside of owing to prior to pursuant to regardless of right of subsequent to thanks to that of where as List of three word prepositions as far as as well as by means of in accordance with in addition to in case of in front of in lieu of in place of in point of in spite of on account of on behalf of on top of with regard to with respect to Preposition Song Lyrics Sung to the tune of “Yankee Doodle” Aboard, about, above, across Against, along, around Amid, among, after, at Except, for, during, down Behind, below, beneath, beside Between, before, beyond By, in, from, off, on, over, of Until, unto, upon Under, underneath, since, up Like, near, past, throughout, through With, within, without, instead Toward, inside, into, to

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