Tuesday, February 7, 2012




film why did i get married too? - janet jackson

diane dan terry berlibur dg 3psg temanya (pat dan gavin - angela dan marcus - sheila dan troy). mrk berlibur k bahama. d bandara angela marah2 pd marcus krn merayu petugas tiket. sesampainya d bahama, para laki2 bermain jetski sementara para wanita menikmati margarita sambil bercengkerama. mrk diganggu kedatangan mike (mantan sheila). troy marah krn sheila menceritakan bahwa mrk bangkrut. saat memancing, mike mengaku rindu pd sheila pd gavin terry marcus. sementara para wanita massage sambil curhat masing2. malamnya mike berusaha memanas2i sheila dan troy namun troy berhasil mengalahkanya. troy depresi krn uangnya habis, sheila marah krn merasa tdk dipedulikan. angela marah2 krn marcus tak mau memberi password hp. diane keceplosan nama phil saat akan ml dg terry. diane memergoki pat yg bertengkar dg gavin. paginya para wanita berjemur di pantai. angela tersiram abu jenasah oleh port dan ola yg sdg menyebar abu temanya (bertha). para ladies mengundang porter dan ola makan malam. malamnya semua pasangan giliran menceritakan alasan menikah. angela dan marcus tak mau. pat dan gavin mengumumkan perceraian. sekembalinya k atlanta, diane mengurusi perceraian pat, gavin diwakili oleh phil. gavin ingin merebut harta pat hasil penjualan buku, pat marah dan pergi. angela mendpt kaba dr tetangganya (ny tan) bahwa marcus selingkuh tiap selasa dan kamis siang. sheila berusaha menghibur troy yg blm dpt kerja namun troy malah marah2. troy gengsi dan tak mau pinjam uang pd teman2nya. terry memergoki diane pul dlm keadaan bahagia dg seikat bunga yg tanpa kartu, namun terry menemukan gagang kartu d ikat bunga tsb. angela mendatangi marcus yg sdg onair d tv dan memarahinya dan menyita hpnya. gavin bertengkar hebat dg pat dan membakar poto2 alm anak mrk. sheila minta bantuan mike utk mencarikan kerja buat troy. para ladies berkumpul namun pat tak dtg. mrk mendatangi rumah pat namun pat tak mau buka pintu. troy memberi kejutan pd sheila bahwa dia dpt kerja jd polisi. marcus dan terry membantu gavin pindahan namun mrk ketahuan pat yg kmd marah besar dan menghancurkan barang2. angela pul siang hari utk menangkap basah tukangkebun dan pembantunya ml d kasurnya. akhirnya terry mengkonfrontasi diane, diane mengaku naksir teman kerjanya (phil). angela marah krn marcus pul telat, dan lebih marah lagi ketika marcus mempunyai hp baru. d tempat kerja troy tersadar dirinya dpr bantuan dr mike. troy mendatangi rumah mike dan mendapati sheila berada disitu. troy mata gelap dan menghajar mike yg baru pul dr kemo. angela terry sheila mengunjungi pat yg sdg breakdown. terry curhat ttg diane pd marcus gavin mike. troy dtg dan minta maaf pd mike. pat mendatangi kantor gavin dan mempermalukanya dg menghadiahi penari banci. gavin marah dan pergi naik mobil. mobilnya tertabrak truk. d rs, pat sangat menyesal dan menyuruh yg lain memperbaiki hub masing2. akhirnya gavin meninggal. mrk memperingati kematian gavin d pantai. setahun kmd, atasan pat (lilian) menjodohkan pat dg daniel. mp: teman sll bisa membuat kita melupakan masalah yg kita hadapi. teman sejati akan membuat kita tersenyum saat kita terluka. teman sejati takkkan pernah meninggalkan kita apapun keadaan kita.

film dead like me - ellen muth, callum blue

george mati krn tertimpa toilet. dia jadi arwah gentayangan dan bertugas sbg reaper (pencabut nyawa) bersama roxy (polisi) daisy (aktris) mason (playboy). bos mrk aDL rube. mrk sll bertemu d resto der waffle house. suatu pagi restonya terbakar. mrk dijemput limo dan diantar k resto mewah. mrk mendapat bos baru (cameron kane). arwah george hidup dlm tubuh millie, seorg pegawai happytime. suatu hari tanpa sengaja george berpapasan dg ibu dan adiknya (reggie). ibunya skrg mjd penulis buku ttg mengatasi rasa berduka. adiknya jd simpanan bintang sekolah (hudson hart). d kantor george/millie memp bos dolores yg fanatik dg kucingnya (murray). cameron memberi mrk hp (berbeda dg metode rube yg pake postit). daisy dpt tgs mencabut nyawa d sb salon diantar roxy dan mason. daisy ceroboh tdk menunggu arwah korban sampai dpt sinar. arwah tsb jd gentayangan. geroge mendpt tugas utk mencabut nyawa hudson hart. namun dia terlambat dtg d tkp (kecelakaan d sb perempatan). hudson sdh dibawa k rs. george marah pd cameron krn salah mengirim info. dia mendatangi cameron yg sdg berpesta. george menemukan roxy daisy dan mason tlh berubah. george jg mendapati cameron tdk peduli pd tugasnya. cameron menyuruh george k rs utk membunuh hudson. sesampainya d rs george gagal membunuh hudson, kekuatanya tdk mempan. george menyaksikan reggie yg diusir teman2nya saat mau menjenguk hudson. reggie sedih dan pul. reggie tambah sedih ketika ibunya tak memahami perasaanya. cameron memanfaatkan daisy utk sex. roxy memanfaatkan kekuatanya utk menghidupkan korban2 shg dia mjd polisi pahlawan. mason memanfaatkan kekuatanya utk merampok perampok. daisy memanfaatkan kekuatanya utk melukai aktris shg dia bs jd penggantinya. mason membelanjankan uang rampokanya utk mentraktir ce2. roxy mendpt medali dr kepolisian. george marah2 pd cameron krn sll salah info. george melampiaskan kemarahanya pd rekan kerja (amy) shg amy mengundurkan diri. mason jg menghadiri penampilan daisy. namun daisy mabuk saat manggung. mason hrs patah hati ditolak daisy. daisy pul jalan kaki dan marah2 pd cameron krn tdk dijemput. cameron menghina daisy yg mabuk saat pentas. utk menghibur diri daisy ke salon dan menemukan hantu hasil kecerobohanya yg membuat daisy sadar. roxy mendapati korban yg diselamatkanya akhirnya mati dlm kecelakaan. george/millie mengunjungi reggie d toko eskrim dan memberinya uang utk menjenguk hudson. d rs reggie bertemu millie dan menuntut jawaban. akhirnya millie mengaku bahwa dirinya adl george. dolores pul dr liburan krn amy menuntut happytime. dolores marah dan memecat george. reggie minggat dr rumah dan ikut dg george. daisy roxy mason menyadari kesalahanya dan mulai memperbaiki diri. mrk hadir dlm pertemuan d resto mewah, namun cameron dan george tak hadir. akhirnya roxy daisy mason mencari cameron dan berusaha membunuh dg ditembak, namun peluru tak mempan bagi cameron. d rs george mengantarkan reggie menjenguk hudson. namun george harus mencabut nyawa hudson. reggie marah dan mencoba bunuh diri dg menabrakkan mobil. george berhasil menyadarkanya. george menyuruh reggie pul. tanpa sepengetahuan george, reggie mengunjungi makam george. roxy daisy mason gagal membunuh cameron dg cara menenggelamkan dlm air. akhirnya mrk memutilasi cameron dan membakar potongan2 tubuhnya. george/millie menghadiri proses kematian murray menemani dolores. mom menemukan reggie d makam. reggie mengajak mom jalan2 meninggalkan kota krn depresi. george dkk memasukkan abu cameron dlm guci murray dan diterbangkan k luar angkasa. george menyaksikan keberangkatan reggie dan mom. george mendpt banyak postit utk bertugas jd bos baru. mp: tak ada yg tahu misteri kematian. semua org yg mati tak bisa kembali utk dimintai keterangan.

film see you in september - justin kirk

lindsay dilamar steven. lindsay ketakutan dan mencampakan steven. lindsay ketemu aj d kamar mandi resto. monica menyalahkan lindsay krn mencampakan steven. lindsay menemui psikiaternya. lindsay stres krn psikiaternya libur satu bulan. lindsay curhat sm monica. malamnya lindsay membuat grup utk org2 yg ditinggal psikiater. lindsay memberitahu monica d cafe. max nguping dan ingin bergabung. saat meeting lindsay dan monica menerima roger, eve, louis, terence, daphne, aj, max, charlote. mrk dirampok steve dan ralph. mrk diikat dan ditinggal pergi. dlm posisi ikatan masing2 anggota curhat. louis yg suka selingkuh dr istrinya (trish). max yg tdk bs melupakan mantannya. daphne yg sll curiga pd tunanganya (hank). charlote yg dlm proses perceraian no6. lindsay yg mencampakan steven. aj yg dendam pd ibunya krn dia diadopsi. sesi berikutnya mrk bertemu d dtmp max utk membantu max membuang label nama mantan istrinya. lindsay dan aj membantu daphne yg sdg down. aj mengajak lindsay bermain biilliard. sesi berikutnya roger minta tlg agar semuanya dtg saat dia manggung d resto. max minta tlg utk membantu kencannya. saat di resto semua dtg demi roger dan max. lawakan roger tdk lucu. dan kencan max marah2 krn max membawa semua temanya. sesi berikutnya lindsay dan aj ditantang kencan tanpa sex sampai bulan september. aj dan lindsay mulai kencan. aj mengikuti lindsay ikut yoga. sesi berikutnya daphne curhat krn hank selingkuh. louis curhat krn trish hamil. eve curhat pernah diperkosa ayahnya sendiri. lindsay mendorong monica utk berpacaran dg max. lindsay dan aj kencan d taman. d sesi berikutnya max curhat kencan lewat internet. louis curhat ttg tdk mampu jd ayah. eve menghina louis, terence, dan daphne. daphne menyerang eve shg eve jatuh dan menjatuhkan perekam. eve kepergok merekam mrk dan diusir. lindsay dan aj kencan d bowling dan ketemu steven. keesokannya lindsay kencan dg steven. dan ketika steven ingin melamar lindsay, lindsay mencampakan steven lagi. lindsay menyuport aj saat ketemu dg ibu kandungnya. dua bulan kmd lindsay dan aj tunangan. mrk menjodohkan max dan monica. saat film buatan eve muncul, mrk semua ketemu lg d bioskop. daphne dtg sendirian krn tlh putus dg hank. charlote mengajak daphne k kafe. louis dtg dg istri dan anaknya. anaknya menangis dan memaksa louis dan trish poulang. terence menyusul charlote dan daphne. roger dtg bersama simone namun pergi lg utk ml. akhirnya lindsay aj max monica memutuskan utk menyusul charlote dkk. mp: setiap org punya masalah sendiri2. namun tuhan memberikan masalah sesuai kapasitas individu masing2. setiap masalah pasti punya solusinya. masalah yg berbeda memp solusi yg beda pula. kadang berkumpul dg yg lain akan memberi masukan buat kita. masukan2 yg kita terima bisa meringankan beban kita drpd mencari solusi sendirian. ternyata teman2 lebih manjur drpd seorg psikiater.

film the switch - jennifer aniston

kassie mengabari temanya (wally) bahwa dia ingin hamil. kassie minta tlg wally utk mencarikan pendonor sperma. wally sangat tdk setuju dg hal itu. d kantor wally curhat pd temanya (leonard). sementara kassie curhat pd debbie. debbie mengadakan pesta ultah. ketika kassie mendekati declan, wally mengunci kassie d teras dan mengusir declan. kassie marah pd wally dan hari2 berikutnya menjauhi wally. wally melampiaskan marahnya d gym bersama leonard. wally mendpt undangan pesta kassie. kassie mengadakan pesta pd hari h dia mendpt donor. d pesta wally bertemu rolland sang pendonor. wally mabuk dan membuang sperma rolland dan menggantinya dg spermanya sendiri. keesokanya wally hangover d kantor. leonard bercerita bahwa malamnya wally mengunjunginya saat mabuk berat dan mengoceh tak karuan. kassie mengajak wally nonton drama dan kassie mengabarkan akan pindah k kampungnya ikut ortunya utk membesarkan anaknya. tujuh tahun kmd wally mendpt kabar kassie pindah lg k new york bersama anaknya (sebastian). kassie mengenalkan sebastian pd wally saat makan. sebastian mrp anak aneh yg penuh kritik. keesokannya kassie menemui rolland sementara wally mengasuh sebastian. sebastian curhat bahwa dia d bully temanya. wally menyarankan agar sebastian bertindak gila. wally mulai curiga ttg kemiripanya dg sebastian. wally curhat pd leonard. leonard dan wally menyempurnakan puzzle dan menyadari apa yg tjd tujuh th lalu. wally berniat mengaku pd kassie. namun kassie mencegahnya mengira wally akan menyatakan cinta. saat pesta ultah , sebastian marah pd rolland krn dipaksa panjat tebing. rolland curhat pd wally. wally curhat pd leonard. suatu malam kassie minta tlg pd wally utk mengurus sebastian krn kassie sdg pacaran dg rolland d luar kota. wally mengurusi sebastian yg terkena kutu. paginya wally harus tersingkir saat kassie dtg bersama rolland. suatu pagi sebastian mendatangi wally setelah berkelahi. wally mengantarkan sebastian pul dan mendapati kassie sdg mengadakan pesta utk keluarga rolland. wally menghancurkan pesta kassie saat dia mengaku d dpn semua org bahwa sebastian adl anaknya. kassie marah dan mengusir wally. wally mabuk berat dan curhat pd leonard. stlh bbrp saat kassie tak lagi marah dan mengunjungi wally. wally melamar kassie. saat pesta ultah, sebastian senang krn debbie mengadopsi sb anjing yg akan disuntik mati. mp: feminisme yg tll ekstrimis. susah utk mjd wanita single spt itu d indonesia.

film back up plan - jennifer lopez

zoe melakukan inseminasi d klinik sperma krn menginginkan sb anak sdg dia tdk punya pacar, dan stlh dia gagal minta tlg temannya (clive) utk mendonorkan pserma. walopun hal ini ditentang temanya (mona). selesai melakukan inseminasi, zoe merasa bahagia. namun kebahagiaanya terganggu ketika dia berebut taksi dg stan. ketika zoe mengalah, stan ikut turun dan taksinya meninggalkan mrk berdua. akhirnya zoe dan stan berjalan berdua. keesokan harinya zoe menemani mona ke pasar dan mrk bertemu stan yg berjualan keju. malamnya stan mengunjungi zoe d toko hewan miliknya. mrk beli hotdog berdua. kmd mrk kencan diner berdua d taman namun semuanya berantakan. kmd zoe curhat pd neneknya bahwa dia bingung krn dia jatuh cinta pd stan namun dia sdh hamil dr inseminasi buatan. zoe minta nasehat pd mona. zoe ikut stan k peternakan. mrk melakukan sex dan zoe mengaku hamil. stan marah. paginya zoe pergi. mrk kembali hidup masing2 namun dua2nya sedih. stan mengunjungi zoe dan mrk bersatu kembali. mrk k dokter beruda dan mendapat kabar bahwa anaknya kembar. stan pingsan. stan merenung d taman dan mendpt nasehat dr seorg bpk yg anaknya sudah tiga. zoe mengira stan meninggalkanya. zoe curhat pd kelompok single mother. pul nya zoe bertemu stan d taksi. mrk bersatu kembali. zoe stres ketika perutnya mulai membesar. zoe mendpt bantal khusus dr mona. stan cemburu dg bantal tsb dan curhat pd bpk d taman. zoe k toko bersama nenek dan tunanganya. mek bertemu pr single mother. no telp zoe dimasukan dlm daftar lori. d rmh stan belajar menghadapi ujian. stan marah2 mendptkan zoe pul dg banyak belanjaan. zoe menuduh stan akan meninggalkanya. malamnya stan tdk melayani zoe yg ingin sex. stan stres dan masak d tengah malam buta. stan stres krn uang dan krn zoe. paginya stan gagal ujian. malamnya mrk melihat lori melahirkan. mrk berdua trauma. mrk berjalan sampai pasar dan bertemu teman stan yg menanyakan kehamilan zoe. stan keceplosan bahwa itu bukan anaknya. zoe marah dan mencampakkan stan. zoe stres dan ditemani mona mencari bantal ajaib yg dibuang stan. nenek berkunjung dan mengabarkan ttg pernikahanya. saat hari h pernikahan, dtg kereta bayi pesanan stan. zoe tersadar bahwa stan mencintai anaknya. namun zoe harus menghadiri pernikahan neneknya. ketubanya pecah saat pesta. semua mengantar k rs. dlm perjalanan mrk mampir d pasar menemui stan. zoe minta bersatu namun stan ragu. stan ikut k rs. setelah zoe melahirkan, stan buka toko baru. pd upacara pembukaan stan melamar zoe. pulangnya mrk menyadari zoe hamil lg... mp: aku juga pengen inseminasi................

selasa 7 2 12

pg k unaki- thx u lord- siang k kampungnasi w lantip- thx u lord- sore k exy- k wrg- k bakso mawardi w rian- thx u lord-

senen 6 2 12

pg k ikip- putu obat diet- b yuni surat tugs- b asrofah skngajar- p bowo sprei- thx u lord- k unisula ngumpul nilai- thx u lord- k undip legalisir- thx u lord- k unaki- setor wajah- ngetik- duhur- ngenet-- thx u lord- k lia nyari toefl- k laundry- k wrg- k alfa- thx u lord- berhasil puasa- thx u lord- - mlm k prince house w rian- thx u lord-

minggu 5 2 12

sepagian tidur- gagal ngetik- help me lord- sore k sihot cafe w aan- k ezy- thx u lord-

sabtu 4 2 12

siang k melvin- nyuci motor- pom- atm cimb- duhur d pom- atm bpd- kfc- melvin ikut k kos- thx u lord- sore ryan k kos- diner w melvin d bebek pak rabil tlogosari- k masdjid agung- magrib- ryan- isak- diner w ryan d ayam p ayub jl badak- ryan k kos- thx u lord-

jumat 3 2 12

pg k unaki- k crown w rian- w anto k sriratu, soto, kos- k unaki ambil motor- gagal nyuci mtr- help me lord- mlm k wrg- thx u lord-

kamis 2 2 12

pg k unaki- thx u lord- sore k wrg- berhasil puasa- thx u lord- - mlm k prince house w rian- thx u lord-

rabu 1 2 12

pg k ikip- ngumpul nilai- p wi- k potokopi- thx u lord- gagal k ccmtr- help me lord- k bengkel- thx u lord- sore k aan- k tmnkb- k aan- thx u lord-

selasa 31 1 12

pg ngoreksi- thx u lord- siang k unaki- ngumpulin ijasah- k atm bpd- alhamdulilah gaji udh msk- k ikip- b yuni- gagal ketemu p wiyaka- gagal ngumpul nilai- huft- help me lord- k pedurungan- nitip ktp- k atm cimb- blm jadi- help me lordk atm bni- alhamdulilah gaji udh msk- sore k wrg- alhamdulilah berhsl puasa- mlm k tamrin - varis- bad boy- help me lord- k kfc- dt w rian- thx u lord-

senen 30 1 12

pg k atam, gaji blm masuk, hikssss - k ikip jaga- k unisula ngumpul nilai- k unimus ngumpul nilai- k rian nunut maksi- thx u lord- siang k ikip- salah jadwal- huftttt- jaga- ASAr- jaga- magrib- jaga- thx u lord-

minggu 29 1 12

pg k wrg- seharian d kos- gagal memaksa diri utk ngetik- LORD HELP ME PLS- sore k wrg- thx u lord- mlm k tamrin- arlan k kos- thx u lord-

United Nations: It's Okay to Kill the Gay

Posted: 11/23/10 05:16 PM ET React Important Fascinating Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Infuriating Beautiful Follow United Nations , Gay , Uganda , Video , Oslo Freedom Forum , Execution , Homosexuality , Lesbian , World News share this story 2,279 695 15 Get World Alerts Sign Up Submit this story digg reddit stumble NEW YORK, NY -- Last week, the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted on a special resolution addressing extrajudicial, arbitrary and summary executions. The resolution affirms the duties of member countries to protect the right to life of all people with a special emphasis on a call to investigate killings based on discriminatory grounds. The resolution highlights particular groups historically subject to executions including street children, human rights defenders, members of ethnic, religious, and linguistic minority communities, and, for the past 10 years, the resolution has included sexual orientation as a basis on which some individuals are targeted for death. Execution of Gays in Iran These two teenagers, suspected of being gay, were executed in Iran in 2005. The tiny West African nation of Benin (on behalf of the UN's African Group) proposed an amendment to strike sexual minorities from the resolution. The amendment was adopted with 79 votes in favor, 70 against, 17 abstentions and 26 absent. A collection of notorious human rights violators voted for the amendment including Afghanistan, Algeria, China, Congo, Cuba, Eritrea, North Korea, Iran (didn't Ahmadinejad tell the world there were no gays in Iran?), Egypt, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Sudan, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. Add to this Bahamas, Belize (where you get 10 years for being gay), Jamaica (10 years of hard labor), Grenada (10 years), Guyana (life sentence), Saint Kitts and Nevis (10 years), Saint Lucia (10 years), Saint Vincent (10 years), South Africa (Apartheid? What apartheid?), and Morocco (ruled by a gay monarch!). They are all on the list of nations that do not think execution of gays and lesbians is worthy of condemnation or investigation. (The full vote tally is published beneath this column.) To its shame, Colombia was among the 16 nations who abstained. Those against the amendment include every European nation present, all Scandinavian countries, India, Korea, most of Latin America, all of North America, and only one Middle Eastern nation: Israel. In most countries in the Middle East, it is a crime to be gay--in some, like Saudi Arabia, it is punishable by beheading and in others, like Iran, by hanging. The UN has a remarkable track record of doing virtually nothing when presented with mass killings or genocide. "Never again!" was the cry after the holocaust. Since then, the world has witnessed a dozen more never agains with strong condemnation from the UN coming after the corpses pile up. A resolution of the sort that was voted on in the General Assembly is significant for its clarity of message: "It's okay to kill the gays." The British government had pleaded: "The subject of this amendment--the need for prompt and thorough investigations of all killing, including those committed for ... sexual orientation--exists in this resolution simply because it is a continuing cause for concern." Not a single African nation voted against the amendment. This is not surprising. Homosexuality is illegal in most of Africa. So acceptable is the notion of extra-judicial killings of gay men and women for their consensual private conduct that one of these countries, Uganda, is considering legislation making homosexuality (not the behavior, just being gay) punishable with death. The proposer of the bill, David Bahati, and the Ugandan "Minister for Ethics and Integrity," Nsaba Buturo, have vowed the bill will pass before parliament dissolves on May 12, 2011. Uganda is not a Muslim nation. It is a Christian country. And it was American evangelical preachers in Uganda who fanned the flames of what could turn into mass executions in a continent that has seen genocidal murder occur numerous times in the last two decades on the basis of religious belief, ethnicity, and membership in a linguistic minority (Burundi, Darfur, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Zimbabwe...). I had the opportunity to meet one of the courageous individuals in the struggle against this potential mass killing in Uganda. Her name is Kasha Jacqueline and she was one of the presenters at this year's Oslo Freedom Forum. Jacqueline was concerned for her safety when she made her way to Oslo given that she could have been the subject of retaliation upon her return. Upon arriving in Norway, she was approached by several members of one of Oslo's gay and lesbian organizations who urged her not to speak at the Oslo Freedom Forum because they disagreed with our inclusion of several speakers who were outspoken critics of left-wing dictatorships. Sadly, some people in Oslo believe that only those on the left can call themselves human rights defenders -- their double standard usually will manifest itself when they ignore the crimes of the governments they favor. Kasha Jacqueline was quick to tell them that she was using us, and not the other way around. Her speech was so powerful that she was invited to stay an extra day and give the same speech at an event open to the public. She kindly accepted. Just days later, the inclusion of Kasha Jacqueline in the program of the Oslo Freedom Forum was one of the subjects of public condemnation by an American pro-life activist. The irony was excruciating. Here was a man who devotes his life to what he describes as stopping the mass killings of babies chastising an event for including someone in our program who wants to stop the mass killings of gays and lesbians. My response to his jeremiad, which was never published, concluded: "There is nothing to discuss in a circumstance like the one faced by Ms. Jacqueline and those affected by this legislation other than to offer: 'Ms. Jacqueline, how can we help you and your organization prevent what could become a horrific massacre?'" Thus the left, dear reader, thus the right. They deserve each other. Thor Halvorssen is president of the Human Rights Foundation and founder of the Oslo Freedom Forum. Follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. A Map of the Vote. Red governments voted for the amendment; yellow govt's abstained; grey govt's were not present; green govt's are the only ones to vote against the amendment which endangers gays. In favor of the amendment to remove sexual orientation from the UN resolution on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (79 nations): Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Brunei Dar-Sala, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, China, Comoros, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Opposed to the UN amendment to remove sexual orientation from the resolution on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (70 nations): Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Micronesia (FS), Monaco, Montenegro, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Timor-Leste, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela Abstain (17 nations): Antigua-Barbuda, Barbados, Belarus, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Colombia, Fiji, Mauritius, Mongolia, Papau New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Vanuatu Absent (26 nations): Albania, Bolivia, Central African Republic, Chad, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Marshall Island, Mauritania, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Sao Tome Principe, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Togo, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan

Theories of reading

Submitted by TE Editor on 23 March, 2006 - 12:00 This article is in two parts. The first part will look at some of the shifts and trends in theories relating to reading. The second part will examine tips and guidelines for implementing a theory of reading which will help to develop our learners' abilities. * The traditional view * The cognitive view * The metacognitive view * Conclusion Just like teaching methodology, reading theories have had their shifts and transitions. Starting from the traditional view which focused on the printed form of a text and moving to the cognitive view that enhanced the role of background knowledge in addition to what appeared on the printed page, they ultimately culminated in the metacognitive view which is now in vogue. It is based on the control and manipulation that a reader can have on the act of comprehending a text. The traditional view According to Dole et al. (1991), in the traditional view of reading, novice readers acquire a set of hierarchically ordered sub-skills that sequentially build toward comprehension ability. Having mastered these skills, readers are viewed as experts who comprehend what they read. * Readers are passive recipients of information in the text. Meaning resides in the text and the reader has to reproduce meaning. * According to Nunan (1991), reading in this view is basically a matter of decoding a series of written symbols into their aural equivalents in the quest for making sense of the text. He referred to this process as the 'bottom-up' view of reading. * McCarthy (1999) has called this view 'outside-in' processing, referring to the idea that meaning exists in the printed page and is interpreted by the reader then taken in. * This model of reading has almost always been under attack as being insufficient and defective for the main reason that it relies on the formal features of the language, mainly words and structure. Although it is possible to accept this rejection for the fact that there is over-reliance on structure in this view, it must be confessed that knowledge of linguistic features is also necessary for comprehension to take place. To counteract over-reliance on form in the traditional view of reading, the cognitive view was introduced. The cognitive view The 'top-down' model is in direct opposition to the 'bottom-up' model. According to Nunan (1991) and Dubin and Bycina (1991), the psycholinguistic model of reading and the top-down model are in exact concordance. * Goodman (1967; cited in Paran, 1996) presented reading as a psycholinguistic guessing game, a process in which readers sample the text, make hypotheses, confirm or reject them, make new hypotheses, and so forth. Here, the reader rather than the text is at the heart of the reading process. * The schema theory of reading also fits within the cognitively based view of reading. Rumelhart (1977) has described schemata as "building blocks of cognition" which are used in the process of interpreting sensory data, in retrieving information from memory, in organising goals and subgoals, in allocating resources, and in guiding the flow of the processing system. * Rumelhart (1977) has also stated that if our schemata are incomplete and do not provide an understanding of the incoming data from the text we will have problems processing and understanding the text. Cognitively based views of reading comprehension emphasize the interactive nature of reading and the constructive nature of comprehension. Dole et al. (1991) have stated that, besides knowledge brought to bear on the reading process, a set of flexible, adaptable strategies are used to make sense of a text and to monitor ongoing understanding. The metacognitive view According to Block (1992), there is now no more debate on "whether reading is a bottom-up, language-based process or a top-down, knowledge-based process." It is also no more problematic to accept the influence of background knowledge on both L1 and L2 readers. Research has gone even further to define the control readers execute on their ability to understand a text. This control, Block (1992) has referred to as metacognition. Metacognition involves thinking about what one is doing while reading. Klein et al. (1991) stated that strategic readers attempt the following while reading: * Identifying the purpose of the reading before reading * Identifying the form or type of the text before reading * Thinking about the general character and features of the form or type of the text. For instance, they try to locate a topic sentence and follow supporting details toward a conclusion * Projecting the author's purpose for writing the text (while reading it), * Choosing, scanning, or reading in detail * Making continuous predictions about what will occur next, based on information obtained earlier, prior knowledge, and conclusions obtained within the previous stages. Moreover, they attempt to form a summary of what was read. Carrying out the previous steps requires the reader to be able to classify, sequence, establish whole-part relationships, compare and contrast, determine cause-effect, summarise, hypothesise and predict, infer, and conclude. Conclusion In the second part of this article I will look at the guidelines which can also be used as general ideas to aid students in reading and comprehending materials. These tips can be viewed in three consecutive stages: before reading, during reading, and after reading. For instance, before starting to read a text it is natural to think of the purpose of reading the text. As an example of the during-reading techniques, re-reading for better comprehension can be mentioned. And filling out forms and charts can be referred to as an after-reading activity. These tasks and ideas can be used to enhance reading comprehension. This article published: 23rd March, 2006 was first published in Iranian Language Institute Language Teaching Journal Volume 1, No.1 Spring 2005. Further reading Barnett, M. A. (1988). Teaching reading in a foreign language. ERIC Digest Block, E. L. (1992). See how they read: comprehension monitoring of L1 and L2 readers. TESOL Quarterly 26(2) Dole, J. A. Duffy, G. G., Roehler, L. R., and Pearson, D. D. (1991). Moving from the old to the new: research on reading comprehension instruction. Review of Educational Research 61 Dubin, F., and Bycina, D. (1991). Models of the process of reading. In Celce-Murcia (ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston, Mass.: Heinle and Heinle. Duke, N. K., and Pearson, D. P. (n.d.). Effective practices for developing reading comprehension. Available at //effective reading.com/ (Oct. 15, 2001). Estes T. H. (1999). Strategies for reading to learn. Available at www.reading strategies. Fitzgerald, J. (1995). English-as-a-second-language learners' cognitive reading processes: a review of research in the United States. Review of Educational Research 65 Klein, M. L., Peterson, S., and Simington, L. (1991). Teaching Reading in the Elementary Grades. Needham Heights, Mass.: Allyn and Bacon. Lebauer, R. (1998). Lessons from the rock on the role of reading. Available at // langue.Hyper.Chubu.ac.jp/jalt/pub/t/t/98/lebauer.html McCarthy, C. P. (n. d.) Reading theory as a microcosm of the four skills. Applied Linguistics Series. Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International. Paran, A. (1996). Reading in EFL: facts and fiction. ELT Journal 50 Rumelhart, D. E. (1977). Toward an interactive model of reading. In S. Dornic (ed.), Attention and Performance IV. New York, NY: AcademicPress. Steinhofer, H. (1996). How to read nonfictional English texts faster and more effectively. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. II, No. 6, June 1996 Ur, P. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press. Vaezi, S. (2001). Metacognitive reading strategies across language and techniques. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Allameh Tabataba'iUniversity, Tehran, Iran. Van Duzer, C. (1999). Reading and the Adult English Language Learner. Washington, D.C.: Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education Shahin Vaezi Ph.D. Assistant professor, University of Science and Technology, Iran


1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah ) 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ---Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia 3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ----Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban 4 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ---Harry Potter dan Piala Api 5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ---Harry Potter dan Orde Phoenix 6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ---Harry Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah-Campuran 7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ---Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian