got an interview call…………………………………………
don't repeat the old one…………………………………………
boast it everywhere…………………………………………
these are all secrets…………………………………………
between me and him…………………………………………
if you want to show off…………………………………………
showing off to him…………………………………………
all ask for help…………………………………………
ask for blessing…………………………………………
in order to be accepted…………………………………………
want to go home…………………………………………
want to meet mrss…………………………………………
but lil sis wes already there…………………………………………
accepted this situation…………………………………………
with big heart …………………………………………
want to ask for a prayer of blessing…………………………………………
but scared like the old days…………………………………………
ultimately failed…………………………………………
so really reluctant…………………………………………
just him and him only …………………………………………………………….