Wednesday, July 10, 2024

..."In the shadows, I nurse a festering wound

 ..."In the shadows, I nurse a festering wound

"In the shadows, I nurse a festering wound
A pain that gnaws, a hurt that's profound
I point my finger, at the one who left
The one who shattered my heart, and left me bereft

Their words, like daggers, cut deep and true
I replay them, to remind myself anew
Of all the reasons, why I'm lost and blue
Why my life's a mess, and my heart is bruised and new

But as I gaze into the mirror's gaze
I see a reflection, with a different phase
A soul so worn, by the weight of blame
A heart that's heavy, with the load of shame

I'm caught in a cycle, of resentment and pain
A toxic web, that ensnares me in its stain
I'm trapped in this hell, of "what ifs" and "maybes"
A prison of my own making, built on shattered dreams and sighs

Yet, in this darkness, I must find a way
To break free from the chains, of this endless day
To forgive, to heal, to let go of the past
And learn to love again, with a heart that's whole at last"

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