Tuesday, August 6, 2024

6 agustus 24 selasa


6 agustus 24 selasa




rapat fakultas



as the first stone


My aim is good

Take care of early


To take care of the next steps

The long ones

But the first steps have already been attacked


Basically, if you can leave, go straight away

All that's left

If necessary, don't go back

Here it is done like rotten eggs

God bless you

May God protect you

and my mouth is leaking again

i hate that

may god help me to keep my mouth shut in the future

no more leaking

feeling so bad

just say the dreams to him only

and ask him may he grant the dream

to go there first

as the first stone

and then leap to other places

get offer from other places

and can do them all

one by one

for the rest of my life

go places

and getting paid

that would be nice

rumpun ilmu