7 juni 24 jumat
just put any comment on my blog
and it is still dark
i cant see a thing
nothing is in my sight
only pitch black
that make my brain go wander
all of the negativities
that is scary
dont want this kind of things
want a happy thing
the things that make you laugh and smile
the things that bring floer to your hearts
roses and sunflowers
red and yellow
just like your words
nothing in one meaning
all ambiguous intention
that lead you to the puzzled room
that lock your heart and mind
that trap your soul
and it happen again
the problem arises
shot the dead
make them zombie
eating the corpse
drinking the blood
tasty rosy water
igniting you to do things
beyond believe
imagining flying
then flying from the roof
high to the ground
grund of the breakable hearts
coming undone
pieces to pieces
scattered all over the corners
till the border of imaginary land
where the faces are colorful
and the feet are gracefully dancing
to the beat of the veins