Monday, June 5, 2023

5 juni 23 senen


5 juni 23 senen







that good man


Try to chat with me

Try to have conversation with me

Try to mingle

that nice man

Just think positively

He sends him to my life with purposes

With meaning

With good intention

that wonderful person

Is also positive

Full of light

Full of color


On the mode of rainbow

 When everything fall to places

 When everything fall into spots

for the unknown


 It is heavy

It is sleepy

Want to close

Close to the water edge

The edge of tears 

Tears dropping in the vein

Veins full of hearts

Hearts is on pink mode

 Here is another job

Another task

Another assignment

Another not hurden

 Don't see it as burden

Don't see it as negative

See it as positive

See it as his willing

He assigns me to this post

For hidden meaning

Hugging all the tears


: Don't u think it is enough

End then water

Pouring through all the bodies

Writing all the dreams

Stopping all the pulse

Vouching all the later

Walking and running

Under the rain

Splashing all the pools

Laughing all freely

Embracing the freedom

Welcoming the warmth

Hugging all the tears