Friday, November 30, 2018

the old place………………………………..

thx lord……………………………….. today I visit it……………………………….. and I succeed……………………………….. two places……………………………….. don’t have to be stressed about it anymore……………………………….. I am enjoying it……………………………….. I am being relax……………………………….. I hope the result is okay……………………………….. satisfying……………………………….. get the papers I want ………………………………..


this headache is very severe……………………………….. lord……………………………….. make me strong ……………………………….. make me healthy……………………………….. let me face you……………………………….. don’t let me go……………………………….. don’t give up on me……………………………….. hold me tight……………………………….. lead me home……………………………….. to your place ………………………………..


they don’t ask me to join them before……………………………….. now mrd forgets mentioning my name……………………………….. I am hurt……………………………….. I think it is on purpose……………………………….. my prediction……………………………….. changing the mind……………………………….. I hope he did it unintentionally……………………………….. then mri ask me to join……………………………….. thx lord……………………………….. I feel relieved……………………………….. they plan two camps……………………………….. want to join them all……………………………….. but I have a lot of debts……………………………….. it is scary……………………………….. lord……………………………….. help me please ………………………………..

I did go to the gym before………………………………..

it was very error……………………………….. headache is on……………………………….. very acute……………………………….. but thx lord……………………………….. I survive……………………………….. and I can finish it……………………………….. base on my standard……………………………….. I hope he help……………………………….. grant what I want……………………………….. being healthy……………………………….. being thin……………………………….. being adorable……………………………….. being hot……………………………….. being sexy\……………………………….. being amazing……………………………….. get a person……………………………….. and more……………………………….. much more……………………………….. in his lead……………………………….. in his way……………………………….. in his blessing ………………………………..

don’t have mood………………………………..

don’t have energy……………………………….. very lazy……………………………….. and the stomach is error too……………………………….. I should say yes……………………………….. maybe they want to say something……………………………….. maybe they want to talk……………………………….. and it is the only way……………………………….. coz I am weird……………………………….. always alone……………………………….. always hiding in my room……………………………….. lets do that……………………………….. always find the positive side ………………………………..

white cock…………………

many advantageous………………… when they roar………………… they signal us………………… that angels are coming………………… they say that the white ones are from heaven………………… descendant of the heaven creatures………………… they do block black magic………………… can bring blessing………………… the fish too………………… the fisha and fishk…………………………………… theo do fasting for so long………………… angels do have animals as their pets /…………………

the relationship between husband and wife is the kind of pray............................

whorshipping him............................ devoting ourselves to him............................ both are fragrance............................ do it in so many ways............................ it is danger though............................ the topic is hot............................ it is scary............................ people say a lot of things............................ both positive and negative............................ the danger ones too............................ if you are getting old........................................................ they will say that you arent appropriate to have new kid............................ then it hits you............................ so hard............................ make you down ............................

i am too tired to care,...............................

bout everything,............................... my body and soul,............................... are exhausted,............................... defeated,............................... crushed,............................... dear lord,............................... please come to me,............................... entertain me ,............................... cheer me up,............................... pick me up ,...............................