Friday, July 19, 2024

In a remote isle of blue and green,


In a remote isle of blue and green,

Where the sun shines bright and the breeze is seen,

A holiday destination, pure and clean,

Where worries fade and joy is gleaned.

The waves crash on the shore, a soothing sound,

As seagulls fly, their cries resound,

The scent of salt and seaweed fills the air,

A place where love and peace do abound.

The sandy beaches, soft and fine,

Invite you to relax, to unwind,

The ocean's embrace, a gentle caress,

A place where stress and toil do lessen.

The island's charm, a treasure trove,

A haven for the heart and soul,

Where nature's beauty, pure and true,

Awaits those who seek it anew.

So come and visit, stay awhile,

And let the magic of this isle,

Bring joy and peace to your heart's desire,

In this remote island, a holiday's fire.

"In the depths of my soul, a storm rages on

 "In the depths of my soul, a storm rages on

A tempest of tears, a hurricane of pain and gone
I bear the weight of burdens, heavy as the sea
Complaints and curses, echoes of humanity

I question the skies, why darkness reigns supreme
Why evil thrives, while goodness is but a dream
I search for answers, but they seem so hard to find
Why must the innocent suffer, while the wicked entwine

The world is a puzzle, with pieces out of place
A riddle I cannot solve, a mystery in space
I yearn for justice, for fairness to prevail
For love and kindness to conquer, without fail

But still I hold on hope, a glimmer in the night
A light that guides me through the darkest of plights
For in the face of evil, love will always win
And though I don't understand, I'll keep on shining within"

"My heart is a canvas, once pure and bright

 "My heart is a canvas, once pure and bright

But now it's worn and weathered, like a stormy night
It's tainted by the stains of my darkest past
Guilty secrets and regrets that will forever last

A burdened soul, crippled by pride and fame
I wore a mask of confidence, but it was just a game
I won some battles, but lost myself in the fray
And now my heart is a battleground, where emotions rage and sway

I've trampled on love, and crushed it with my feet
I've let my ego consume me, and my heart beat slow to defeat
I've sabotaged relationships, and torn them apart
And left only shards of glass, in the depths of my heart

But still I hope for redemption, for a chance to mend
To learn to love again, to be a friend to my own end
To find solace in forgiveness, and let go of the pain
To rise above the ashes, like a phoenix from the flames"

"I stand before you, bare and true

 "I stand before you, bare and true

My heart beating fast, my soul anew
I surrender all, my doubts and fears
And present to you, my deepest tears

This is all of me, my greatest part
My hopes and dreams, my broken heart
I hold nothing back, no secrets kept
I lay it all out, for you to inspect

I stand tall and proud, yet humbled too
For I know that I am flawed, and that's true
But in this moment, I choose to be bold
To trust that you will see the real me, untold

Let your eyes gaze upon my soul
And judge me with mercy, not control
For I am willing to be seen, to be known
To be loved for who I am, and not alone"

"A silent retreat, a solitary quest

 "A silent retreat, a solitary quest

A journey within, to find my inner nest
I withdraw from the world, to heal and to mend
To learn to be kind, to learn to be my true friend

I've been consumed by shadows, by darkness and fear
But now I seek the light, to banish all despair
I must throw away the weights that hold me down
And rise above the noise, to wear my crown

I'll wash my brain clean, of all negative thought
And fill it with positivity, like a garden newly sown
I'll learn to be strong, to stand tall and proud
To face each new day, with a heart that's loud

I'll learn to be kind, to be gentle and wise
To spread love and joy, and watch my spirit rise
I'll find my inner peace, my inner strength and might
And shine like a beacon, on a dark and lonely night

So I'll take this time, this chance to renew
To rediscover myself, and all that I can do
And when I'm ready, I'll emerge anew
A better version of me, with a heart that's true"

"A shield of protection, a guiding light

 "A shield of protection, a guiding light

You kept me safe, through the darkest of nights
You showed me the way, through life's winding road
And led me to places, where my heart could unfold

You brought me joy, you brought me cheer
Happiness and laughter, banishing all fear
But also sorrow, and tears that fell like rain
Teaching me to face the darkness, and rise again

You taught me to be strong, to face my fears
To stand tall and proud, through all my doubts and tears
You showed me that life is not just black and white
But a tapestry of colors, where darkness and light unite

You taught me to be tough, to wear my scars like badges
To rise above the hurt, and let my spirit be raged
To find my inner strength, to stand up for what's right
And never give up, even when the fight is long and tight

So thank you for all you've done
For being my rock, my guiding sun
Thank you for helping me find my way
And teaching me to rise above each new day"

"Your guidance and care, a treasure to behold

"Your guidance and care, a treasure to behold
A foundation strong, where my roots unfold
You nurtured me, when I was young and new
And showed me the way, as I grew anew

I'm grateful for your love, your kindness and your time
For every lesson learned, every step that was mine
I may not have much to give, yet I strive to repay
But know that in my heart, your love will always stay

I want to make you proud, to make you smile
To show you that all your efforts were worth your while
I'll work hard every day, to chase my dreams and goals
And hope that you'll be proud, of the person I evolve

But for now, I know I'm not enough
I'm still finding my way, through life's rough stuff
But I won't give up, I won't lose my drive
I'll keep on pushing forward, and reach for the sky

So please wait for me, and know that I'm on my way
I'll make it worth your while, come what may
I'll rise above, and shine so bright
And make you proud of the person I've become in sight"

19 juli 24 jumat

 19 juli 24 jumat










