Thursday, September 12, 2024

12 sep 24 kamis


kuliah pagi

with bu sarwi n bu radika ke perpus

makan di wrg vegi

kuliah sore



the plan


it is changing

as there is before this

want to finish it fast

go back home early

then meet senior

a lot of stories

interesting experiences

want to stay

want to have what he had

hope to get what he had

and more

hope he give me more in this place

much more than back home

hope he allow me to stay longer

much longer than the plan

in his blessings

the work back home


i hope i can still handle it

i dont want others to touch my things

it is me building that thing

from scratch

there were many problems

i faced them ALL

i solve them all

i handle them all

i tackle them all

should i let it go

give it to somebody else

i dont think so

but let him decide

moving places making confused


how to say goodbye

hope all is well

all will be well

i did pay for this place

but let him decide

if i can move then it is good

as there is two big problems

and there is a big opportunity that that will disturb my study

and that is very dangerous

how to move

call for help

i hope all is well

i dont want to disturb others

sorry if in others eyes i am weird

but this is who i am

if they can accept

then it is well

if hey cant accept

then that is their problem with him

as this me made by him

is it not

i wish i can make someone mesmerised


i hope i am able to make someone fall in love with me

i dream to do that

with his help

with his blessings

to the one with good heart

the one with good intention

not someone bad

i hate bad people

it makes life hard

it makes world suffering

and that is not good

i hope he erase all bad people

make them vanish from this world

and then create heaven on earth

that would be pretty

extremely awesome sight



thx to seniors

explain a lot of things

make me feel stupid

but dont be

never late to learn

getting knowledge all the time

till the end of time

there will be something new always

in every time

in every era

in every decade

dont stop learning

dont stop studying

silent most of the time


should say things

there is things to talk to

the voice of the strangers

all the questions available

realizing later

regretting later

sorry you

hope can awaken in the right moment

then thinking of the senior


this mouth is wide shut

should ask for promises

taking to places

the minds come late at the moment

hope there is a chance

and there is a chance

going places

gratitude to the max

the key locks the lips

should ask questions

things to be asked

things to know

things to question

things to understand

more and more

hope there is a chance

and then this thing


yesterday i should drop two

now i have to change course

they said it will be difficult to get score

but all is in his hands

just follow his lead

all has its time

and then this thing

first meeting

listening to her

in her language

beautiful melody

i wish i can understand

i wish i can perform

i will learn this

with his help

to master everything

that person


that being

dont konw yet


want to know more

if he allows

may he help me to know more

to understand more

to be close

to build haven together

to live happily ever after

to make ourselves happy

to make others proud

to make him agree

to have his blessings

to be in his shadow

to be in his embrace

to be one with him