Wednesday, July 10, 2024

10 juli 24 rabu

 10 juli 24 rabu









As we walk our separate paths


We were together

Fight together

Struggle together

Cry together

In the depths of our love

Lose together

Win together

Laugh together

Love together

But not anymore

And we must force ourselves to be happy this way

Our hearts once entwined

Now feel the weight of distance

The echoes of our laughter

Fading into the silence

As we navigate this new reality

The memories we shared

Now feel bittersweet

The love we once knew

Now a distant dream

As we walk our separate paths

But in the stillness of the night

I still feel your presence

A reminder of what once was

And what could have been

As we learn to find happiness apart

"As sunset falls, on our final day


"As sunset falls, on our final day

I whisper goodbye, in a lingering way
It's time for me to set you free
To find your new horizon, and spread your wings to be

In distant skies, may you find your nest
A love that's true, and a heart that's blessed
May your days be bright, and your nights be light
May you dance under stars, without a single fight

I know it's hard, to leave behind
The memories we made, the love we designed
But I want you to soar, to fly so high
To find your happy place, where tears dry

In that island of gods, where love is real
May you find your true self, and make it feel
Like home at last, where heart and soul reside
And may our love remain, a memory to abide

Farewell, my love, may your journey be kind
May the winds of fortune blow behind
And when you look back, on our love so true
May it be with gratitude, and a heart that's anew"

..."In the shadows, I nurse a festering wound

 ..."In the shadows, I nurse a festering wound

"In the shadows, I nurse a festering wound
A pain that gnaws, a hurt that's profound
I point my finger, at the one who left
The one who shattered my heart, and left me bereft

Their words, like daggers, cut deep and true
I replay them, to remind myself anew
Of all the reasons, why I'm lost and blue
Why my life's a mess, and my heart is bruised and new

But as I gaze into the mirror's gaze
I see a reflection, with a different phase
A soul so worn, by the weight of blame
A heart that's heavy, with the load of shame

I'm caught in a cycle, of resentment and pain
A toxic web, that ensnares me in its stain
I'm trapped in this hell, of "what ifs" and "maybes"
A prison of my own making, built on shattered dreams and sighs

Yet, in this darkness, I must find a way
To break free from the chains, of this endless day
To forgive, to heal, to let go of the past
And learn to love again, with a heart that's whole at last"

"Memories of you, like autumn leaves, they fade


"Memories of you, like autumn leaves, they fade
Whispers of a love that's lost, and cannot be made
I yearn to turn back time, to relive those days
When love's sweet melody, filled every waking phase

In your warm embrace, I felt complete
Your laughter, my solace, my heart's retreat
We danced under stars, with love's sweet song
In perfect harmony, our hearts beat strong

Oh, to go back to those moments so divine
When life was simple, and love was a vine
That wrapped around my heart, and made it whole
And in your eyes, my soul found its role

But time, it seems, has other plans
And left me here, with memories in my hands
I'll hold on to them, like a lifeline true
And cherish every moment, that I once knew"

"In twilight's hush, where shadows play


"In twilight's hush, where shadows play
I relive the moments I'd rather slay
The ghost of my mistakes, they whisper low
Of a heart that was blind, and a love that did not glow

I'm the fool who walked away from the light
Leaving scars, and a heart that took flight
I'm the one who didn't respect the love I had found
A treasure that shone bright, yet I wore it down

Oh, the sting of regret that pierces my mind
As I replay the nights I left behind
The whispers of 'what if' that haunt my sleep
A bittersweet reminder of love that wept

But even in darkness, a glimmer remains
A chance to mend the fragments of shattered trains
To learn from the past, and to begin anew
To cherish love's beauty, and to make it shine through"

"In the mirror's gaze, I see a face so worn

 "In the mirror's gaze, I see a face so worn

A reflection of a heart that's lost its form
Ego's heavy chains, they weigh me down
A burden that I've carried, to this broken town

I chased my dreams, but forgot to tend
The love that nourished me, until it did descend
Into the shadows, where darkness took its seat
And with each passing day, my heart did retreat

The house we built, now stands as empty space
A monument to love that lost its gentle pace
The marriage vows, that once echoed with promise and delight
Now whisper only sorrow, in the dead of night

But still I wander, through the ruins of my past
Seeking the fragments of love that will forever last
For in the rubble, I know I'll find a spark
A glimmer of redemption, to rekindle my heart"