Saturday, June 29, 2024

In harmony,


In tandem, like two threads intertwined,

Their hearts beat as one, a bond divine,

In harmony, they sway to life's rhythm bold,

Together, their love shines like a beacon to unfold.

Like rays of sun that merge into one bright light,

Their love converges, banishing the darkest night,

As waves that crash upon the shore, they meet,

In oneness, their love beats, a rhythm so sweet.

Together they stand, hand in hand, as one,

Through life's joys and tears, their love is won,

A bond of trust, of laughter and of tears,

Through all of life's triumphs and all its fears.

Like two leaves on the same branch, they're tied,

Their love a strength that time cannot divide,

Through every storm, they weather the test,

And in each other's eyes, find their eternal nest.

Together they'll walk, through every step of the way,

Through every sunrise, through every endless day,

With every breath, with every beat of their heart,

Their love will flourish, a work of art.

For in each other's presence, they're complete,

A whole that's greater than the sum of their feet,

Their love a tapestry, rich and bold and bright,

A masterpiece that shines with the beauty of light.

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