Thursday, May 30, 2024

How long



That time

When the guardian of the galaxy did something stupid

That affect me dearly

Irritate me awesomely

Let's see

How long

The sign tho

It is late

It should be earlier than this

But let it be

Just start counting now

No worries

All is well

And it is what it is

All happen for a reason

Though I don’t know the reason

Only he knows the reason

But I wonder

If he ever will allow me to know the reason

Behind all this kind of things

That confuse me a lot

Making me thinking and wondering

Whether it is alright or it is grandly explosive

Bombing the itchy hearts

From all men standing tall

Behind doors and windows

Shadowing the ghosts

That already run away

flaunt their fakeness to the whole world


arriving at the palace

want to do stuff

but the darkness fall above head

must be strong

it will not make me weak

hope the fire within still flaring till the last day of judgement

to burn all evilness around

that shown in their smiling faces

holy moly

that is so disgusting

how come they do that

being fake

and being gracefully confident to flaunt their fakeness to the whole world