Friday, January 14, 2011
film bigasan
film bigasan
The people of a small poor town struggle every day to get rice on the table, their only source of hope a government truck that sells rice at lower prices. Every day they make compromises on their dignity in order to line up behind the truck to get something to eat for the day.
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film eskandalo
film eskandalo
I just watched the film ESKANDALO last night in lieu with current events that lurks showbiz-landia and the lobby of justice system against celebrities out to ‘kill’ each other in public. It made public last year created by Joven M Tan starring Ms. Snooky Serna, Paolo Rivero, Emilio Garcia and Andrew Schimmer. The movie itself revolves around Benny (Emilio Garcia), the only son of well known family whose father were a retired general has well kept her sexuality to a minimum level until he met Lance (Andrew Schimmer) who works as a masseur and moonlights as a hustler. Though the story line is thin and the dilemma were quite shallow (Though lance has the physique and the looks of an Adonis, his penis is too small that leads his wife to leave him and triggers insanity every time he was mocked by his customers because of his inadequate ‘offer’), the creator has been able to deliver and etched out underlying values that keeps the movie afloat including – love, honor, family duty, poverty and the life of an old gay man who lives in a box and still confused of his actions.
Thank God with its actors and supporting cast this gives the film bearable to watch. Hooray to Ms Snooky Serna on making a leap off from her comfort zone and taking the character as it is as Andrew’s overbearing sibling who sees his brother no less than a one peso coin. Though some scenes are too theatrics and some are too lengthy (including each dining scene of Benny’s family) , the film has gave enough promise that even I would recommend.
Emilio Garcia’s performance has captured a character of an older gay professor who classically displays an out and proud homo in front of other people but still hides its true self in front of thy family. . He gave a face to matured old gay guys who came out maybe round their late 20’s who is just starting to know and explore the ‘gay life’ . . So you bet my ass that they are still naïve on some details of being gay that they are scared to explore when they were still young and too old to make mistakes including falling in love with a hustler /masseur and hoping that he is the knight in shining armor that “all girls hoped for”.
I love Emilio!!! He played the part so well that I have been able to see myself in bits and pieces. As we all know, I’m no longer on my tweens and will be joining the ranks of fully pledged 30’s. I like how he handles his lines whenever he talks with his friend and colleague played by Paolo Serrano. Lines such ‘hoy bakla, itigil mo nga yung bunganga mo at baka may makarinig”.
I always love Paolo Rivero!!! The classic ‘paminta’ looking with a mouth of a thrasher which I dearly love. A lot of my friends have a foul mouth such as that – frank, honest until your teeth bleeds. Nevertheless, I still treasure them friends since they are the only people in the world who could give an honest advice if I needed some spanking. They will also be the first people who will lift me up when I’m laying at the gutter. One scene that I like so much is by the time he visits Emilio at his house after he were confined for several days. He has a bouquet of flowers as a token to Emilio. But instead of giving in a classical fashion, he throws it instead. Hahahahahaha! I don’t know, maybe it’s just me who enjoys it.
Andrew Schimmer’s debut performance as a masseur / hustler is not considerably the ‘peak of his performance’. Given the fact that he this is his debut and the actor needs more workshops, we could give him the benefit by giving all the full efforts in playing the apart. What makes him passed my scorecard is his ability to speak through his eyes. He got this set of eyes which gives him an edge off from new actors who tried the ‘sexy’ path to gain popularity. We cannot ignore the fact that he got a great body but any Juan Dela Cruz has the same package which they could offer the audience. Hell, you could even gain the fantasies of gay men even without clothes and posing in magazines but no one could beat you if you have the ability to act.
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film hikbi - cry for redemption
film hikbi - cry for redemption
seorg gay jatuh cinta pd tukang becak. kmd si tukang becak jd piaraannya. s gay mengenalkan tukang becak pd dunia gay. kmd s gay cemburu krn si tukang becak kencan dg gay2 lain. s gay lbh cemburu lg ketika s tukang becak punya pacar cewek. dlm patah hatinya s gay mencari hiburan dg menyewa byk gigolodan mabuk2an.
kmd s tukang becak minta kembali. awalnya s gay tdk mau. namun akhirnya s ay menerima s tukang becak beserta istri dan anaknya
mp: ga da subtitelnya...hiks...
film from the edge of the city
film from the edge of the city
kehidupan para pemuda imigran d athena yunani. shasha berteman dg mucikari, gergio. dia ditugasi mjd bodyguard pelacurnya, natasha.
dia jatuh cinta pdnya dan membawanya lari. gergio berhasil menemukannya. mrk berkelahi. gergio meninggal. natasha lari dan jatuh k mucikari lain.
panagioti mjd gigolo dan jatuh cinta pd kliennya, niko. kliennya berusaha menghindar. panagioti bunuh diri d apartemen niko. niko menemukannya dan membawanya k rumah sakit.
anesti mencandu dg pilipo. sampai akhirnya anesti mati od. pilipo membuang mayatnya k tengah laut.
film straight jacket
film straight jacket
guy adl bintang hollywood. managernya, jerry berusaha menyembunyikan identitas gaynya.
produsernya, saul menikahkannya dg sekretarisnya, sally. guy jatuh cinta pd seorg penulis, rick. musuhnya sesama bintang holywod, fredie mengungkapkan perselingkuhanya dg rick. karir guy hancur. dia hidup bersama rick. jerry mencarinya atas suruhan saul. atasan saul, ray ingin membuat siaran lsg ttg pengakuan guy. awalnya rick tdk setuju, namun akhirnya dia mengijinkannya. ray berusaha mengorek siapa saja para gay yg menyembunyikan identitasnya. namun guy tdk mau membuka rahasia. ray marah. sally membelanya.
mp: i wish i had a woman who love me dearly no matter what....
film and the spring breeze whisper
film and the spring breeze whisper
tamo yaganishita
keisuke kato
yasuka saito
yukihiro takiguchi
tetsuyo makita
wataru hatano
ryo sakaguchi
hiroki aiba
takumi adl murid yg human pobia. temannya, tosihisa memberitahu bahwa dia punya roomate baru, gee. gee mengaku jatuh cinta pdnya. izumi cemburu dan berusaha melukainya. michio mencegahnya dan mrk menyadari saling jatuh cinta.
daisuke nozaki dan gee mengadakan taruhan utk memperebutkan takumi.
syozo memberitahu takumi ttg taruhan mrk. takumi dtg dan mendukung gee. gee menang. takumi mengaku ttg masa lalunya sbg korban kakaknya.
mp: sweettttttttttttttttttt
film before i forget
film before i forget
seorg mantan gigolo yg sdh tua hidup sendirian d apartemenya. dia depresi. dia menderita aids. pacarnya baru saja meninggal. dia tdk mendptkan warisan krn direbut keluarganya. dia curhat pd teman2nya yg jg para mantan gigolo. dia jg berlangganan dg byk gigolo. utk mengatasi depresi dia menjalani perawatan dg psikolog. dia jg menulis utk menghilangkan keinginan bunuh dirinya.
film praxis
film amsterdam
film amsterdam
khaled adl imigran gelap dr moroko yg hidup d belanda. dia bersahabat dg pasangan gay, philip n george. mrk bertetangga dg keluarga jrman, lena dan hein, dan naka mrk, hana.
khaled berpacaran dg roos. dia berprofesi sbg pencuri. dia bekerja sama dg saudara roos, sajak dan jony. dia mempunyai seorg penadah, wilem. ibu roos, maria tdk setuju dg hub mrk.
abdul dtg dr maroko tk mencari khaled krn ayah mrk sekarat. dia dikerjai seorg pedofilia namun berhasil lolos, namun tasnya hilang. dia mjd gelandangan dan ditangkap polisi, martin. awalnya martin curiga pd nya, namun akhirnya percaya dg ceritanya. martin mengaku bahwa khaled adl penjahat yg dicari d amsterdam. ketika ayah mrk meninggal martin mengirim abdul kembali k maroko.
suatu saat roos bertemu dg jon. jon adl pria dr new york yg sdg berlibur dg istrinya, dona. dia selingkuh dg roos. roos menolak lamarn khaled. khaled kecewa dan pdkt pd hanna.
lena dan hein saling bertengkar. philip dan george melerai dan mengajaknya minum bir. selesai minum bir, mrk kaget karavanya hilang.
sajak dan jony mengkhianati khaled dg berhub lsg dg wilem. mrk ingin membunuh khaled. gagal menemukan khaled, mrk mencuri karavan keluarga hana. mrk dipergoki hana. hana dan khaled jd sandera. dlm pelarian, mrk menabrak jon. khaled dan sajak berhasil melarikan diri. jony terluka dan mengaku pd polisi ttg semuanya.
sajak ditangkap d rmhnya dan semua brg disita. roos patah hati krn jon tdk dtg menemuinya. dia pul dan dimarahi maria.
jon lumpuh dan dona mendampinginya. khaled pul k maroko tepat saat penguburan ayahnya.
kamis 13 1 11
senin 10 1 11
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