Saturday, March 12, 2022

i know


i know

that i should not have negative thoughts

that i should always be positive

but this one is stuck in my head

so just let me write it

let me let it out in the open


after i let it all out

i dont think about it anymore

the thing is

that i think badly about my referees

the two of them

both of them

i think they said bad things about me in their letter

thats why i dont get accepted

i hope it doesnt true tho

i really hope so

on that account

i plan to ask for another reference from the government

and from mister rector

i hope both of them willing to give me reference

and i hope their references can get me through




i think

one of the reasons i dont get scholarship is that

he think that i am not worthy


in this times

i try to be good

to ge really good all the time

to be positive in all condition

get away all negative in me

so maybe he will think that i am worthy

and he will send me there

the edu people explain


the edu people explain

that he understand edu people

that he understand lecturers of private universities

that we have to be on queue

and when our time arrive

we will be over age

that is why he promise to make new rule to accomodate our situation

and i do really hope it works

i do hope god help him and his team

as the calculation goes

people with doctoral degree will be retire in sixty five

people with scholarship should dedicate himself to the country for an amount of time

two en plus two

if you study for five years

it goes two times five plus two

it results twelve

if you substract sixty five with twelve it becomes fifty two

hence the new rule

fifty two

it was


it was

in the hand of edu minister

and of course it has rule made by edu minister

then it got snatched by monetery minister

and of course it has rule made by monetery minister

which is totally ridicilous

now it got snacthed back by edu minister

and they try to make new rule

that makes sense

that help edu people


i think edu minister is the one that understand edu people

hope it works

hope i can be a part of it