Friday, April 20, 2012

film the boys are back - clive owen

d ausi joe menikah dg katy (istri keduanya) dan mempunyai anak artie. katy meninggal krn mengidap kanker. joe mengabari flick (istri pertamanya) dan harry (anak dr istri pertama) d uk. joe depresi dan mengajak artie road trip tanpa tujuan jelas. joe masih sering melihat bayangan katy ketika dia sdg marahan dg artie. sepulang dr road trip, joe memberi kebebasan pd artie shingga rumah mrk jd amat berantakan. d sekolah artie, joe berkenalan dg laura (ibu org tua murid). dan joe aktif lg sbg wartawan or. kmd harry berkunjung dr uk. joe mengadakan pesta ultah utk artie dan mengundang semua temannya. harry dan artie cemburu atas kedekatan joe dg laura. kmd joe mendpt tugas meliput or d luar kota.haRRY minta tolong barbara (nenek artie) namun barbara tdk bisa krn sibuk. harry minta tolong laura namun laura marah krn spt dimanfaatkan. joe tdk mau meninggalkan artie dan harry. joe meliput dr tv siaran lsg dr rumah. kmd digby (rekan joe) telp dan memperingatkan bahwa joe ditunggu kedatangannya d lokasi. harry sukarela menawarkan diri menjaga artie. akhirnya joe pergi. d rumah, saat malam harry dan artie kedatangan remaja2 berandalan yg mengadakan pesta liar. d kota, joe bertengkar dg salah satu pengunjung bar. paginya joe gagal menelpon rumah dan nekat pulang. joe mendapati artie d rumah barbara. joe bertengkar hebat dg barbara utk memperebutkan artie. barbara mengabarkan bahwa harry pul k uk. joe berusaha telp harry namun flick mengatakan harry tak mau ngomong. joe dan artie k uk mengunjungi harry d asrama sekolah. harry mengungkapkan perasaannya yg selama ini merasa dibuang. joe dan artie mengunjungi flick dan bicara ttg hary. joe kembali k asrama dan mengajak harry k ausi namun harry menolak. d hotel artie marah dan menyalahkan joe. d stasiun joe kehilangan artie. artie dtg bersama harry dan flick. harry memutuskan utk ikut k ausi. bayangan kate kembali dtg dan menyuruh harry beli mobil convertible. artie pernah bilang bahwa agar katy bisa melihat dr surga dan menurunkan pesan utk nya. akhirnya joe beli mobil convertible mp: wish i could hv my own child.....

film reign of assassins - michelle yeoh

monk boddhi dtg dr india k china dan mjd ahli kungfu kenamaan. ketika mati, jasadnya mjd rebutan krn mitos bahwa setiap org yg memiliki jasadnya akan menguasai dunia persilatan. jasadnya terbagi dua. yg satu disimpan menteri zang haiduan. yg satu disimpan bangkir dang jiang. kelompok dark stone (drizzle, wheel king, leibin, magician) menyerang kediaman zang haiduan dan membunuhnya serta anaknya (zang rengfeng). mrk berhasil merebut setengah jasad monk boddhi. drizzle melarikan diri membawa lari jasad tsb. drizzle bertemu wisdom dan mengembara bersamanya selama 3bln. dark stone mengadakan sayembara utk menangkap drizzle. wisdom berniat jd biksu. drizzle patah hati dan membunuhnya. drizzle menyimpan jasad monk boddhi d kuil monk delusion. drizzle operasi plastik dan berubah mjd zeng jiang. dia hidup d capital menyewa rumah pd mrs cai. dia bekerja sbg penjual kain. mrs cai berusaha menjodohkan zeng jiang dg byk pria. namun semua ditolaknya. seorg kurir (jiang aseng) melakukan pendekatan pd dirinya. zeng jiang minta nasihat pd monk delusion. akhirnya zeng jiang melamar jiang aseng. mrk menikah dan hidup bahagia berdua. sementara fatty chen (anak buah dark stone) ditemukan meninggal. dark stone mengangkat turquoise (seorg pembunuh) utk menggantikan drizzle. suatu hari zeng jiang dan jiang aseng pergi k united bank (milik dang jiang) utk mengambil uang. bank tersebut dirampok. zeng jiang berhasil melumpuhkan semua perampok. ketika zeng jiang berniat menjelaskan pd jiang aseng, jiang aseng menghindari topik tsb. sementara dark stone menginterogasi perampok yg dilumpuhkan zeng jiang. dark stone menyadari bahwa zeng jiang adl drizzle. wheel king memanggil magician, leibin, turquoise utk menyerang rumah zeng jaing. zeng jiang membius jiang aseng dan menunggu kedatangan kelompok dark stone. wheel king tdk membunuh zeng jiang dan jiang aseng tp menyuruh zeng jiang membantu yg lain merebut jasad monk boddhi. turquoise cemburu krn wheel king tdk membunuh zeng jiang. turquoise merayu wheel king namun malah diusir. zeng jiang, leibin, magician merencanakan penyerangan dang jiang. turquoise dtg dan mengancam zeng jiang akan membunuh jiang aseng. turquoise berusaha merayu jiang aseng, namun malah diteriaki org gila. dang jiang mengadakan pertemuan dg sekte kongkong (mr n mrs kongkong). sekte kongkong mengkhianatinya dan membunuh dang jiang. mrs kongkong mengkhianati suaminya dan membunuh mr kongkong. magician mengejar mrs kongkong dan membunuhnya dan merebut jasad monk boddhi. leibin, zeng jiang, turquoise, wheel king dtg. magician mengajak zeng jiang dan leibin memberontak. namun leibin tetap setia pd wheel king. wheel king mampu membunuh magician. zeng jiang terluka parah dan melarikan diri. sesampainya d rumah dia menyuruh jiang aseng melarikan diri dan pingsan. jiang aseng menunggu kedatangan kelompok dark stone. leibin dan turquoise datang. identitas jiang aseng terbongkar bahwa dia sebenarnya adl zang rengfeng (anak menteri zang haiduan yg dibunuh kel dark stone). jiang aseng berhasil membunuh leibin. jiang aseng membongkar kedok wheel king yg ternyata hanyalah seorg kasim. jiang aseng mencuri jasad monk boddhi dan menantang wheel king d kuil yuhnie. jiang aseng menitipkan zeng jiang pd dr li. turquoise merayu wheel king dan memergoki bahwa wheel king adl seorg kasim. turquoise berniat meninggalkan wheel king. wheel king melumpuhkannya dan menguburnya hidup2. zeng jiang sadar dan menyusul jiang aseng. zeng jiang mengkonfrontrasi jiang aseng. jiang aseng mengaku tdk mencintainya. zeng jiang melumpuhkan jiang aseng dan membuatnya seolah2 mati. zeng jiang menghadapi wheel king dan berhasil membunuhnya dg mengingat pelajaran dr wisdom. namun zeng jiang terluka parah. paginya jiang aseng sadar dan membawa zeng jiang pulang. mp: sebegitu mudahnya memaafkan org yg membunuh ayah kita sendiri?.....tak bisakah aku menemukan kekuatan maaf spt dia????

film scott pilgrom vs the world - michael cera

scot adl angg sex bomb band bersama kim, stephen, neil. scot tinggal bersama gay friend (wallace). scott kencan dg knives (gadis sma). teman2nya tdk setuju. scot jatuhhati pd ramona. scot menduakan knives dan ramona. scot mendpt email tantangan dr matthew patel namun diacuhkannya. akhirnya scot mencampakkan knives. knives tdk terima dan berusaha membuat cemburu scot dg mengencani neil. saat manggung d rockit scot diserang matthew yg ternyata adl mantan ramona. ramona memperingatkan ttg 7 mantan jahatnya. scot dan ramona kencan d tempat syuting film. ternyata bintangnya adl lukas lee mantan ramona. scot berhasil mengalahkannya dg menjebak bermain skate. scot mendpt telp dr mantannya (envy). dlm perjalanan k cofeeshop scot diserang seorg gadis. d coffe shop scot bertemu ramona dan envy. stphen mengabarka bahwa mrk dpt kerjaan mjd band pembuka utk clash demon (milik envy (mantan scot) dan todd (mantan ramona)). selesai tampil, julie mempertemukan clash demon dg sex bomb. todd fight dg scot. scot berhasil mengalahkan todd dg menjebaknya minum susu. scot dan temann2nya makan pizza dan dtg k sb after party. scot diserang roxy (mantan ramona). scot berhasil mengalahkan roxy dg bantuan ramona yg mengatakan bahwa kelemahan roxy ada d belakang lutut. sexbomb dpt tantangan dr kitayagi twin (mantan ramona no 5 dan 6). sex bomb berhasil mengalahkan mereka. selesai bertanding scot menemui ramona. namun ramona memilih bersama gideon (mantan no 7). gideon mengontrak sex bomb. scot tdk setuju. namun teman2nya setuju dan menggantikan posisi scot dg neil. scot mendpt undangan gideon utk menonton sexbomb d chAOS teater miiknya. scot dtg dan menantang gideon. knives dtg dan menantang ramona dg menuduhnya mencuri scot. gideon menang dan scot mati. d deadland scot bertemu ramona dan hidup kembali. scot meminta maaf pd knives dan ramona krn selingkuh. scot kembali menantang gideon. ketika ramona membantu scot, giodeon memukulnya jatuh. scot dan knives marah dan menyerang gideon hingga mampus. gideon berhasil dikalahkan. namun scot harus mengalahkan mega scot. scot berhasil akur dg mega scot. knives mengijinkan scot berkencan dg ramona. mp: efek film yg menarik dg tambahan efek video game. showing that sasaran pasarnya adl anak2 muda yg kecanduan game. dg berlatar toronto kanada, pembuat film ingin mengatakan bahwa semua kondisi remaja dimana saja adalah sama. semua bergelut dg tema cinta dan persahabatan dan pencarian jati diri. jika kita mencintai seseorg, kita harus mampu mengalahkan kenangan org tsb atas mantan2nya. seorg individu tentu saja tdk seratus persen melupakan mantan2nya. yg diingat kadang adl hal2 yg baik saja. kita harus bisa mjd individu yg super baik utk mengalahkan keangan2 tsb. jatuh cinta dirasa pertama kali saat remaja yg semua org bilang adl cinta monyet. entah kenapa disebut cinta monyet. apa krn remaja bertingkah layaknya monyet ato hewan lain pada umumnya. remaja yg bertingkah tak karuan dan suka memberontak dikarenakan mereka sdg mencari jatidiri. dlm pencarian jatidiri tsb remaja berkumpul dg lainnya yg punya sesuatu hal yg sama. kesamaan tsb mempersatukan mrk dan mrk membikin jatidiri kelompok. utk menyatakan diri sbg anggota kellompok, seorg remaja harus mengalahkan self nya yg ingin berbeda dr yg lain. butuh pengorbanan besar utk ikut mengalir dlm kebersamaan. kadang kita harus merelakan hal2 yg membuat kita nyaman. seperti merelakan org yg kita cinta mencintai org lain??????

jumat 20 4 12

pg k dinus- k unaki- k unimus- ngajar- sakite perut- beol- gagal jumatan gara2 perut- beol- sakit d kantor- makan- bolos ngajar- thx u lord- mlm k burjo- thx u lord-

kamis 19 4 12

pg k wrg- k dinus- k ikip- k unaki- thx u lord- siang p muhid k kos- thx u lord- sore k primalestari- k wrg- thx u lord- mlm k primalestari- k pom- k wrg- thx u lord-

rabu 18 4 12

pg k dinus- k wrg- k sd- thx u lord- siang k pln- jemput radit- k atm- k wrg- thx u lord- sore ngantar radit k tugumuda- thx u lord- mlm k wrg- thx u lord- azwan k kos- thx u lord-

selasa 17 4 12

pg k wrg- k unaki- skripsi- ngajar- duhur- thx u lord- siang k undip- k wrg- k pom- thx u lord- sore k dinus- thx u lord- mlm k kfc w mrang azwan- thx u lord-

senen 16 4 12

pg k wrg- k dinus- k unaki- bs- ngajar- duhur- thx u lord- siang k undip daftar seminar- k wrg- k pom- thx u lord- sore k laundry blm jd- k wrg- thx u lord- mlm k burjo- thx u lord-

minggu 15 4 12

pg k wrg- k os- k alfa- thx u lord- sore k wrg- thx u lord-

sabtu 14 4 12

pg k jilid- k putu- k wrg- thx u lord- sore k kfc- thx u lord-

jumat 13 4 12

pg k dinus- k unaki- k unimus- k masjid- k unimus- thx u lord- sore k laundry- k jilid- thx u lord- mlm k burjo- elisabet adi k kos- thx u lord-

kamis 12 4 12

pg k dinus- k ikip- ngajar- rapat- thx u lord- siang k bca- thx u lord- sore melvin k kos- k potokopi- k cabe cafe- k melvin- thx u lord- mlm k mat agus- thx u lord-

rabu 11 2 12

pg k wrg- k dinus- k ikip- thx u lord- siang k ikip- k matahari bl celana- k wrg- k alfa- thx u lord-

selasa 10 4 12

pg k unaki- thx u lord- siang k wrg- nyuci- k ikip- thx u lord- sore k dinus- thx u lord- mlm k kfc w rian- thx u lord-


Jangan meremehkan wanita ('_') ________________________________ 1. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 orang wali. > 2. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 lelaki soleh. > 3. Seorang wanita yang jahat adalah lebih buruk daripada 1,000 lelaki > yang > jahat. > 4. 2 rakaat sholat dari wanita yang hamil adalah lebih baik daripada 80 > rakaat sholat wanita yang tidak hamil. > 5. Wanita yang memberi minum susu kepada anaknya daripada badannya (susu > badan) akan dapat satu pahala daripada tiap-tiap titik susu yang > diberikannya. > 6. Wanita yang melayani dengan baik suami yang pulang ke rumah di dalam > keadaan letih akan mendapat pahala jihad. > 7. Wanita yang habiskan malamnya dengan tidur yang tidak nyenyak kerana > menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan 20 > orang hamba. > 8. Wanita yang melihat suaminya dengan kasih sayang dan suami yang > melihat > isterinya dengan kasih sayang akan dipandang Allah dengan penuh rahmat. > 9. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah > dan > kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih > awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan bidadari > dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga, dan menunggu suaminya > dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut. > 10. Wanita yang tidak cukup tidur pada malam hari kerana menjaga anak > yang > sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah akan seluruh dosanya dan bila dia > hiburkan hati anaknya Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat. > 11. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan "bismillah" akan didoakan > oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan. > 12. Wanita yang mengolah tepung gandum dengan bismillah", Allah akan > berkatkan rezekinya. > 13. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala > seperti meyapu lantai di baitullah. > 14. Wanita yang menjaga sholat, puasa dan taat pada suami, Allah akan > mengizinkannya untuk memasuki syurga dari mana-mana pintu yang dia suka. > 15. Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala berpuasa pada siang hari. > 16 Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala beribadat pada malam hari. > 17. Wanita yang bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun sholat dan puasa > dan > setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya Allah mengaruniakan satu pahala haji. > 18. Sekiranya wanita mati dalam masa 40 hari selepas bersalin, dia akan > dikira sebagai mati syahid. > 19. Jika wanita melayani suami tanpa khianat akan mendapat pahala 12 > tahun > sholat. > 20. Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh (2 1/2 tahun), maka > malaikat-malaikat di langit akan kabarkan berita bahwa syurga wajib > baginya. > 21. Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis, Allah > akan memberi pahala satu tahun sholat dan puasa. > 22. Jika wanita memijit suami tanpa disuruh akan mendapat pahala 7 tola > emas dan jika wanita memijit suami bila disuruh akan mendapat pahala tola > perak. > 23. Wanita yang meniggal dunia dengan keredaan suaminya akan memasuki > syurga. > 24. Jika suami mengajarkan isterinya satu masalah akan mendapat pahala 80 > tahun ibadat. > 25. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, > tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya > yaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah.

urutan pangkat tentara

jendral- letjend- mayjend- brigjend- kolonel- letkol- mayor- kapten- letnan satu- letnan dua- peltu (pembantu letnan satu)- pelda (pembantu letnan dua)- sersan mayor- sersan ketua- sersan pertama- sersan kedua- kopral ketua- kopral pertama- kopral kedua- perwira-

Tahu nggak ISTIMEWANYA wanita

Baca baik-baik & renungkan................ ________________________________ Banyak wanita yang bilang bahwa susah menjadi wanita, lihat saja aturan-aturan dibawah ini : 1. Wanita auratnya lebih susah dijaga dibanding lelaki. 2. Wanita perlu minta ijin dari suami apabila mau keluar rumah tetapi tidak sebaliknya. 3. Wanita saksinya (apabila menjadi saksi) kurang berbanding lelaki. 4. Wanita menerima warisan lebih sedikit dari pada lelaki. 5. Wanita perlu menghadapi kesusahan mengandung dan melahirkan anak 6. Wanita wajib taat kepada suaminya, sementara suami tak perlu taat pada istrinya. 7. Talak terletak di tangan suami dan bukan istri. 8. Wanita kurang nyaman dalam beribadat karena adanya masalah haid dan nifas. 9. dan lain-lain. Tetapi... PERNAHKAH KITA LIHAT KENYATAANNYA ? 1. Benda yang mahal harganya akan dijaga dan dibelai serta disimpan ditempat yang teraman dan terbaik. Sudah pasti itulah intan permata bandingannya dengan seorang wanita. 2. Wanita perlu taat kepada suami, tetapi tahukah lelaki wajib taat kepada Ibunya 3 kali lebih utama daripada kepada Bapaknya ? 3. Wanita menerima warisan lebih sedikit daripada lelaki, tetapi tahukah bahwa harta itu akan menjadi miliknya dan tidak perlu diserahkan kepada suami? Sementara suami apabila menerima warisan ia wajib juga menggunakan hartanya untuk istri dan anak-anaknya ? 4. Wanita perlu bersusah payah mengandung dan melahirkan anak, tetapi tahukah bahwa setiap saat dia didoakan oleh segala mahluk, malaikat dan seluruh mahluk Allah dimuka bumi ini, dan tahukah jika ia meninggal karena melahirkan adalah syahid dan surga menantinya. Diakherat kelak, seorang lelaki akan dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap 4 wanita, yaitu : Istrinya, Ibunya, Anak Perempuannya dan Saudara Perempuannya. Artinya , bagi seorang wanita tanggung jawab terhadapnya ditanggung oleh 4 orang lelaki, yaitu : suaminya, ayahnya, anak lelakinya dan saudara lelakinya. 5. Seorang Wanita boleh memasuki pintu Syurga melalui pintu mana saja yang disukainya cukup dengan 4 Syarat saja, yaitu : Sholat 5 waktu, Puasa di bulan Ramadhan, taat kepada Suaminya dan menjaga Kehormatannya. 6. Seorang lelaki wajib berjihad di jalan Allah, sementara bagi wanita jika taat kepada suami serta menunaikan tanggung jawabnya kepada ALLAH SWT, maka ia akan turut menerima pahala setara seperti pahala orang pergi berjihad di jalan Allah tanpa perlu mengangkat senjata. Masya ALLAH... ! demikian sayangnya ALLAH SWT kepada wanita..... Yakinlah bahwa sebagai Zat yang Maha Pencipta sudah pasti ALLAH Maha Tahu akan segala yang diciptakan-Nya sehingga peraturan-Nya adalah yang terbaik bagi manusia.

rabu aneh

041112 ada sesuatu yg salah d kelas pagi ini. mulai pertemuan pertama sampe dg sekarang aku bisa mempertahankan kesan angker dan galak. tapi tiba2 pagi ini semua mjd spt dlu kala. mrk mulai rame dan terkesan tak punya respect. aku berusaha mengintropeksi diri. what did i do? hal yg membuat terus kepikiran. dan aku tak mau memikirkannya. semoga dg tulisan ini, semuanya menguap dr otakku. sangat membebani. semakin dipikir, semakin membuat stres. semakin ketakutan klo mrk menajdi lebih eror dr td pagi. tp aku yakin tuhan akan sll berada disisiku. tuhan akan sll menjagaku. tuhan akan sll melindungiku. tuhan akan sll membantuku. selama aku tdk berbuat salah, tuhan akan sll menyeertaiku. mungkin setan2lah yg merasuki pikiranku agar aku jd stres memikirkan yg negatif2. pemikiran negatif sll membuat diriku amburadul, jiwa dan raga.


Mas Arif yang baik, Makasih ya udah bersedia menggantikan aku untuk mengajar kelas speaking di IKIP PGRI. Maaf untuk Udinus, setelah berdiskusi dengan P Nardi, dengan pertimbangan mid test sudah diberikan dan bulan Mei akan akan relawan baru dari Estonia, Udinus akan mencoba memaksimalkan relawan dan akan didampingi langsung oleh Pak Basari. Jadi, ada 4 kelas di IKIP PGRI yang akan menjadi tanggung jawab mas Arif, IVF,G,H dan I pada hari selasa jam 10.20 ruang GP508 dan dan selanjutnya jam 13.00-18.00 di GP507. Saat ini mereka mempunyai tugas membuak materi micro teaching dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk mata pelajaran non bahasa Inggris berkelompok 2 orang. Baru maju 2 kelompok per masing-masing kelas, jadi bisa dilanjutkan saja untuk presentasi mereka karena mereka memang sudah menyiapkan. Masing-masing presentasi kurang lebih 15 menit. Untuk SAP aku attacjh disini, ini yang juga dipakai oleh Pak gampang dan Ibu Siti Nur Aini karena kami mengajarkan mata pelajaran yang sama, tetapi untuk materi kita free untuk menentukan dan sejujurnya saya juga tidak begitu mengajcu kepada SAp secara detail, kecuali untuk kompetences yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa. Untuk gaji dan administrasi, untuk saat ini saya sudah mempunyai 2 item nilai, nilai harian dan mid. P Wi menyarankan agar saya yang tetap memasukkan nilai ke si Adin. Jadi kalau mas arif sudah selesai memberikan final test akhirnya, maka saya mohon untuk memberikan nilai tersebut kepada saya sehingga saya bisa in put. Untuk gaji, uang gaji akan tetap ditransfer ke rekening BPD saya. Saat ini ada 2 sumber yang masuk ke rekening tersebut, dari IKIP dan dari UDINUS. Siang ini saya akan menanyakan ke BAUK berapa nominal gaji yanng saya terima per sks ditambah uang transport, apakah kalau satu hari ada 3 kelas maka transport menjadi 3 kali atau tetap dihitung satu kali datang dan kemudian per bulan Mas Arif mohon memberitahukan kepada saya berapa kali datang sehingga saya bisa mentransfer uang kompensasi mengajar. Saya juga akan menanyakan berapa banyak kompensasi yang diberikan untuk final test karena itu pasti dihitung berbeda. Maaf, saya tidak bisa memberikan kartu ATM seperti yang sebelumnya saya rencanakan karena masih ada beberapa penghasilan yang akan menggunakan rekening tersebuut diluar IKIP PGRI. Anyway, kalau ada apa-apa silahkan ditanyakan langsung ya Mas, telpon atau SMS. Makasih banget semuanya dan good luck with your everything. Salam, Puji

Neil Patrick Harris And David Burtka On Cover Of 'Out' Magazine's February Love Issue
The cover of Out magazine's second annual "Love Issue," which highlights the relationships of 13 diverse LGBT couples and families just in time for Valentine's Day, features Hollywood renaissance man Neil Patrick Harris with his "better half," David Burtka. The photos, by Matthew Kristall, find Harris and Burtka sharing several tender moments together and may be the most intimate shots we've ever seen of the couple. In the accompanying interview Harris tells the magazine how he met Burtka, who was already dating someone else, through a friend. "I was always around when he was around, hoping the stars would align," Harris says. "When we all hung out for the first time -- I was invited by [our mutual friend] Kate to an "American Idol" viewing party -- I just stammered around him. I couldn't take my eyes off him." (See photos from the Out cover shoot as well as shots of the entire Harris-Burtka family in the slideshow below) BACK TO ARTICLE 1 / 13 SHARE THIS SLIDE ADVERTISEMENT SLIDESHOW THUMBNAILS The attraction was mutual for Burtka. "I thought he was adorable, though, with these amazing blue eyes that are just hypnotizing to me," he says. "I ended up breaking with my boyfriend, and a week later, Neil and I had a date. We started hanging out every single night, and after three months, it was just non-stop. We talk on the phone at least eight times a day and text at least 25 times a day. He's my lifeline, in an amazing way. Without him, I can't breathe." For the "How I Met Your Mother" star, the relationship came after questioning whether he would ever settle down. "I remember being in my mid-twenties, lying in bed thinking, I've never taken a shower with anyone before; I've never had any kind of long-term relationship," Harris says. "I remember thinking that the rest of my life would be solo. I wasn't weepy when I thought that -- it was just a realization that I had gone this long being self-sufficient." But now the two men make up one of the most high-profile gay couples in Hollywood and in October of 2010 they became two of the most high-profile celebrity parents when they welcomed twins Gideon and Harper via surrogate. "Even on that first date, we talked about kids," says Burtka, who joins E! as a correspondent this month. "If he hadn't wanted kids, I don't think we'd be together. I always thought that family was the most important thing in life, and no matter what I do, whether being a chef or an actor or a dancer, being a dad is what I do best." Still, no matter how fairytale-esque their relationship might appear, Harris and Burtka are quick to point out that it's far from perfect. "I don't want to paint our relationship like we met and it's been happy family fantastic-ness ever since," Harris admits. "What defines a relationship is the work that's involved to maintain it, and it's constantly changing. Sometimes I'm deeply in love with David and head-over-heels, and sometimes I question whether it's going to work out and is meant to be." Burtka adds, "A relationship is work and it changes. And you go with the changes. It's more good times than bad times, but it's not always good. You have to overcome those issues and move on. We have a really great recipe for a wonderful relationship, but we don't want to be the poster boys for gay relationships. We're not trying to pretend that we are perfect. We're just trying -- in a good, positive, loving way -- to live our lives." To read the full interviews with Harris and Burtka, including details on how they proposed to one another and who they named their children after, and to see more pictures from their photo shoot, visit Also be sure to check out in the coming days to read the other love stories featured in the February "Love Issue," including interviews with Jason Wu and Gustavo Rangel, Bill T Jones and Bjorn Amelan, and nine other couples.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Mnemonic (disambiguation). Not to be confused with pneumonic. Knuckle mnemonic for the number of days in each month of the Gregorian Calendar. Each projecting knuckle represents a 31-day month. A mnemonic (play /n?'m?n?k/,[1] with a silent "m"), or mnemonic device, is any learning technique that aids memory. To improve long term memory, mnemonic systems are used to make memorization easier. They do so by increasing the efficiency of the process of consolidation. This process involves the conversion of short term memory to long term memory. Commonly encountered mnemonics are often verbal, such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something, particularly lists, but a mnemonic may instead be visual, kinesthetic or auditory. Mnemonics rely on associations between easy-to-remember constructs which can be related back to the data that are to be remembered. This is based on the observation that the human mind much more easily remembers spatial, personal, surprising, physical, sexual, humorous, or otherwise meaningful information, as compared to retrieving arbitrary sequences. The word mnemonic is derived from the Ancient Greek word µ??µ?????? (mnemonikos), meaning "of memory"[2] and is related to Mnemosyne ("remembrance"), the name of the goddess of memory in Greek mythology. Both of these words are derived from µ??µ? (mneme), "remembrance, memory".[3] Mnemonics in antiquity were most often considered in the context of what is today known as the Art of Memory. The major assumption in antiquity was that there are two sorts of memory: the "natural" memory and the "artificial" memory. The former is inborn, and is the one that everyone uses every day. The artificial memory is one that is trained through learning and practicing a variety of mnemonic techniques. The latter can be used to perform feats of memory that are quite extraordinary, impossible for most people to carry out using the natural memory alone. Contents [hide] * 1 First letter mnemonics * 2 Mnemonics for numerical sequences * 3 Arbitrariness of mnemonics * 4 Assembly mnemonics * 5 In foreign-language acquisition * 6 Improving long term memory through mnemonics * 7 Mnemonic transfer * 8 Effectiveness of Mnemonic * 9 See also * 10 References * 11 External links [edit] First letter mnemonics One common mnemonic for remembering lists consists of an easily remembered acronym, or phrase with an acronym that is associated with the list items. The idea lends itself well to memorizing hard-to-break passwords as well. For example, to remember the colours of the rainbow, use the mnemonic "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain" or the fictitious name "Roy G. Biv". Another one is HOMES to help people remember the names of all of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.) In electronics, color codes are used on some components, with each color representing a specific value (0-9). Numerous mnemonics exist to help remember the sequence of numbers where the first letter of each word represents the first letter of the name of the color for that number. One such mnemonic is "Bill Brown Realized Only Yesterday Good Boys Value Good Work", representing the colours black (0), brown (1), red (2), orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray, and white (9).[4] [edit] Mnemonics for numerical sequences Mnemonic phrases or poems can be used to encode numeric sequences by various methods, the most common using the number of letters in each word. For example, the first 15 digits of the mathematical constant pi (3.14159265358979) can be encoded as "Now I need a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics". Piphilology is the practice dedicated to creating mnemonics for pi. [edit] Arbitrariness of mnemonics A curious characteristic of many memory systems is that mnemonics work despite being (or possibly because of being) illogical or arbitrary. "Roy" is a legitimate first name, "Biv" is a very uncommon last name, and of course the middle initial "G" is arbitrary. Why is "Roy G. Biv" easy to remember in order to memorise the order that the seven colours of the rainbow appear? ROYGBIV can also be expressed as the almost meaningless phrase "Roy Great Britain the Fourth" again referencing "Roy" but using the GB national code for Great Britain and the Roman numerals for 4, viz: IV. The sentence "Richard of York gave battle in vain" is commonly used in the UK, as is "Run over your granny because it's violent". Any two of the three months ending in -ember would fit just as euphoniously as September and November in "Thirty days hath...", yet most people can remember the rhyme correctly for a lifetime after having heard it once, and are never troubled by doubts as to which two of the -ember months have thirty days. A bizarre arbitrary association may stick in the mind better than a logical one. One reason for the effectiveness of seemingly arbitrary mnemonics is the grouping of information provided by the mnemonic. Just as US phone numbers group 10 digits into three groups, the name "Roy G. Biv" groups seven colors into two short names and an initial. Various studies (most notably The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two) have shown that the human brain is capable of remembering only a limited number of arbitrary items in working memory; grouping these items into chunks permits the brain to hold more of them in memory. [edit] Assembly mnemonics See also: Opcode mnemonics and extended mnemonics In assembly language a mnemonic is a code, usually from 1 to 5 letters, that represents an opcode, a number. Programming in machine code, by supplying the computer with the numbers of the operations it must perform, can be quite a burden, because for every operation the corresponding number must be looked up or remembered. Looking up all numbers takes a lot of time, and mis-remembering a number may introduce computer bugs. Therefore a set of mnemonics was devised. Each number was represented by an alphabetic code. So instead of entering the number corresponding to addition to add two numbers one can enter "add". Although mnemonics differ between different CPU designs some are common, for instance: "sub" (subtract), "div" (divide), "add" (add), and "mul" (multiply). This type of mnemonic is different from the ones listed above in that instead of a way to make remembering numbers easier, it is a way to make remembering numbers unnecessary (e.g. by relying on the computer's assembler program to do the look-up work.) [edit] In foreign-language acquisition Mnemonics can be helpful in learning a foreign language, for example by adapting a hard-to-remember foreign word to a pre-existent phrase in the learner's native language - using folk etymology. Linguist Ghil'ad Zuckermann has proposed many mnemonics for English-speaking students of Israeli Hebrew. For example, in trying to assist the learner to remember ohel, the Hebrew word for tent, Zuckermann proposes the memorable sentence "Oh hell, there's a raccoon in my tent".[5] The notable linguist Michel Thomas taught students to remember that estar is the Spanish word for to be by using the phrase "to be a star". These are sometimes known as linkwords. In Spanish language acquisition, masculine nouns can be associated with blue and feminine nouns with red. This allows for visual images such as a foot stepping on a pie and blue filling squirting out. The Spanish word for "foot" is el pie, a masculine noun, so recollection of blue will cue recall of the gender. [edit] Improving long term memory through mnemonics Mnemonics as we know is a technique or strategy that is used to attempt to improve memory. It attempts to make information that is already stored in long-term memory more elaborate and easier to recall. It organizes new information so that we can retrieve it with other information that is similar to it. Thus meaning, organizing the information we are trying to store with similar things we already have in our memory to make it easier to recall when we need to. One method to remember things in long-term is the method of loci is a mnemonic system where items that we want to be remembered are associated with certain landmarks or locations. For example, if I list the things I do in my day and then associated a list of words that I am trying to remember with each event, it can help me to remember the word. Let's say the first two words are 'tree' and 'seven' and my day begins with me waking up and then I brush my teeth. To remember the words, I would say 'I wake up with a tree' and second, 'I brush my seven teeth'. Notice how the words I want to recall are included with the things I do on a daily basis. This is how the method of Loci works. The second method is called the peg-word method is a mnemonic system where we try to remember items that are associated with a set of mental pegs that you already have in your memory. For example, let's use the numbers 1 to 10. The two words we want to remember are bun and shoe, so we associate the number with the words. It would sound like this, "one-bun, two-shoe' and we would recite that to remember it. Another method to remember things is by narrative stories and songs. You link certain words that you want to remember to a story. Once you make a story with the words, it is easier to recall what the words are. Mnemonics slows the rate at which you hear information and allows you to encode it better. [6] [edit] Mnemonic transfer There is research which suggests that previous use of mnemonics (such as the "peg-word" strategy) increases the likelihood of subsequent uses of similar mnemonic devices, and that the success of such transferability is greater in undergraduates (and presumably, older youths in general) in comparison to younger students.[7] Four studies of undergraduate art education students predictably indicated that both mnemonic-general tactics (mnemonic devices that focused on overall styles and themes) and mnemonic-detail tactics, (mnemonic devices which focused on a particular detail specific to the painting) designed to aid in the instruction and memory of painter-painting connections, were much more effective than the control group members' own-best-method tactics (where students were directed to use "whatever works best" for themselves).[7] More importantly, results communicated that when students were instructed with mnemonic-general rather than mnemonic-detail strategies, they were often still able to identify which painter created a given work of art, even if the student had never seen or learned about the painting before, implying the students were able to infer the painter-painting relationship accurately, based on the transferred information from the previously learned mnemonic.[7] [edit] Effectiveness of Mnemonic There is research which suggests evidence for the effectiveness of Mnemonic techniques. In vocabulary memory experiments, students who applied mnemonic techniques outperformed the control groups that applied contextual learning and free learning style. The experiments were repeated in different age and group settings and yield the same result. [8]

Martin McVeigh, Northern Irish Priest, Accidentally Displayed Gay Porn During First Communion Meeting
Eucharist A Northern Irish priest has sparked a local uproar after accidentally displaying a series of pornographic gay images to a group of parents during at a primary school meeting. As the BBC is reporting, Father Martin McVeigh projected 16 "indecent images of men" onto a screen as part of a Powerpoint presentation during a March 26 meeting for parents in preparation for First Holy Communion for their children at St. Mary's School in Pomeroy. One eight-year-old child is also reported to have been present during the meeting, according to The Ulster Herald. "He was visibly shaken and flustered," one parent who was present during the meeting told the BBC. "He gave no explanation or apology to the group and bolted out of the room. The co-ordinator and the teachers then continued with the presentation." The parent also noted that those who saw the pictures "were horrified and distracted." The images are said to have been uploaded from a memory stick the parish priest had inserted into a computer before the presentation. Although the Police Service of Northern Ireland said there was no immediate evidence a crime had taken place, McVeigh remains under investigation and is said to be cooperating fully. Cardinal Seán Brady, head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, confirmed the reports in a statement as quoted by Pink News. "Inappropriate imagery was inadvertently shown by a priest at the beginning of a Powerpoint presentation, causing concern to those present," Brady said. "This was immediately removed from the screen." He went on to note, "The priest has stated that he had no knowledge of the offending imagery." Speaking to the Herald, McVeigh -- who reportedly was not present for Palm Sunday liturgies over the weekend -- said, "I don't know how it happened. There are people making innuendoes who weren't even there, but in this day and age these stories grow. All I can do is let the incident be investigated and be open to that investigation so that what happened can be legitimately explained."


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the humanoid creature. For the computing desktop environment, see GNOME. For the lawn ornament, see garden gnome. For other uses, see Gnome (disambiguation). A gnome /'no?m/[1] is a diminutive spirit in Renaissance magic and alchemy, first introduced by Paracelsus and later adopted by more recent authors including those of modern fantasy literature. Its characteristics have been reinterpreted to suit the needs of various story-tellers, but it is typically said to be a small, humanoid creature that lives underground.[2] Contents [hide] * 1 History o 1.1 Origins o 1.2 In Romanticism and modern fairy tales o 1.3 In modern fantasy literature * 2 Derivative uses o 2.1 Garden gnomes o 2.2 Metaphorical uses * 3 See also * 4 References [edit] History [edit] Origins The word comes from Renaissance Latin gnomus, which first appears in the works of 16th Century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus. He is perhaps deriving the term from Latin genomos (itself representing a Greek ??-??µ??, literally "earth-dweller"). In this case, the omission of the e is, as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) calls it, a blunder. Alternatively, the term may be an original invention of Paracelsus. Paracelsus uses Gnomi as a synonym of Pygmæi,[3] and classifies them as earth elementals. He describes them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.[4][5] The chthonic spirit has precedents in numerous ancient and medieval mythologies, often guarding mines and precious underground treasures, notably in the Germanic dwarves and the Greek Chalybes, Telchines or Dactyls.[2] [edit] In Romanticism and modern fairy tales The English word is attested from the early 18th century. Gnomes are used in Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock". The creatures from this mock-epic are small, celestial creatures which were prudish women in their past-lives, and now spend all of eternity looking out for prudish women (in parallel to the guardian angels in Catholic belief). Other uses of the term gnome remain obscure until the early 19th century, when it is taken up by authors of Romanticist collections of fairy tales and becomes mostly synonymous with the older word goblin. In 19th century fiction, the chthonic gnome became a sort of antithesis to the more airy or luminous fairy. Nathaniel Hawthorne in Twice-Told Tales (1837) contrasts the two in "Small enough to be king of the fairies, and ugly enough to be king of the gnomes" (cited after OED). Similarly, gnomes are contrasted to elves, as in William Cullen Bryant's Little People of the Snow (1877), which has "let us have a tale of elves that ride by night, with jingling reins, or gnomes of the mine" (cited after OED). One of the first movements in Mussorgsky's 1874 work Pictures at an Exhibition, named "Gnomus" (Latin for "The Gnome"), is written to sound as if a gnome is moving about, his movements constantly changing in speed. Franz Hartmann in 1895 satirized materialism in an allegorical tale entitled Unter den Gnomen im Untersberg. The English translation appeared in 1896 as Among the Gnomes: An Occult Tale of Adventure in the Untersberg. In this story, the Gnomes are still clearly subterranean creatures, guarding treasures of gold within the Untersberg mountain. As a figure of 19th century fairy tales, the term gnome by the 20th century became largely synonymous with other terms for the "little people", such as goblin, brownie, kobold, leprechaun, Heinzelmännchen and other instances of the "domestic spirit" type, losing its strict association with earth or the underground world. [edit] In modern fantasy literature The TSA gnome at Nome Airport The name gnome has been used in the Fantasy genre, typically in a cunning role, e.g. as an inventor.[6] In L. Frank Baum's Oz series, the Nomes (so spelled), especially their king, are the chief adversaries of the Oz people. Ruth Plumly Thompson, who continued the series after Baum's death, reverted to the traditional spelling. In C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia, gnomes, or "Earthmen" as they are sometimes called, live in the Underland, a series of subterranean caverns. Unlike the traditional, more humanlike gnomes, they can have a wide variety of physical features and skin colours. They are used as slaves by the Lady of the Green Kirtle. J. R. R. Tolkien, in the legendarium surrounding his Elves, uses "Gnomes" as a name of the Noldor, the most gifted and technologically minded of his elvish races, in conscious exploitation of the similarity with gnomic; Gnomes is thus Tolkien's English loan-translation of Quenya Noldor, "those with knowledge". In The Father Christmas Letters, which Tolkien wrote for his children, Red Gnomes are helpful creatures who come from Norway to the North Pole to assist Father Christmas and his Elves in fighting the wicked Goblins. In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, gnomes are pests that inhabit the gardens of witches and wizards. They are small creatures with heads that look like potatoes on small stubby bodies. Gnomes are considered harmless but mischievous. They are quite durable. They are often thrown great distances by witches and wizards but return to the gardens, completely unharmed. In Terry Brooks' Shannara Series gnomes are an offshoot race created after the Great Wars. In the Shannara series there are several distinctive classes of gnomes. Gnomes are the smallest members of the races. In the Sword of Shannara they are considered to be tribal and warlike. They are portrayed as the one race that can be the most easily subverted to an evil cause. This is apparent in both the Sword of Shannara as evidenced by their allegiance to the Warlock Lord and to the Mord Wraiths in the Wishsong of Shannara. BB's The Little Grey Men (1942) is a story of the last gnomes in England, little wild men who live by hunting and fishing. [edit] Derivative uses [edit] Garden gnomes Main article: Garden gnome After World War II (with early references, in ironical use, from the late 1930s) the diminutive figurines introduced as lawn ornaments during the 19th century came to be known as garden gnomes. The image of the gnome changed further during the 1960s to 1970s, when the first plastic garden gnomes were manufactured. These gnomes followed the style of the 1937 depiction of the seven dwarves in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Disney. This "Disneyfied" image of the gnome was built upon by the illustrated children's book classic The Secret Book of Gnomes (1976), in the original Dutch Leven en werken van de Kabouter. Garden gnomes share a resemblance to the Scandinavian tomte and nisse, and the Swedish term "tomte" can be translated to "gnome" in English. [edit] Metaphorical uses * The expression of the "Gnomes of Zürich", Swiss bankers pictured as diminutive creatures hoarding gold in subterranean vaults, was coined in 1956 by Harold Wilson and gained currency in the 1960s (OED notes the New Statesman issue of 27 November 1964 as earliest attestation). * Architect Earl Young built a number of stone houses in Charlevoix, Michigan, that have been referred to as gnome homes.

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be fierce

absen keras- dlu aku tdk peduli dg absen. p mhssw kurang ajar pd ku. dtg seenaknya. skrg aku hrs keras ttg absen. dtg terlambat corek. klo perlu dtg terlambat diusir. smt ini sdh krs, pd awalnya. namun ketika mrk tahu aku tdk bs keras, mrk mulai kurang ajar lg. smt depan harus keras dr awal mpe akhir.-------- --------d dpn kereng, galak, misterius- smw mhssw memperhatikan krn posisiku d dpn kls. baru nyadar skrg klo aku tdk boleh macem2 d dpn kls. aku harus berlagak sangar agar mrk smw tdk semena2. ----------ati2- smw yg kulakukan d perhatikan oleh mrk. oki sangat tdk disarankan utk bertingkah aneh d dpn kelas. hrs strenght 247. entah kenapa smt ini terasa jelas semuanya. awalnya mrk terlihat takut. tp kmd mjd tdk. dan aku bertanya2. aku intro diri dan ternyata aku melakukan smthng. tp aku bingung apa itu smthng nya. ke depan harus tdk boleh smthng2 lageeeee ---------selama ini aku ingin disukai- kumanjakan mereka- malah mereka menginjak2 aku- sekarang dibalik- pokoknya harus strength sepanjang jaman-

A Father's Reaction to His Very Young Gay Son
Over the past few months my wife, HuffPost blogger Amelia, has been asked numerous times what I think about our 7-year-old son identifying as gay. This is not something I thought I'd be writing so soon (OK, honestly, I never thought I would be writing a blog on an internationally known news website). When my wife and I were expecting our first child, we discussed what we would do if he or she were born with a disability or with a foot growing out of his or her head. Dealing with a child with a disability would be a life-changing event and something that we had to think about a lot. Possibly having a gay son or daughter wasn't like that. We didn't even have to discuss it, because it wouldn't be a problem. Although the head-foot would need to be dealt with immediately, we assumed we had 15 years or so before any of our kids said they were gay. You know what they say about assuming: it makes all the asses come out in the comment sections of blogs -- people who don't know anything about my son other than the few guarded things my wife has written, and yet they seem to think they know so much. Let me say that most of the comments have been very supportive, and it's great to see the same people come to Ameila's defense whenever the occasional jerk butts into the conversation with some homophobic ideas. And many of jerk-butts (and some of the normal people, too) want to know what I think about this whole "gay thing." The idea that I would be immediately disappointed/angry/suicidal that my son identifies as gay offends me, both as a father and simply as a human. It seems the further we all move along into the 21st century in terms of technology, the more some parts of society regress to the 1950s -- or the Victorian era, if we're being honest -- when it comes to ideas of social mores and attitudes on certain subjects: Ward Cleaver would have been angry if the Beaver had come out of the closet, so surely a father 60 years later would have the same reaction. I mean, come on, that's only common sense! Excuse me while I roll my eyes for an hour or two. I don't see how a father, or any parent, can look at their son, the one they've loved since before the child was even born, and upon hearing him say, "Dad, I'm gay," turn their back on him. The comments from men much older than me telling stories just like that break my heart. My wife always wants to adopt the teenage kids who write to her; I want to adopt the 60-year-old men who cry when they read that I tell my son how awesome he is. I don't care if they are as old as my father; they deserve love just as much as anyone else. So many of the negative comments have been funny to Amelia and me because the people writing them obviously don't know our son. "Isn't your son's father going to miss teaching him sports?" "Isn't not having your child get married going to just break your heart?" "How does his father react to the prancing flamer that your son must be?" First of all, as I write this, my shoulder is sore from throwing a football with him earlier. He loves sports (American Football is his favorite), and he can throw a really nice spiral, especially for a 7-year-old (although if he grows up to be my size, he'll either be a fine defensive end or the heaviest quarterback in the history of the NFL). And again, he's 7: as far as he's concerned, he's going to play all the positions -- at the same time. And if tomorrow he wants to start ballet classes, we will go to all his recitals and cheer him on just as loudly as if he were on the 50-yard line. Getting married is up to him; single or married, he's still my son. If he and his maybe-some-day-far-far-in-the-future boyfriend want to tie the knot, they just need to tell his mother and me where to be, and we'll be there. Hopefully by then they can get married in whichever state they want, but if not, we'll just travel to one of the cool states and have a great time. And the "flamer" comments... where to begin? Do effeminate men exist? Of course. Are all gay men effeminate? Of course not. But does it matter? Whether he grows up to be the manliest man in all mandom or the most effeminate guy to ever hit the drag-show circuit, he is my son. I want him to be loved, comfortable with himself and his friends, and happy. If that means he's the next RuPaul or Joe Montana (or just that nice guy in Accounts Receivable), he will know that being himself is important, no matter who he ends up growing into. And he will always know that his father loves him.

43 Perkara Ringan Yg Menyekat Rezeki.

Terdapat beberapa perkara yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kesusahan atau secara lebih khusus sebagai penyebab ditimpa kesusahan Dan penderitaan yang mana pada kebiasaannya Kita mengambil ringan tentang perkara tersebut. Dalam kitab Al-Barakah if Fadhl lis Sa'yi Wal Harakah yang disusun oleh Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Habsyi telah diterangkan perkara yang mempunyai hubung kait dengan kesusahan seseorang. 1. Tidak sembahyang atau solat. 2. Tidak membaca Bismillah ketika hendak makan. 3. Makan atas pinggan yang terbalik. 4. Memakai kasut atau sandal memulakan sebelah kiri.. 5. Menganggap ringan apa2 yang terjatuh dalam hidangan makanan. 6. Berwuduk di tempat buang air besar atau air kecil. 7. Suka bersandar pada pintu rumah. 8. Suka duduk di atas tangga. 9. Membiasakan diri mencuci tangan di dalam pinggan selepas makan. 10. Membasuh tangan dengan tanah atau bekas tepung. 11. Tidak membersihkan rumah. 12. Membuang sampah atau menyapu dengan kain. 13. Suka membersihkan rumah pada waktu malam. 14. Suka tidur di atas muka. 15. Membakar kulit bawang. 16. Menjahit baju yang sedang dipakai. 17. Mengelap muka dengan baju. 18. Berdiri sambil bercekak pinggang. 19. Tidur tidak memakai baju. 20. Makan sebelum mandi hadas. 21. Tergesa-gesa keluar dari masjid selepas menunaikan solat subuh. 22. Pergi ke pasar sebelum matahari terbit. 23. Lambat pulang dari masjid. 24. Doakan perkara yang tidak baik terhadap ibubapa Dan anak-anak. 25. Kebiasaan tidak menutup makan yang dihidangkan. 26. Suka memadam pelita dengan nafas. 27. Membuang kutu kepala dalam keadaan hidup. 28. Membasuh kaki dengan tangan kanan. 29. Membuang air kecil pada air yang tidak mengalir. 30. Memakai seluar sambil berdiri. 31. Memakai serban sambil duduk. 32. Mandi junub di tempat buang air atau tempat najis. 33. Makan dengan menggunakan dua jari. 34. Berjalan di antara kambing. 35. Berjalan di antara dua perempuan. 36. Suka mempermainkan janggut. 37. Suka meletakkan jari jemari tangan pada bahagian lutut. 38.. Meletakkan tapak tangan pada hidung. 39. Suka menggigit kuku dengan mulut. 40. Mendedahkan aurat di bawah sinaran matahari Dan bulan. 41. Mengadap kiblat ketika membuang air besar atau air kecil. 42. Menguap ketika solat. 43. Meludah di tempat buang air besar atau air kecil.

7 deadly sins

Post one of the 7 deadly sins in my ask box for: exorcistor: Lust: A personal sex story. Pride: Something that I like about myself. Sloth: Something that I dislike about myself. Envy: Something I wish I was better at. Gluttony: One of my favorite foods. Wrath: Something that gets me angry. Greed: Something I can’t get enough of.