Friday, July 12, 2024

12 juli 24 jumat


12 juli 24 jumat









"Your support is a lifeline, a beacon in the night

 "Your support is a lifeline, a beacon in the night

A constant reminder that I'm not alone in this fight
You stay by my side, through every stormy weather
A rock, a shelter, a haven, where I can gather

Your understanding is a balm to my soul
A soothing presence that makes me whole
You see beyond the surface, to the depths within
And offer guidance, and a helping hand to begin

Your help is a gift, a treasure to behold
A bridge that spans the chasm, that my doubts and fears unfold
You lift me up, when I'm stuck and worn
And help me find my footing, on the path that I've forlorn

I'm lost without you, adrift in an endless sea
Powerless without your love, that sets me free
I'm nothing without your touch, your words of kindness too
For in your presence, I find my purpose, my truth anew

You are the missing piece, that makes me whole again
The missing beat, that makes my heart sing and sustain
You are the anchor that holds me tight
The safe haven where I can take flight"

"Thank you for the love, thank you for the fight

 "Thank you for the love, thank you for the fight

For putting up with my storms, and my endless night
I know I'm stubborn, I know I can be a test
But that's just me, that's who I am, I confess

I crave to win, to conquer, to be the best
To prove myself, to pass the ultimate test
But in your eyes, I see a different light
A gentle understanding, a patient, loving sight

You step back, you let me take control
And though it hurts, it's a freedom I've been told
To learn to navigate, to find my own way
To discover myself, come what may

But oh, how hard it is to let go
To surrender to my own ego
To trust in someone else's gentle hand
And let them lead me, through this chaotic land

I am uncontrollable, a wild and restless sea
But in your love, I find a stillness, a place to be me
You anchor me down, you calm my stormy mind
And though I stumble, you're always there to guide"

"I left you behind, like a broken thing

 "I left you behind, like a broken thing

A shattered dream, a heart that's lost its wing
I couldn't bear the weight of our entwined fate
I needed space, I needed escape, I needed to create

My freedom was more important than your heart's desire
I craved the thrill of adventure, the rush of fire
I wanted to be free, to dance in the open air
To chase my dreams, to leave my doubts and fears bare

You were a burden to me, a weight that I couldn't bear
A constant reminder of the love we'd shared
But little did I know, as I walked away
That you were the anchor that held me fast, come what may

Now I'm left with emptiness, with only memories to cling
To the laughter we shared, to the tears we'd bring
I'm haunted by the ghosts of what could've been
If only I had stayed, if only I had been kinder then

But it's too late now, the damage is done
I've left you in despair, with only memories to atone
I'll wander alone, through the darkness and the night
Searching for solace, for a love that's lost its light"

"I inflicted wounds, like a wounded beast

 "I inflicted wounds, like a wounded beast

And you, dear one, bore them with gentle ease
You didn't fight back, just let the tears fall like rain
As I ravaged your heart, and left it in vain

Your solitude was a sanctuary, a place to hide
From the storm that raged within me, from the demons I couldn't subside
I drew strength from your silence, your quiet despair
And used it to fuel my rage, my self-destructive care

You didn't deserve it, but I gave it to you all the same
A toxic love, a poisonous game
And as the years went by, I only got worse
A cyclone of emotions, a maelstrom of curses

I'm ashamed to say, I reveled in your pain
A masochistic thrill, a twisted game
But as the silence grew, and the tears subsided too
I saw the damage I'd done, and the emptiness I'd imbued

I'm left with only regret, for what I've done to you
For breaking your heart, for shattering your truth
If only I could turn back time, to undo the harm I've done
To hold you close, and whisper 'I'm sorry', until the dawn is won"

"In the depths of my soul, a mirror stares

 "In the depths of my soul, a mirror stares

Reflecting all the mistakes, the scars, and the snares
I made you suffer, I caused you pain
And in return, I reaped the same in vain

My stupidity, a plague that I can't define
A virus that infects, and makes me lose my shine
I thought I was right, but was I blind?
I won the arguments, but lost our heart and mind

You tried to cope with me, to be my guide
But I was too dense, too proud to hide
My flaws and fears, my insecurities reign
And in the end, I'm left with only shame and pain

I'm an idiot in all aspects, it's true
In every pore, in every thought, in everything I do
I'm a failure, a loser, a clown
But mostly, I'm just a broken heart, lying on the ground

But in your eyes, I see a glimmer of light
A chance for redemption, a chance to make it right
To learn from my mistakes, to grow from my pain
To be worthy of your love, to love you again"

"Sands of sorrow slip, like grains of sand

 "Sands of sorrow slip, like grains of sand

Through my clenched fists, as you slowly fade to stand
I grip hard, but it's too late
The moments lost, the memories irate
I thought I had you, but you slipped away
Like grains of sand, in an endless bay

I linger still, with fingers tight
But only shadows remain, in the fading light
Your touch is gone, your warmth is cold
Leaving me with only tears, to unfold

In the vast expanse, of emptiness I roam
Searching for the pieces, of our love now gone
But like the sands of time, they slip away
Leaving me with only memories, of what could have stayed

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time
To hold you close, and make our love align
But fate is cruel, and time is unkind
And all I'm left with is this lingering mind

In this endless sea, of what could have been
I'll wander alone, with only shadows unseen"

"In twilight's hush, where shadows play

 "In twilight's hush, where shadows play

I whisper secrets, to the fading day
If you could see, the demons that reside
In this soul of mine, where darkness won't subside

I'm a canvas stained, with every mistake
A tapestry of flaws, that I can't erase
I'm a virus spreading, through every pore
A plague that infects, and leaves scars galore

But still, I dream, of your gentle touch
Of being seen, without this crushing clutch
Of being loved, despite my darkest night
Of being saved, from this endless fight

But fear holds me back, like chains of shame
From revealing truths, that would bring me to blame
I'm afraid to be seen, in all my decay
To be rejected, and sent away

Yet, in your eyes, I see a glimmer of hope
A chance to start anew, a chance to cope
With the weight of my past, and the demons I've fed
A chance to heal, and plant a new seed

But for now, I'll keep my distance true
And hope that someday, you'll see me anew
Not as a virus, but as a soul on fire
Longing to be saved, and set free from my darkest desire"

"In silence, I listen to your pain

 "In silence, I listen to your pain

As words cut deep, like a heart in vain
You think I'm the poison, that's draining your light
The one who brings darkness, to your endless night

But little do you know, I'm just as lost
A soul adrift, on a sea of frost
I too am searching, for a guiding star
A beacon to lead me, from this place so far

But I'm trapped in this prison, of your despair
A cell that's dark, with no key to repair
I try to escape, but it's hard to break free
From the chains of doubt, that bind me to thee

I wish I had the strength, to take a stand
To shatter these chains, and hold your hand
To be the sunshine, that brightens your day
To be the shelter, where you can find your way

But alas, I'm frozen still, like a statue gray
A prisoner of fear, in this endless gray
I long to be free, to be me once more
To rise above this darkness, and soar"