Saturday, June 29, 2024

where stars hide their face,


In twilight's hush, where shadows play,

Two souls entwined in sorrow's sway,

Their hearts beating as one, in pain,

In longing's dark and endless plain.

Like sunbeams that yearn to caress the moon's pale glow,

They stretch out, hand in hand, to meet the unknown below,

Unaware of what the fates may bring,

Their love a flame that fiercely clings.

Like Abraham's anguish, as he lifted high his son,

A sacrifice to the heavens, a heart that's torn within,

Their love a sacrifice, a tender plight,

A heavy burden, weighed against the light.

In this dark night, where stars hide their face,

Two hearts beat as one, a love that takes its place,

Among the stars, a celestial sea,

A love that longs to be free.

Yet, even in sorrow, love will find a way,

To hold on to the fleeting light of day,

For in each other's eyes, they'll find their strength,

A bond that time and space cannot contend.

Together they'll walk, hand in hand, through life's dark night,

Guided by the stars that shine with all their might,

And though their love may pierce the heart like a knife,

It will also heal the wounds of time and strife.

For in each other's arms, they'll find solace true,

A love that echoes the eternal sighs anew,

A symphony of longing, of yearning deep,

A love that beats like a drum, in eternal sleep.

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