Monday, February 27, 2023

27 feb 23 senen


27 feb 23 senen




with bukartinabukhusnul

ke bulina





colorful heaven


i dont want to be nagative

bu ti feel that this place

give me something dark

and it hurt me

inside out

and i accuse them

forgive me if i am wrong

but if i am right

this is scary

pray hard

that he will protect me

from all evil intention towards me

hope he will make me secure

hope he will place me in the safe colorful heaven

where he will be there too

to accompany me all the way

to the end

if there is end

the colorful creature


someone thrown kitten in my place

i want it

i put it inside

but someone make it disappear

i am sad

but what can i do

just pray to him

report it all to him

hope he get what he deserve

hope i get the replacement

the colorful creature

the cute living thing

the adorable companion


living colorfully


someone something

broke my thing

i got angry

but i dont know who

so i just curse oblivion

i hope he will get what he deserve

and i hope mine will be ok

will be magnificent


go on thriving

conquering the darkness

spreading the love

living colorfully