Monday, October 31, 2022

maybe it is that


i was drag

and i am highly self conscious

holy moly

it seems all eyes are on me

it was weird

i tried to let go of her grab

but i could not

i just let her drag me

from the last row

to the second row


i go crazy because of this kind of thing

but now

i just let it be

i dont care

i try not to care

tho i still care

but not as much as it used to be

now i think differently

i react differently

because of those dreams

my unrealistic dreams

my unrealistic wishes

my crazy hopes

i dream to be famous

and be crazy rich

and it happens just now

in that kind of sense

maybe it is that

or maybe it is him

who forces me to act this way

to react this way

to think differently from before

as i got older

i should get wiser

but i dont think i reach that level yet

all in all

my way of thinking is just the same with the youngrr me

the kid version of me

31 okt 22 senen


31 okt 22 senen




