24 mei 24 jumat
sarapan nasi padang ungaran
jumatan at temanggung
maksi at warong djoglo wonosobo
otw piknik eror
nanjak macet udan
ngempon eror
diner at angkringan ungaran
just put any comment on my blog
sarapan nasi padang ungaran
jumatan at temanggung
maksi at warong djoglo wonosobo
otw piknik eror
nanjak macet udan
ngempon eror
diner at angkringan ungaran
and up
and i cant handle it anymore
the jam is sticky as hell
holding me back underneath
and the dark envelope the darken soul
it is perfect isnt it
and the glue showering the jealous body
making it all awesomely in the fake state
it is all on me
the chariot and the horses
the rider of the horses
and the controller of the wind
the wooden coat of the master
the question is
what happen to you
what happen with you
what the effing world is going on
but all is well
must be patient
must be always be in positive state
no matter what
wahtaever happen
lets dance and sing
leats smile and laugh