Sunday, December 21, 2008

cur minggu

cur minggu

come to mbak nunung's wedding party with hafidz. eat a lot. then accompany hafidz to his office. damn it took a long time. but i can read the newspaper. it is a rare thing for me to do. ususally i do not like to read a heavy stuff.

cur sabtu

cur sabtu

my laptop is broken again. the sound is not working. i hate this situation. i thought i use it carefully, just like other, i do not do it for something dangerous. but why it is always like this? i take it to the store. he advise me to bring it directly to the accer center. then i take it home. then i regret my decision. maybe i should drop it in the store. i hate to search the place i do not know.

cur jumat

cur jumat

saving money in bank, get from my mom. thank you mom for adding my saving. hope can do the same to u soon

cur kamis

cur kamis

meeting in campus. get free food. but make me cancel my fasting. i dont know about myself anymore, lately i can not control myself from breaking my fasting a lot.

cur rabu

cur rabu

back to semarang. ohhhhhhhhhhhh feel hopeless.........jobless denk. it should make me happy coz i have a lot of time to do my thesis. but my heart feels remote