Tuesday, August 26, 2008

film pop star

film pop star
about a boy who becomes a pop star although he is still a teenager. then his parents force him to take the regular school. at first he get difficulties in the school. then he tries to find a smart girl to help him. at the beginning he just want to use the girl for her smartness. but in the end he falls in love with her.

film blonde and blonder

film blonde and blonder
its about two dumb blonde women. their houses are side by side. they searches job together. they want to be dancers.but the mob mistaken them for famous killers. the mob gives them a job to kill a man. the women misunderstood that the job is to take the man to go out on a date. they just very dumb that make the watcher so annoyed.

film nim's island

film nim's island
its about a girl who lives with her father in a remote island. someday her father went away to conduct a research. then he caught by storm. he can not go home. meanwhile, in england there is a lady who lives by herself. she is afraid of everything. she never goes out of his house. then she knows about this little girl who was alone in a remote island. then she manage to get herself to that remote island. then she accompanies the girl while waiting her father to come home. when her father finally come home, in the end the three of them live happily ever after,

film eyes wide open

film eyes wide open
its about high class society and their secret lifes. they have a strange activity. they coordinate a sex party among each other. someday there is a new member of high class in town. first he does not know about the party. then a heard a rumor about it. and he manage to investigate it by himself. and he success in finding the party. but the others reject him. he is not allowed to be in the party. he was thrown away. they made him not to tell about them to everyone.

film for the lost soldier

film for the lost soldier
it happens in world war 1 in german. the kids were evacuated to the remote villages. and then there comes the soldier of canadas. one of the boys is falling in love with the soldier. during his duty time in the village, the soldier got involved with the boy. but in the end of his duty he left the boy. so sad.

film bugis street

film bugis street
its about a hotel locates in a bugis street. the people who lives there are gay. then a girl comes from a village. first she does not know the true identity about his new friends. but in the end they can manage each other to live side by side.

film head on

film head on
film head on
about a boy who just graduates from senior high. but he does not want to go to the college and he does not want to go to work. he just wants to have fun by doing free sex and drugs. that is what everyone want. but people should do something meaningful in their life. theay can not just be idle in their whole life. they must contribute something to their community.

film poltergay

film poltergay
its a funny movie about four ghosts. they live in a house that belong to a new couple. the man can see the ghosts but the woman can not see them. and this make they fight each other. and the girl left him. then the ghosts help him to get her back. its happy ending though.

film superhero

film superhero
its a parody of several heros. the main actor is the parody of spiderman. but this hero is very stupid. its not a spider but its a grasshopper. but its funny though. entertaining in a lonely time.

film krampact

film krampact
about two boys who are having their summer vacation together. then one of them turn to be gay and falling in love with his mate. but his mate is straight and only chasing girls in the town. first they have trouble over this matter. but in the end they understand each other

film mysterious skin

film mysterious skin
film mysterious skin
about a boy who forget about his childhood. he conducts his research to find his memories. then his investigation leads him to a terrible finding. he finds out that he was being sexually abused by his couch. and he also finds out that he is not the only one.

film no regret

film no regret

film no regret

about a man who leaves his orphanage to go to the big city. in the city he works in the factory. but it does not last for long. he has a conflict with his boss. then he becomes a male escort in a gay bar. evidently his boss is the customer of that place. then they starts to build their relationship.

film le grand voyage

film le grand voyage
film le grand voyage
about a father and a son who doing their journey to mecca. the father force his son to take him to mecca by car. actually the son does not want to do that. but he have no other choice. on the way there are a lot of conflicts between them. but in the end they can manage to arrive at mecca. the son wait in the parking lot while the father doing his pray in kabah. the son waits his father for a night, but his father does not come back yet. then he go to kabah to look for his father. he found his father had passed away.

film henry and june

film henry and june
story:tentang dua penulis yang bernama henry dan junehenry adalah penulis amerika yg datang ke eropajune adalah penulis eropa yg sudah bersuamipada saat mereka bertemu mereka menyadari bahwa mereka mempunyai banyak kecocokanjune memutuskan untuk berselingkuh dg henryperselingkuhan mereka berjalan sepanjang filmnamun pd akhir cerita june kembali pd suaminya
my point: cheating is a sweetest thing in this world. but it is a dangerous thing. just be careful if u r doing it. but the joy comes for a moment. in the end u will be back to ur ordinary, usual, habitual life

film jumper

film jumper
film jumper
story: about a boy who has a special power. first he does not know about his own power. accidently he recognizes his power when he got bullied by his friends. after knowing his power, he runs away from home and becomes a bank robber. when he has grown up he visits his hometown to meet his love. then both of them go picnic to rome. then a group of men go after him. he sends his love away because he does not want to endanger her. but his chasers manage to catch her and force him to come to them. then they have a battle. he can beat them and save the girl.
my point: be brave for what is right for you. if there are people block u from ur happiness, u must beat them all.

film penelope

film penelope
film penelope
story: about a girl who has a face nose and ear because a witch cursed her family. her parents, especialy her mother, hide her for a long time, since she was baby until she is a teenager. then her parents want to arrange a marriage for her, but a lot of men afraid of her pig figure. then she runs away from home. first she always hides her face in front of the public. then she is forced to show her face by an accident. at first a lot of people can not accept her, but later on they are ok with her. then a man want to marry her but she does not love him. her parents force her to accept the man. she rejects him in the altar on her wedding day. then she had a quarel with her mother. she says that she accepts her condition. by this sentence her pig figure suddenly disappear. then she starts her independent live, and manage to get along with her true lover.
my point: god makes us special for what we are. if can accept what the god gives we can live happily. but most people always jelaous of other. they want prettier, slimmer, richer, and a lot of other things. just be grateful of what we have and god will gives you more

film aquaman

film aquaman
film aquaman
story: about a man who live on a beach. he has a strange power. he can swim fast and can dive under water for a very long time without oxygen.then he discover that his power comes from his mother. his mother had lost in the sea when he was a child. then a man tells him that he is a prince of atalantis. first he does not believe it. but then a strange creature wants to kill him. after that he believes what the man said. and then the two of them unites their strength to kill the strange creature.
my point; sure we can not believe what a stanger said to us. but if we find out later that it is true, we must face it and try to get along with that stanger to get the full version of what just he had said.

film across the universe

film across the universe
film across the universe
story: about an english lad who go to usa to find his father. then he finds out that his father is a janitor in a university. then he becomes a good friend of a college student.then he meets his friend's sister and falls in love. then both of them live in new york, and later his friend's sister join them. then his friend is forced to join the army by the goverment. then his friend's sister joins the anti war groups. later they were caught because they do anti war protest and put into jail. then the anglish lad was sent back to uk by the migration officer. after back from the war there is something wrong with his friend's mind, thus his sister takes care of him. then the english lad backs to usa, this time with legal papers. finally the three of them live happily ever after
my point: war is good in decreasing the number of people in this world. but it is sad to listen personally about love story that is trapped in the middle of the war. but love is a powerful force that can make someone do unbelievable things. even a war can not stop the love to blossom in people hearts.

film the other boleyn girl

film the other boleyn girl
film the other boleyn girl
story: about the boleyn family and his three children, two daughters and one son. at first the arraangement with the king is for the fisrt daughter who are still single. but the king prefers the second daughter who are already get married. but everybody must obey the king. because of jelaousy the first daughter married with a nobleman wothout the king's permission, thus she is sent away to france. after she is back, she manage to make the king falls in love with her. and she is succeed. the king abandoned the second daughter and divorce the queen. but she is failed to give a son to the king. then she tries to make a baby with his own brother. the king knows. the two of them were sentence to death.
my point: do not permit a proscribed way to get your aim. it is just not right although your goal is pure. try to do the best with legal acts.

film three kingdoms

film three kingdoms
film three kingdoms
story: about a soldier that at first he is no one but later he becomes very famous because of his accomplishments in wars. he fights for his kingdom till he is old. but when he is old, the kingdom just makes him as a bait. at first he feels angry, but then he accepts his fate to be sacrificed for his kingdom.
my point: if only indonesians can honor their country like the soldier in this movie. may be indonesia will be a great country with great citizens. but a lot of great people (i think) leave indonesia because other countries offer a great deal for them.