Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"In twilight's hush, where shadows play


"In twilight's hush, where shadows play
I relive the moments I'd rather slay
The ghost of my mistakes, they whisper low
Of a heart that was blind, and a love that did not glow

I'm the fool who walked away from the light
Leaving scars, and a heart that took flight
I'm the one who didn't respect the love I had found
A treasure that shone bright, yet I wore it down

Oh, the sting of regret that pierces my mind
As I replay the nights I left behind
The whispers of 'what if' that haunt my sleep
A bittersweet reminder of love that wept

But even in darkness, a glimmer remains
A chance to mend the fragments of shattered trains
To learn from the past, and to begin anew
To cherish love's beauty, and to make it shine through"

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