Saturday, June 29, 2024

29 juni 24 sabtu


29 juni 24 sabtu




And wait for the next time, my heart anew


Oh, the month of color, how I adore

The vibrant hues that fill my heart and soul

I am so sad to see it come to an end

I want to be colorful, my spirit to mend

The skies were bright, the flowers were bold

The world was a canvas, stories to be told

I basked in the sun, my heart full of cheer

I didn't want the month to disappear

But alas, all good things must come to an end

The month of color, my heart's best friend

I'll hold on to the memories, dear and true

And wait for the next time, my heart anew

So farewell, dear month, I'll miss you so

But I'll keep your colors, forever to grow

In my heart and mind, they'll always shine

The month of color, a memory divine.

and that's all that's clear.


What a tangled web of emotions you weave,

A knot of confusion, a sea of uncertainty to leave,

"What did I do?" you cry, with a heart full of pain,

"Why do they treat me this way, and cause me such strain?"

Did I do them wrong? You question with a heavy heart,

And though you search for answers, they're torn apart,

By doubts and fears that whisper, "You're to blame, it's true",

But deep within, a voice whispers back to you, "I love you."

They try to ruin me, to bring me to my knees,

To hurt and torture me, with words that cut like breeze,

But I must be strong, as He loves me dearly,

And in His love, I find the strength to persevere.

Like a fortress built on rock, my faith stands tall and wide,

A refuge from the storms that rage and try to divide,

I'll not be shaken by the doubts that creep in the night,

For God's love is my anchor, my guiding light.

So I'll stand firm in His promise, a promise that's true,

A promise of love and redemption, made just for me and you,

And though the world may try to bring me down,

I'll rise above the noise, and wear my crown.

For I am a child of God, beloved and dear,

And in His love, I find the strength to wipe away each tear,

I'll not be swayed by the whispers of doubt and fear,

For I am loved by God, and that's all that's clear.

I'll rise above the darkest night.


The whispers spread, like autumn leaves on the ground,

Of doubts and fears, that seek to wound,

They try to block my path, with obstacles and pain,

To silence my voice, and snuff out my gain.

But I stand tall, like a tree that's rooted deep,

My roots of faith, a stronghold where I keep,

My heart beats strong, like a drum in the night,

I refuse to let them silence me, without a fight.

Their words may cut like knives, their actions may sting,

But I wrap myself in armor, like a shield that clings,

I focus on the truth, like a beacon shining bright,

And let the light of hope, dispel the dark of night.

They may try to trip me up, with hidden snares and traps,

But I walk by faith, with eyes that see beyond the maps,

I know the God who guides me, is stronger than their might,

And with His help, I'll rise above the darkest night.

For every attempt to block me, is an opportunity to grow,

A chance to deepen my roots, and let my spirit glow,

I'll not be deterred by doubts and fears so base,

For I am a child of God, with a purpose that's set in place.

that never grows old.


Her presence, a symphony of gentle hue,

A melody that whispers sweet nothings true,

A reflection of God's love, shining bright and clear,

A reminder of His purpose, drawing near.

Like a ray of sunshine, she illuminates the way,

Guiding me through life's journey, come what may,

Her touch, a balm to soothe the soul's deep pain,

A love that heals and lifts, like a gentle summer rain.

Her eyes, like pools of kindness, deep and wide,

Reflect the depths of God's love, where I reside,

Her smile, a work of art, a masterpiece divine,

A brushstroke of heaven's hand, painting her so fine.

For God placed her in my life, for reason and for might,

To teach me lessons, to guide me through the night,

To show me His love, in every glance and every sigh,

To remind me of His presence, as I wander by.

Like a compass pointing true, she shows me the way,

Through life's twists and turns, to a brighter day,

Her love is a gift, a treasure to behold,

A reminder of God's love, that never grows old.

So I'll hold her close, like a precious gem so rare,

And cherish every moment, with love beyond compare,

For she is a blessing, sent from above so true,

A reminder of God's love, shining through.

"I am strong, I have passed".


The tempest rages on, with winds that howl and roar,

A torrent of turmoil, that threatens to devour,

The calm within, the stillness of the soul,

As darkness closes in, like a shroud to enfold.

Like a shipwrecked sailor, clinging to the deck,

Their heart beats fast, as the waves crash and wreck,

Their eyes fixed on the horizon, searching for a guide,

As the storm's fury rages, their spirit's pride.

Yet, in the eye of the storm, they find a spark,

A glimmer of resolve, a light in the dark,

A voice within that whispers, "You are strong and free",

A beacon of hope, that guides them through the sea.

Like a lighthouse standing tall, they stand firm and bright,

Against the tempest's roar, they hold their ground in fight,

Their feet rooted deep, their spirit unbroken and true,

They face the storms of life, with a heart anew.

For in the turmoil's depths, they discover their might,

A strength that rises up, like a beacon in the night,

A courage that shines forth, like a radiant ray of light,

A resilience that whispers, "I am strong, I will fight".

And when the storm subsides, and calm begins to reign,

They emerge anew, with scars that tell their tale of pain,

But also with a wisdom, gained from facing the test,

A wisdom that whispers, "I am strong, I have passed".

A never-ending quest,


The pinnacle of dreams, where aspirations rise,

A peak that pierces the clouds, where hopes realize,

The summit of the soul, where hearts find their rest,

The top of the world, where love is blessed.

Like a climber's steady hand, that reaches for the sky,

Their spirit stretches forth, to touch the heavens high,

With every step, with every breath, they draw anear,

To the zenith of their goal, where doubts disappear.

Like a beacon on the mount, their dreams shine bright and bold,

Guiding them upward, through trials and through cold,

Through treacherous terrain, through stormy weather's roar,

Their hearts remain steadfast, their resolve forever in store.

And when they finally reach, the summit's highest height,

Their eyes gaze out upon the world's delight,

A panoramic view of life's tapestry so grand,

A masterpiece of wonder, at their command.

For in that moment, they behold the infinite and wide,

The universe's vast expanse, where their spirit resides,

Their soul expands to fill the space, unconfined and free,

As they bask in the radiance of their highest destiny.

And though they've reached the top, they know it's not an end,

For there's still more to climb, for life has no descending trend,

But a new peak rises high, another mountain to ascend,

A never-ending quest, to reach the very best within.

In harmony,


In tandem, like two threads intertwined,

Their hearts beat as one, a bond divine,

In harmony, they sway to life's rhythm bold,

Together, their love shines like a beacon to unfold.

Like rays of sun that merge into one bright light,

Their love converges, banishing the darkest night,

As waves that crash upon the shore, they meet,

In oneness, their love beats, a rhythm so sweet.

Together they stand, hand in hand, as one,

Through life's joys and tears, their love is won,

A bond of trust, of laughter and of tears,

Through all of life's triumphs and all its fears.

Like two leaves on the same branch, they're tied,

Their love a strength that time cannot divide,

Through every storm, they weather the test,

And in each other's eyes, find their eternal nest.

Together they'll walk, through every step of the way,

Through every sunrise, through every endless day,

With every breath, with every beat of their heart,

Their love will flourish, a work of art.

For in each other's presence, they're complete,

A whole that's greater than the sum of their feet,

Their love a tapestry, rich and bold and bright,

A masterpiece that shines with the beauty of light.

where stars hide their face,


In twilight's hush, where shadows play,

Two souls entwined in sorrow's sway,

Their hearts beating as one, in pain,

In longing's dark and endless plain.

Like sunbeams that yearn to caress the moon's pale glow,

They stretch out, hand in hand, to meet the unknown below,

Unaware of what the fates may bring,

Their love a flame that fiercely clings.

Like Abraham's anguish, as he lifted high his son,

A sacrifice to the heavens, a heart that's torn within,

Their love a sacrifice, a tender plight,

A heavy burden, weighed against the light.

In this dark night, where stars hide their face,

Two hearts beat as one, a love that takes its place,

Among the stars, a celestial sea,

A love that longs to be free.

Yet, even in sorrow, love will find a way,

To hold on to the fleeting light of day,

For in each other's eyes, they'll find their strength,

A bond that time and space cannot contend.

Together they'll walk, hand in hand, through life's dark night,

Guided by the stars that shine with all their might,

And though their love may pierce the heart like a knife,

It will also heal the wounds of time and strife.

For in each other's arms, they'll find solace true,

A love that echoes the eternal sighs anew,

A symphony of longing, of yearning deep,

A love that beats like a drum, in eternal sleep.

memori dies natalis