Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It maybe that……………

Yesterday I wished to have it…………… Then I want to show off…………… That…………… That is so wrong in many ways…………… Now I change my perception…………… I still hope to get it…………… But no intention to share…………… To boast…………… It will be only for me…………… Privately…………… And for god of course…………… And the dream continues…………… Me still being me…………… Teaching…………… That person…………… Continue studying…………… Graduating…………… Getting a job…………… Getting settle…………… Getting blessed…………… From your part…………… From his part…………… From my part…………… That would be nice ……………


I swear I am in so much pain………………… Mentally………………… A heavy stressed on my head………………… It is like there are a lot of things chasing me………………… Making proposal………………… Learning ielts………………… Registering doctoral………………… Finding scholarship………………… Hunting supervisor………………… Searching loa………………… Oh my god………………… This way………………… I can see them………………… The problems………………… So………………… The solution is………………… Making priority………………… The closest is learning English………………… Making proposal Then finding supervisor………………… Registering doctoral………………… Next getting loa………………… Searching scholarship………………… Help me god………………… I will try my best………………… The result is on your hand …………………