the road to love is never smooth
believe me baby
it is full headache
it is hurtful
it is painful
it if full of suffering
you cry alot
till the tears in you is dry out
and it still that way
you just cant easily erase the things
that feelings in your heart
it ruins you
but it doesnt disappear
you try so hard to do things
to do many things
many things to destry it
but it blooms
blooming in your heart beautifully
it chokes you
there is nothing you can do
you just have to accept it
enjoy the feelings
it drags you down
you go down with it
it drowns you good
you go under water with it
you breath the water
you let it runs to your veins
replacing the blood
and just that
you do hope you are exploded
you do wish that
you pray so hard it will happen