Friday, July 12, 2024

"Thank you for the love, thank you for the fight

 "Thank you for the love, thank you for the fight

For putting up with my storms, and my endless night
I know I'm stubborn, I know I can be a test
But that's just me, that's who I am, I confess

I crave to win, to conquer, to be the best
To prove myself, to pass the ultimate test
But in your eyes, I see a different light
A gentle understanding, a patient, loving sight

You step back, you let me take control
And though it hurts, it's a freedom I've been told
To learn to navigate, to find my own way
To discover myself, come what may

But oh, how hard it is to let go
To surrender to my own ego
To trust in someone else's gentle hand
And let them lead me, through this chaotic land

I am uncontrollable, a wild and restless sea
But in your love, I find a stillness, a place to be me
You anchor me down, you calm my stormy mind
And though I stumble, you're always there to guide"

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